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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. We had a quite time this year NO heavy armour for various reasons yes the Gentleman's lounge was very good made a few visits during the show, movement on and off the show ground did not experience any issues the marshals were very helpful there was a lot of gaps in the fields and in the store areas but I suspect that's down to the PR that has been talked about a lot on this site. We had to leave early on the Saturday due to other commitments I believe the end of the show was enjoyable. Will I go again next year maybe depends on what arrangements will be made by the new show owner for next year will wait and see. Al
  2. Were planning to go but to date we have heard nothing about transport to pick up our items which is disappointing with only a few weeks left if no transport pick up then no display. I liked the old beltring but the new one has its good points as well the down side it is a longer trip but hopefully operation stack will not be enforce this year. Al
  3. I was luck to see it move Dave did a great job it was not far away from being on the road, then as you can see in the post disaster struck only a few weeks after I visited him, knowing Dave it will live again may take a few years to get it back to were he was watch this tread. Al
  4. I have one of theses and yes it fits the mounts. I took all the heat shields off and from a distance its looks like British spec the flash idler is not right. The stock removes like the real one but it holds the battery so if you want it in SF role it could be easily done you could manufacture a butt plate. Al
  5. Rick give the museum a ring and ask
  6. It looks fairly good neil plenty to keep you busy good luck with this project hope to see it around. Al
  7. One thing John was looking at was to buy a tractor unit and hire a low loader trailer when needed was an option. What we do currently is hire a unit and trailer this can be a bit expensive but with contacts we have is not to bad the plus side is that the unit and trailer has the correct testing requirement and you don't have a unit and trailer sat around in the yard only being used maybe once a month during the year. Al
  8. Yes sirhc that's one of the reason I went for air soft after taken advice on the matter of the VCR from dealers who should know the law anyway I conformed to the requirments I could of just bourght a two toned coloured one which is outside the VCR act because its classed as a toy in the eyes of the law. Al
  9. I have just bought a air soft SMG and a airsoft GPMG I checked with the dealer I got them from all I needed to do was demonstrate a good reason to have them I supplied them with my MVT membership and that was a good reason to have a RIF item the same I would expect would be the case for the question that as been raised. The SMG is for a ferret. Al
  10. You do find different standards between Police forces reguarding Firearms ownership and how there understanding of the laws on this subject which can be a help or not in some areas of the country. Al
  11. It was designed that way so should not be an issue Al
  12. Yes jack interesting comment maybe a bit difficult to achive but who knows ! Al
  13. Neil We the friends of the tank museum will be guiding our stuff with Hi vis on if the new owner don't like it then we will not display just remain static, we cannot take any chances. Al
  14. Yes Neil but if you read the site rules on there web page it is total different to the statement that was in CMV. Al
  15. Is there mix messages going around ! in the site rules that's is posted on there web page all tracked vehicles will be guided hi vis to be worn. The same conditions as when Rex was in charge or am I missing something. Al
  16. Yes and the one who said why don't you cut the screen off and have a real tank ! Al
  17. Yes Rick its part of its history and a good talking point for the public on Johns valentine we left the welded joints when he rebuilt the turret from when it was cut up . Al
  18. One trick we have used with mild steel is leave it out side for a year so it gets a pitted surface then cut and weld into place. It dos not show up to much when its finished. Al
  19. It was very busy I thought did buy a very expensive and cheap tasting coffee that's all did think the price of items was a bit on the high side that may be down to the cost of having a stand there was good to see marc glen there. The two things that stood out for me was the OS radio that's coming up in a auction and the airsoft webbely very nice was very tempted to by one. Will check there web site out. Al
  20. They were very busy most of the day when I went past the stand rex was there as well (may be visiting) there seem to be a lot of entrys being taken, one of the lads from our team had a chat with them and found them very helpful ?? Al
  21. The safety rules seem good much in line with other shows around the country Clive I would think the information booklet would and should contain the same information reguarding safety possibly more information on toilets,shops ect but a good point would be useful if at stoneligth they had a copy for people to have a look at. Al
  22. Um what can I say scamers, just meeting mates ect in the new owners views. I attend as a member of the friends of the tank museum were we have good selection of amour for the public to see all owened by members, we show in the arena when ever possible so the public can see moving armor we all ways man the stand and answer any questions the public and others ask. We all have are own jobs and take annual leave to attend war and peace to help make it the show its become like everyone else who attends. Last year we went in the arena at least 3 or 4 times a day and even arrange for the army to crew ricks Cromwell which was a site ! All this is we do but with the current views of the new owners say different I will be going this year to see if what happens. Oh by the way we also cover the cost of fuel ect by ourselves.
  23. I expect they will be at stoneligh this month were any questions you have could be asked and the answers posted on here I don't know if they are on here or not maybe one of the admin team could comment .
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