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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Hi Darren, You don't say what you did to your engine, assuming you did not remove the head? Sounds like inlet valve guides are worn and oil being sucked up through them...... there are no valve seals on side valves. cheers Richard
  2. Got my e-tickets last week, one for vehicle the other a 5 day exhibitor pass. Just print them off and take with you.
  3. The J60 was in military service in the CVR(T) for around 30 years, and yes some did blow apart at times, but that was in service. Surely as a private owner you are not going to drive to destruction? Like all vehicles, they have their limits, you exceed them and pay the price.
  4. No one spotted the Carrier then? Looks like either a T16 or maybe a Windsor.
  5. Studebaker President .......... from now on to be known as the Trumpmobile :-D
  6. Bulls head on triangle is 79th Armoured Division often referred to as 'The Funnies' as they were equipped with adapted tanks for beach assault, mine clearing, etc.
  7. Possibly a Challenger, but it is a challenge to identify with little to go one!
  8. Top one is Vickers, likely a trials tank.
  9. Hi Clive, It looks a genuine ploy by Photobucket, see here; https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/06/30/photobucket_charging_400yr_3rdparty_pgs/
  10. Not having access to the 'mechanics' of this forum, I have no idea, but guess it might have occurred after an update. The webmaster should be the one to solve the 'unwanted thumbnails' issue.
  11. I normally post photos straight from the Picture folder on my pc, never have any problems. Never used Photobucket, etc. and I know there have been issues before with other members losing pictures of their posts by using that medium.
  12. Hi Lewis, If the engine has not run for some years, then the first thing to do is clean the contact breaker points. This is not uncommon for them to get a coating on.
  13. Hi Paul, Private Message sent to you
  14. Roger, I can see no advantage fitting twin SU carbs to a J60, not as if there is good access to keep them in tune, and not only that, I doubt there is room to fit them and get an intake pipe to air cleaner. They have been in use for over 40 years with the Solex. Same with oil filter, 'why mend what ain't broke' as the old saying goes.
  15. What part of Australia are you in? I know a guy with a restored one over there. Could put you in touch as I am sure he will know. regards Richard
  16. Well done Jeremy, Just caught up with this thread. You can now be an official member of the Military Bedford Drivers Club! cheers Richard
  17. That is quite a bit of slack. When new they are snug, any slack allows backlash on the cam which ultimately effects both valve and ignition timing
  18. Richard, The width measurement relates to the chain type. There should be no appreciable slackness. If there is a lot of slack then both sprockets need checking for wear as well, as when fitting a new chain on worn sprockets, it will not last long. Take a photo of yours on the engine, with you pushing one run in so we can see how much slack there is.
  19. Mike, In 1904 the vehicle side of Thornycroft was split up from the shipbuilding side in to two different companies. In 1961 the truck business passed to ACV (Associated Commercial Vehicles), of which AEC was a part of, it had been renamed Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd. Later it was part of British Leyland, but this was when the vehicle designs such as Nubian, passed to Scammell. This will explain the timeline easier; http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Thornycroft
  20. This is relating more to plant than AFV because they have fixed trackgear, ie. no suspension, so that is why the tensioning rams are under such high pressure because of the springs on them. Still good advice regarding anywhere a grease nipple is fitted and grease is pumped in under a high pressure. The bit of advise in the HSE bulletin about not parking tracks on wet concrete is priceless.
  21. I was going to quote that saying yesterday, but thought someone might take offence I have seen fitters fitting truck road springs and venturing to put there fingers in the spring hanger to check alignment, madness. Used to tell them off if I spotted them.
  22. The pipe adaptor is not a Solex part, it is under a Bedford part number 7058450, try Norman Aish of Bygone Bedford Bits.
  23. Hi Mark, Just checked the Vocab and CB/166/2 was fitted to Centurion Mks. I to IV
  24. Adrian, My parts list is First Edition August 1944, definitely 155-2B.
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