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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. you might find these intresting.
  2. No he's waiting to be neddled some more. (Promise I'll take my pills)
  3. I think we could cotton on to this! :idea: Weave our ideas into it?
  4. BBC 7 are repeating Spike reading his book Thursday, listen again. Bl**dy hilarious!! :-D
  5. Note: We will NOT be putting Inckley Morr Bar Tat on the clubhouse gramaphone!
  6. Thanks for info guys. clive i think the boxes may be pre or early war, the specimins were apparently hidden away somewher. there are more markings but I went for the clearest. I'll hand copy the rest and post them.
  7. Tony B


    Something to look forward to into the New year.
  8. As for jokes mate, well your here aren't you? :-D
  9. The first Military Oddity at Detling there were two Morris LRVs. One running and a shell on its side in the woods. Alongside the shell were two piles of earth and rough wooden crosses, a couple of smoking rags in the hulk helped the effect. I for one wouldn't go into those woods after dark. :shocked: :sweat:
  10. Of special intrest to Jessie the Jeep. The only information I have on these boxes is that they wee used to hold geology specimins from the Natural History Museum. Following that they subsequently lived in a loft for umpteen years. about seven or eight years ago the widow of the NHM man was moving house, I helped her move some stuf and she gave me these. The boxes are marked as photo, the small writing is Case Storage 9/2226. The paper label I've no idea what it refers to.
  11. Unt ve were told zis was a 'Nice' area!
  12. No there are pictures of the Nordenfelt sight being carried out to the aircraft by crews with drawn weapons. Propbably posed. If any one really wants a bomb sight crate I have some given to me by an old lady. they were used by her husband to contain specimins from the Geology Museum in London during WW2.
  13. Unfortunatley the end of that excersise was curtailed. There was going to be a firework disply. Some one objected because they had a relitive staying 'who might think it ws the Bliutz again and get upset' (I kid you not!)
  14. You've heard of Secret Squirrel, Meet Special Air Squirrel!
  15. :-DI expect you to be making room in the workshop very soon! :-D
  16. If you fancy trying a replica http://hnsa.org/doc/pt/specs/index.htm The biggest single los of PT boats happned in the channel on the night of 8/9 August 1944, about 6 miles west of Jersey. For such an event tracking down information is proving difficult Though there is a memeorial.
  17. No, a baseball bat seems to have no effect on them. But you can try shooting with a heavy calibre or flame thrower though, that will some times kill them! :shake: Is it true the Granola bars are used to augment body armour? PS I have some of the heating elements spare.
  18. Still do a lot of work with horse's. Road Saftey and welfare side .
  19. Some were used by BFBS, there is picture of one somewhere in Italy. Try the BFBS website.
  20. Oh well if you have one flaunt it! :yay: Often teh one in magazine 'Stock Shots'.
  21. If Jeremy Clarkson dosen't like it , then the GAZ has my vote!! Never underestimate Soviet Pact enginnering. Welcome to The universal mad house. (What are the Russian equivalent ,of Custard Creams then?)
  22. Pleasure! There is a lot of pressure now to make sure that when finally struck off she will be preserved. by that time though the antique value will proably be quite high.
  23. For those of a certain age, and the youngsters who missed such things. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2fg7w49UnGA :-D
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