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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I think what John is on about, A few years ago the dorset council ruled that steel tracks would not be aloud on the roads due to damage they may clause ????? Al
  2. Yes see darrells conversion looks goood its a duch or beglam 101. There is a few Bedford MJs/Mks conversion around there is one on Ebay at the moment. In brum we have a few of these. A 432 will be easy to convert! of course there is a Morries !!!!Al
  3. Its looking good, keep posting the updates, very intresting. Al
  4. Hopfully some more items as well Al :cool2::cool2:
  5. I have heard that a metor engine was placed in a crusader and was used for a speed trial brown trousers were issued for the driver ! Al
  6. Buzz! he only paints Tanks and Planes! you will be sleeping with her then!
  7. :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: not a morris ! Look forward to seeing it I hope its up to the museums standard. Al
  8. Al you will need the deact cert it is proff that has been deactevated in acordance with law, Jeep ! surely a morrise. Al
  9. I can only agree with you I went last year and watched the show and was very good shame it will not be there this year Al
  10. It would be good to see it up and running under its own power one day. Alec
  11. Planing to work on Green things away from it all ! Al
  12. I have been involed with Chris on a number of filmings with John Pearson,Chris is very nice and always take time to have a chat when we see him, he as a love of machines how thay work and the history behind them he dos know what he is talking about not like Kyle. Al
  13. Order been placed will be at withams in a few years. Al
  14. You had a nice day for it. I take its running good.Al
  15. I agree with what andy says, everyone wishes to have there favorte Tank restored and running but in the real world it costs alot more than we can affored. May be one day it will happen. Personaly I would like to see a British WW1 tank restored to a running example but that will not happen.Al
  16. Yes Andy is a handy bloke who,s size is usefull for fitting in tight places in the tank museums workshops on workshop freinds weekends. :thumbsup:
  17. You may be correct but there is alot of smoke discharges out there with slots and disconected, a freind of mine had to do it when a firearms officer visited. Each firearms department in the diffrent police forces here in the UK are not consitent with applying the firearms act with each other. AL
  18. I will think that you will find that they have been deactive by disconecting/removal of the wiring firing system and a slot machined in the discharger body. Al
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