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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B


    Might drag Snapper out of his loft! :-D
  2. If you belive the Japanese side, and there is no reason not to, then the formal declaration of an attack on Pearl Harbour, they would argue it was not a declaration of war, should have been handed in to Washington at least thirty minutes before the attack. The delay was due to the time to dechiper the five thousand word long document. Allegedly US code breackers had dechipred the message nine hours previously. How ever with the weekend and time zone diffrences across continetal US it is doubtful wether the information reached someone who could have acted before the attack took place. This is splitting hairs as it was a prime essential of the Japannese plan that tactical suprise was to achived.
  3. The drills for engaging a moving target basically amount to tracking the target (largely in traverse) and continuing to do so through the moment of firing, and aiming forward of the target so that it and the shot are coincident in the space / time continuum when the round lands. Or to put more succintly, follow through 'Bum, belly, beack Bang!
  4. Bit over done on the pyros maybe? :n00b:
  5. At the time it was still possible to carry our a large scale deployment in secrecy. No satillites, no long range reconnasence aircraft such as Blackbird and the time delays of communicating any intelligence, not to mention a mind set that 'yellow men fighting yellow men' was benath notice. Operation of any intelligence network in Japan has always been difficult for Europeans with the obvious physical difrence and the Japanese attitude to Gajin. The consipary theory seems to be a flavour of this time. For some reason it seems easier to accept than 'We were short sighted arrogant, introspective, greedy and lucky to survive'. The information would have been there, just would anyone with the power to do anything have seen it, and accepted it?
  6. That shot is quite likley to have been taken at Woolwich Arsenal. there was a similar Wooden builder used for years by BFPO, as far as I could ascertain it was replaced by a corrugated iron structure during WW2, that remained up to the late eighte's and was only demolished when the site closed.
  7. Thats currently about 78 p UK. :cry: Funny though, presumably it takes the same amount of work to get oil out of the ground, how come in about three months the price can raise and fall 150% odd? Also three months ago in UK road tax and 4x4 hammering was flavour of the month, now you're being begged to buy.
  8. Should have gone the whole hog and got a 101! Parbolics do improve the ride considerably. The odd thing the 'Lightweight' is actually heavier than than the standard 88.
  9. Done by the Jersey Evening Post for 90th anniversary, now on line. http://guiton.inewspaper.co.uk/arm/iViewerFrameset.asp?left=0&right=0&help=0&pubdate=081105&filename=<O>&wordsearch=&path=&localind=W&taste=T&x=&y=&w=1000&d=702&i=JAX&bannerfile=
  10. Must have been a fair sized object then. The box is about two foot by one foot by one foot. Says it is for 1.75 to 4 inch chains.
  11. Are you 100% sure, that we should follow the blue line on the map?
  12. Thanks guys, it's a useful 'Period' wooden box, so I'm going to stick kit in it.
  13. The local car wash won't have us anymore!
  14. ME,ME to please! :-D The ideal electronic christmas Card!
  15. A certain place in England, sus pack in car park. Full scale eveac. Phone EOD, 'Right on way' One hour later, phone call 'We are in villiage where are you?' 'Where abouts in villiage are you?' Follows a description no one had any idea where they were taliking about 'What route did you take?' 'Well we went through the Dartford Tunnel....' Light dawns, right villiage name, wrong county!
  16. Did anybody else notice that the 'Consultant' during his lecture on 'Manual Handlaing' pulled a cardboard box out from under a bench? The box contained various tins, at no time did he check the contents or that the tops of any cans were tight. The box had obvous discoulartion around the base. He then lifts the thing, whithout checking the bottom of the box, which was heavily discouloured was secure. The sides of the box then flexed. So one why were the contents in such a container? Two why didn't he notice all the signs of a weak box? Three why did he then lift it? Four why pay money to someone who is such an obvious P***?
  17. Don't tell THEM the price has gone down, it will be the excuse to put the tax up that THEY didn't do when petrol was high because THEY thought that it would loose votes! The old saying owe the bank a £1 they'll chase you to the ends of the earth owe £2000000000000000000 and they'll do everything to help you. Whilst I'm in this mood, Steal £1 your a criminal , steal £2000000000 your a goverment. :argh:
  18. Anyone any ideas what these might be? The box is empty though.
  19. As far as detecting FOD goes. At college a certain well known manufacturer demonstrated a super luxury silage cutter . With X ray, magnetic detectors, RADAR and little Pixes to remove anything that might damage. Ran for about forty five minutes before it picked up a brick. Six weeks to repair.
  20. The bus industry has an intresting H&S policy 'It's the driver's fault!' . The problem is when you DO contact the local ofice and say you think thre is a problem, they just don't seem to want to know!.
  21. He's in a right 'Ray of Sunshine Mood ' isn't he? Having nosed around the C4 site to watch the 'Fun Police' (Was seriuosly thinking of heading up to Doncaster with the shotgun for the good of the human race) There is also a replay of the 100 Best Children's TV, so to cheer up Catweazle, he came in at about 56 (The one above was 'Skippy!):cool2:
  22. Stick a dumb barge on the back for the vehicles, I'm for it. :-D Would enjoy giving the likes of the DVLA a headache, give the address as 'No fixed abode'.
  23. Quick Query! Why the ** do you need Sat Nav on a RIVER BOAT? :n00b:
  24. I must admit I'd love the time and money to mooch round the european waterways. Anyone got a spare Assfart? :-D
  25. Must have been a good sized one! Or a dust explosion?
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