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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I think you maybe correct I think the TK is the civiy vershion of the MK in 2 wheel drive but I maybe wrong. Al
  2. Thanks I have seen it Al
  3. Very intresting any more? Al
  4. John Pearson is the valentine expert he will help. Al
  5. Big Al


    Just remember this is only the start of things to come! Al
  6. I have been talking to a friend who was an instucter on MK/MJ's its a common fault and something you will after get used to, at least you will stop. Al
  7. Before the snow stops emails ! I would like to say Merry Christmas to you all have a good one and be safe. Al
  8. Valintine tanks were made at metrol camel works
  9. I think you are correct larkspur B47 fitted Al
  10. I've seen it before aswell yes it was on a paintball site it was recovered by someone on this site and then sold on I think it has been restored if its the same one that was at w&p show last year looking just like it left the factory. Al
  11. I think you are right Nick dos it not say in the info pack that W&P issue? Al
  12. Thats right I dos get alot smaller must be the civy air! Al
  13. Yes I remember that trick, also were to put the cam net so it dos not catch fire on a Mk1 !Al
  14. John thats good news about restoring it to its days at Imjin I do hope he dos get around to making a start it woud be a intresting and rare part of history to see. Al
  15. Do you know if he will be restoring to the standard it was used at the battle of imjin, pleased to hear that he has been in contact with the glosters museum and veterans as a ex gloster this is an intrest to me severed in the 1 bn 77-83. Al
  16. Big Al

    MoD cuts

    This may happen A island of GB is invaded by a other nation we ask the US and french if we can use there aircraft on our carrier thay both say yes but we want all the rights to oil ect! This may/will happen! or the answer is we dont agree with your actions so no. You may as well name GB just Brition from now on because we will not be able to defiend it without any help like we have done in recent history.
  17. Big Al

    MoD cuts

    I think you will find in most contracts there will be this clause included MOD or Civiain ones, so BAE have not been crafty. If you think what the costs would be involed in building a new carrier that would be payed out up front to sub contarcters ect, you would make sure you would cover the costs involed if cancled. Al Yes I would agree it would have looked different if it was canciled just look at what has happened to the nimrod we now have lost that, we will after reliey on other nations to protect us but at what costs?
  18. Yes jack it would be good to see one of the landships run but this will unlikely happen due to there age. The museum had an expert in metals look at the MK5 (I think)and the result is that if run it will cause unrepairable damage to it. I am not sure if any of the others run, but I dont think we will see any of them run again. Al
  19. I would say War and Peace show is the biggest you would need a few days to see it all,there is alot of shows around the country which are worth a visit also. Have a look at the ads on here and milweb for details. Al
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