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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Mark, never heard of BAAG before. where can I find out more? Fine men desrve their story told.
  2. The one time I went to a job centre a few years back, I had a kid of about 18 telling me how to look for a job. Unusually I kept my temper, and found a job despite them! The rule is don't be picky, any money is worth having, as long as you can face yourself in the mirror., and it's easier to find a better job if you already have one. I've worked for some***** security firms over the years when nothing else was about., if your presenatable reliable and speack english your in. Catweazle I feel for you, mate.
  3. Welcome to the nut house! You can park under one of the recently arrived Ural's, saves space and keeps the rain off. The little Moggies were virtually a replacemnt for the Tilly's, , used by everyone for everything. Wonder if it was a driver training vehicle?
  4. I was thinking 'Ding Dong Merrily on High', The ***** head blown off! :-D
  5. Carmen it is quite possible your relation was associated with Y Service. A gret number of WRENS and other women were involved. the job was to listen to enemy stations and note down the messages. Not in any languiage but up to one hundred words in minute in gibberish, accuratley taken down under very poor reception conditions. the result was then sent to various code breacking centres for hopeful dechiperment. most of those involved didn't and the fwew suvvors are still very cagey about talking of thier work. Canada was a prime centre for interception for trans Atlantic German traffic and the Japanese Enigma variants. A side effect was as they were so highly security cleared they also handled Allied cipher traffic.
  6. Are you lot telling me you wouldn't be GENTLEMEN and help her out? :shocked: Hogan's heroes was one of those 6:15 pm half hour proggrames on ITV after the six o'clock news. At that time the main bullitin was only fifteen minutes, not twenty four hours of repetion as now. Two other proggrames of the time in a similar genre were 'Combat' and 'Garrison's Gorillas'. Schultz was played by namesake John Banner.
  7. Yes well, the Finn's were good at getting on top of the Russians! :-D
  8. Russian missile launchers at the Bunker Bash? Somewhat ironic! Mind you, it would be a crowd puller, East and West together.
  9. Hey Metroman, did you notice, is there still the sign for Spook Erections on the way in? :-D The rest of the sign was a traditional sheet ghost with a halo. Always made me laugh.
  10. Bl**dy hell !! you haven't put in planning permission for a gagrage extension have you? :shocked: Well we'll just have invade the neighbours for more car parking round the club house.
  11. How about a few old favourites? The Stolly and the Ivy I saw three Beeps come driving by Jingle bells, the clutch plate smells. The manifolds blown away. Oh what fun an engine change Here on christmas day. The first ohell, the mechanic did say, Was to certain poor owners in feilds where they lay. In feilds where they lay minding thier heaps. On a cold winter night that was so deep.
  12. Been hunting through the Libary of congress site. Try loading Lend Lease into the search engine, all sorts of odd stuff. As far as tyres go, this link and subsequent pages should keep the rubber fetishish lot happy. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/b?pp/fsaall:LC-USW3-007093-D:collection=fsa th only thing I can't find is the picture I'm looking for! :argh:
  13. The British soldiers in Iraq. Dreamed of coming home.
  14. I'll try and find the pictures.
  15. Didn't Chenault end up in Tiwan running airlines for the Nationalist Chinese? the book Air America casts some intresting lights on the whole subject.
  16. Very true about tyres. The vehicles were stockpiled for lack of them. most US kit was shipped on small austerity tyres, and no spare. The unit that got them was expected to get tyres. Notice pictures of things like Carryalls used exclusivly in the States always have small tyres compared to vehicles in Europe.
  17. Actually the Marshall Plan was good economics. You have an economy on a war footing , going flat out twenty four hours a day. Full employment good wages. Into this you will be bringing a large number of men and women demobilised. They now need jobs. Add to this a lot of military surplus vehicles and other equipment, if you ship it back and sell in your economy, whose going to buy new if they can get stuff cheap? On the other hand, you have the kit, give it away to former allies whose industries are in tatters. Result they are very grateful, and have to come to you for spares. Also as happned in Britian, heavy haulage equipment in the form of T's and Pacifics could be bought for about £200 as comapred to about £1500 for the equivalent Scammel, a technically inferior vehicle, not to mention the waiting list. The overall result was a continuation of the US stated aim to seperate the European countries from their empires, especially UK from India. No matter what the declared reasons, wars are 'Economics by other means'.
  18. NO coming home with'Souvenirs' then. :cool2: Anyway even as a kid it was Boxing Day I looked forward. Christmas yes, presents , then Crimbo dinner,but the rest BORING!!!!! Boxing Day however, Horses, hunting or shooting or following about in Land Rovers (Probably explains a lot)
  19. Well Moreton Morrel, Moreton Hall was the headquarters of teh Free Chezc Forces during WW2, immediatley following it was taken over by the local council as an agricultural college, which it still is. there were five big houses in the area at the time, all were commondeared. It is about two miles from Wellesbourne Airfeild and about the same from Kineton BAD. I worked at a stables there that still had Great War satbles.
  20. Bit rounded for Dartmoor. I'd reckon more Somerset edge of Exmoor.
  21. Welcome Nick, nothing for you to learn, you're already in bad company.
  22. 'Taking a MUTT for a spin'? Well you were warned! :-D Where did you fit the snorkel for the puddles? The best I heard about Christmas was from someone at work , buy a pub call it Bar Humbug, and ban anyone who mentions the festivites for life.
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