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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. As for some of the murky end of the gene pool Adam absolutley correct! Main trouble is in this country we have an altruistic outlook, there are people willing to risk themselves to save those less worthwhile. They would argue tooth and nail about insurance and payments, the benificieraies of there work often don't care!
  2. Catweazle would have some commute! Mind you he has the transport judging by the last photos! :-D
  3. It is definitly an SLR type bayonet. I have copied the mark onto mylar so can give dimesions. I'm quite certain it's original, nothing underneath and the paint appears to be original.
  4. I have about twenty acres of ground to play on! :-D Seeing the locals driving in good conditions is enough to keep me off the roads in bad.
  5. The whole problem with artifacts is that magic word 'Context'. At the time something occurs, say a plane crash. the locals come in grab stuff, the autorieties ransack it for intelligence, maybe deatils are taken of crew casualties etc. the Event is recorded. It's the middle of a war, other things going on, knowledge is fresh or frankly who cares? Come forward 90 years or so. Living memory has all but disappeared, Take Debroah the tank. The world has changed beyond all recognition. It was known that something had been buried in the spinach patch, the old lady who owned it at the time had seen all the wars and didn't want to know. fair enough she had had her life blighted and wanted to forget. When she dies and the new owner came in his intrest was to find out what was there. The hulk had sat for some couple of years being used for other things before being buried. Right so go steaming in with a JCB, shovel it all out probably end up bashing about the metal with the bucket, what do you get? A mess! The purpose of doing any archeology in a proffesional manner is not for us, but for later. new techniques come along, new ways of processing information. Boys we PRESERVE VEHICLES!!!!!! Not for ourselves but in trust for those coming after us. Why be dissmisive of those who seek the same information from the ground those vehicles travelled and the men who worked them fought? How would you feel if people took bits of your kit? Stand at a showw with aheadlight, what does it mean? F**** All unles it attache dto the vehicle, same with feild sites, every bit can add a story.
  6. Just so you know we all care! :-D
  7. Proably be on the website to watch again. Get plenty of ammunition in! :cool2:
  8. AND ropes round bumpers! No sign of buckets so far though. :-D
  9. Last night following a wet day, the car was so frozen over at 22:00 couldn't get the **** door open. Today in London gone mild agian!! Send some snow down please!! On a week holiday and may FINALLY get to play with dodge in some snow!
  10. I do sometimes think the biggest mistake you can make in life is be decent honest hard working and truthful. (Midnight miserys of Grumpy Old Men)
  11. For my sins, :shake: I drive for a company in London. Youv'e hit the good points. If I published the bad points I'd be banned Censored and shot at dawn. There are a hell of a lot of changes going on in the industry at the moment with new technology in London and the EEC Drivers CPC. But the pay at least in London ain't bad PM if it's a TfL company and I'll try and give you some more info.
  12. the last Tribal class destroyer is HMCS Athabaskan sh was moored at Lake Ontarion in 1968, I saw her then but was unable to go abaord. (If I'd known then etc) DF or Direction finding first started prior to the Great War, litrally as soon as W/T became viable people started Signals inteligence. Shore based Huff Duf stations, manned by WRENS were one of the most succesful though least known, of the anti U boat measures. A great deal of smokescreen disinformation and garbage was thrown about the time. The U Boats operated under control of doneitz and radio comms were esential if wolf packs etc were to be co-ordinated. Especially whilst the Air Gap existed in the mid Atlantic HF/DF was essential. even when such aircraft as the Liberator could operae all the way across, it helps if you know hwere to damm well go! It's a big ocean! The listening side was equally important, Enigma Cipher, important point Enigma was 'CIPHER' machine not a 'CODE' machine. Ciphers change all the time, codes dont. So if a mesage was sent to German Legation say in mexico, the message would be intercepted in cipher, then maybe Mexican authority would send part or all of the message in weak code or clear. Also the U Boats sent Meterolgical information, vital as most of Europes weather comes across the Atlantic, so if you want to plan a bombing raid on London, or launch D-Day you have to know what is going on in the Atlantic, no sattillites remember. As weather info has to be in a standard form, the U boats 'Weather code' transmissions could be compared to the info sent by Allied ships in the same area, providing HF/DF could triangulate the U Boat. You know what the mesage in code says. this information was then sent to the Luftwaffe who obligingly sent it out in thier Enigma variation, see the links? A lot of responsobility on those young women, any slip of the tounge would have led to the systems being changed. Not to mention Frequency analiys, and sig int, all of which those women helped pionner, and is still classified at the highest level today. You don't have to carry a gun to win a war.
  13. A coulour of 6th brigade, it's on the 88 ffr.
  14. :-D What turning circle? Don't you mean 'The Orbit'? :-D
  15. With stainles steel resleeving and cupro nickle pipes, plus synthtic seals and fluid, hydralics are improving. I will always get an expert to rebuild any parts of a bracking sytem, the reason an old adge from Howard my mechanical mentor in my yoof. 'A bugger if they don't go, a disaster if they don't stop!'
  16. DHL are now doing an international service out of WH Smith branches in UK, . I thought about using it to send presents to Jersey (Then just nicked the boxes and sent by Royal Mail :-D)
  17. ISLAND AT WAR!!!!!!! The only !"££$%&&*() thing they got right was the second world war happned!!!. :argh:
  18. Thing is, we have done most of the shows, got a shed full of t shirts. My rule has become quality not quantity. So next year, mainly 65th D-Day but Bunker Bash and Military Mayhem if at all possible. Why? because of the people, organisers and those who attend. The big shows now seem to more buissness than event, and I for one am not going to be a performing monkey for someone elses bank balance.
  19. Tony B

    Spam PM!??

    Take it as a compliment that someone considers the forum worth targeting. Must be making an impression then.
  20. The National Maratime museum at Greenwich, currently being emptied so the space can be rented out for buissness functions! B***DY good timing you have to admit!
  21. We had similar in MODPLOD/MGS. They were all suddnely changed to smooth light v necks. Why, some plank dicided the heavy ribbed ones 'Looked to aggresive'.!:shake:
  22. At least I can still make you laugh!! :-D
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