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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. Yes they could cover the outside items in the coach park which in the photos you can see alot have been, When I become a friend sometime ago I was told that if they resored every item they had in storage it would take 200 years to complete thats without new items arriving, ardrian and john pearson will tell you it dos not happen over night it takes years to get it right as it is a museum it has to be! The mueum mangment have plans to improve the storage and make improvments to the workshop areas of the museum again this all down to money and planing permisions which all takes time, some of it they have already secured and over the next 4 months you will see some improvments in that area, so all the money that is rasied is not spent on the Tiger tank which in its own right is a very importent part of the history of tank develoment. Big Al
  2. I agree he would have more respect from this forum Big Al
  3. We had browning 9mm in NI and also when on guard duties in germany, Browning 9mm were issued to all ranks so would not be out of place in your display. Big Al
  4. Hi Warrior, I have seen your simba quite a few times around shows in the midlands its a nice bit of kit anyway welcome to this fourm. Big Al
  5. Yes it one on my list to do maybe next year Big Al
  6. Good advice on John Pearsos 438 we had the same problem it was the firewire that was draning the batteries which was live even when the master switch was switched off. Dont know if the scorp has a firewire system?
  7. I got it from Ancor supplies not a bad price Al
  8. I got feed up with sleeping on the floor in a two man tent I bourght 7 X 9 ridge tent could not afford a 9X9! (need a landrover table now) Tank helmet and photos of me in the arena driving and crewing. Big Al
  9. :thumbsup: A good way to get a nights sleep Al
  10. well said its a choice to be a part of it or not I enjoyed every day of it! There were bad points that are posted on this fourm tents stolen,noise,snappers camera and the worst bad flying but we still had fun looking forward to 2011 W&P Al :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  11. I total agree with what been said above I do know the mangment were very unhappy with him landing there, the day he landed there were 1000 school kids on site that day, we did hear that on taken off he did hit a car, we dont need this type of person involed with our hobby who puts lives at risk. Al
  12. Look forward to seeing the foden drops dave, last time was at withams looks good, what else is on the ground? Al
  13. Will do see sunday for a cold one! Is the normal crew there Simon,dave,scot? Al
  14. NO Rain ! I will be traveling down on sunday looking forward to a whole week of fun and good weather I hope! Big Al
  15. Why is it that a quad 25 pounder and limber has to fit into curent law when it was designed and built in 30/40s? The law dos cater for Traction engines and there is provisions wthin the law for changes to driving licenices (Grandfarher Rights), as dos driving pre 1960 HGVs, The way I see it The Quad could be classed has a people carrier the 25 pounder is a gun not a trailer and the limber is a trailer, so on the road the quad can tow the limber and the 25 pounder would be carried on a low loader to the display, just a thought! Persoaly I would like to see the Quad, 25 pounder and Limber has one unit on the road has I think its a great set up and I would like to think that the enfources of the laws would also and treat it as what it is. Just my Thoughts Al
  16. Simon good photos there is a few of me on them have left a comment on them Its a T59 not a T69, T59 was made in china under licence and is based on the T54 Al
  17. Yes it is a deisel conversion,I was one of the many Freinds of the Tank museum who helped out this year, I was the commander of the T59 this year. The chef,khalid and cally 1 was a good display,the daimler amoured car was only deliverd to the museum on friday, we had also the Tiger out under a tent and rommels staff car was also there,the su100 i had worked on earlyer in the week to get it ready, a good show. The Stuart and John pearson valintine will be at W&P show at The friends of the Tank museums tent come and say hello. Big Al Al
  18. Yes you need to depress the GCP 6 times before the start of the days driving this is the same in the ferret and dingo it is part of the FIRST Parade Fuel,oil,water,breaks,lights ect, it is in the user manual. Big Al
  19. Im planning to go down on the sunday before. Its my holiday part two, part one was tank fest :cool2: Al
  20. I agree a MJ is the way to go, MK looks the same but has a mult fuel engine but slow DAFs has above would not touch one.
  21. Have the Spoods arrived safely its a long way for this country pair?
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