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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I am sure John will give you the full story about his Valentine it is rare the only one left working DD Valentine the screen is fully working and operational at the moment we need a compressure to inflate it. I spend most weekends with john working on the valentine and the rest of his fleet of MVs, I am sure john will give you a more details soon. Big Al
  2. Yep no complents had a great week! Thanks John Alec
  3. I was in the arena when it happened I cannot understand why the stuart driver did not reverse when the sherman started to role back! any way you should keep a safe distance, you only enter a knife edge when the knife edge is clear a lesson learnt by the stuart driver Big Al
  4. Yep I can confirm that, John had to change gear using his left hand, the gear change is on the right! the hatchs were not easy to fit into. Big Al
  5. Yes thats right the owner let the "friends of the tank museum" run it for the show it drives ok. It won 1st prize in its class which was a surprize,it was un -painted the owner is over the moon, we also looked after rex cadmans sherman BARV , A D-Day D8 cat, johns valintine and the stuat a great week Big Al
  6. Yep thats fine be intresting to see uor upgrade Al
  7. Pic 1 Is the British armys panther which is just about to go into service Big Al
  8. Yes john knows this subject well Big Al
  9. Yes it was john it was filmed in april this year we had a good day filming with chris. Big Al
  10. Snapper we are traveling down to bovington next weekend to try and get Johns DD running again hopfully will be moving at W&PBig Al
  11. Thankyou for posting them great photos Big Al
  12. Great photos Im in the Valitine any of the cent which was the other Tank I was commanding at TF? Big Al
  13. Fruitbat I have placed some photos in Album Tankfest 2009 for you could not get them to post here? Big Al
  14. I was lucky and had a ride in the A7V with Bob driving it was an expriance I will not forget. I think Bob has done a wonderfull job and his skills in building the A7V should be appluded well done BoB
  15. Seen worse good luck Big Al
  16. I agree with Alien re pine forest ah those were the days! Big Al
  17. Looking good in it new paint John,Colin,My self and some help from freinds only just finished it before it was collected
  18. Good luck with it will you be at W&P? Al
  19. I hope that solved the problem :yay:looking forward to see it when will be the first show for it? Al
  20. The sameway down the front with care for the same reasons stated above. Big Al
  21. Has already been said allways from the frount so the driver can see you! Al
  22. I remember it well I was on all those exercises , spearpont I was an umpire for it! we did not have much spare time, I was there when the Hell on wheels droped (umpire with two officers from the Austrlian Army (ASAS regt) what a sight! Big Al
  23. Sounds good will look forward to seeing it finish! Al
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