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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. YES SIR! :sweat:I will write out one hundred times........ In our wheel chairs we will be reading the paper with news from the current trouble spot going 'Ah yes, I knew that young Harry when he was taking embarrasing pictures of people on bicycles'. More power to you Harry! :-D
  2. Democracy Phil. Time to remind said *** that people died so he could snear. The diffrence is that we, will listen to his opinion, repect his right to have it. Then grind him under the wheels!
  3. I'd watch that lad! He appears to be getting a Darth Vader complex!. :shake: Give him a couple of years and he'll be editing his own magazine. (Actaually he reminds me of another journalist who keeps harrasing hard presed contributors about writing out numbers and the correct use of a semi colon)
  4. If I remember correctly the Lysander had a K gun at the rear and a fixed Vickers firing forward. the original was supposed to a light bomber (mainly 'cause it couldn't carry many bombs) then an Army Co-Operation aircraft. the idea of it as a night runner was an afterthought. I seem to rember from a soft cover thick book on the Battle of Britiain, published somewhere about 1968 a story of a lysander shooting down an enemy aircraft, but I think it was a ME110. does anyone have or remeber the book? Very well illustrated.
  5. It must be something to do with the smell of armour, disiel and hydraulic fluid. Bottle it lads! Youl'l do Lynk out of bussiness. :-D Query: Why the Kerosens pump? Do many helicopters call in for a fill up? Or maybe the disiel has been replaced?
  6. Belive it or not, the inclusion of the Cross and Sword at CWWG cemeteries provocked speechs in the Westminster Parliment. originally it was planned to have no croses at all.
  7. There are some great shots Andrea, I've only scratched the surface, there are supposed to be about 2,000,000 pictures.
  8. The problems start when the dog runs off with the Explorer!
  9. And someone said they were bored with running down the road with two tones and blues? Can you imagine the sight of that in the rear view mirror in full song? :cool2:
  10. Just had a quick look through, lots of intresating stuff including vehicles. http://images.google.com/hosted/life
  11. The thing that struck me on first visit was, the area is so SMALL! They must have been queing up to fall over. To see it in summer now with birds, young calves palying in the feilds, just unbelivable.
  12. The CWWGC will sometimes alter head stones if a case can be made. there is a chance he may have ended up at or near Orpington. There is a lot of connections bettween here and Candaian military. The local hospital has the Canada Wing, a gift from the people of Canada as a thank you to the area for medical services rendered during both wars. The Britiah NHS tried to sell the site for housing a few years ago, much local dispute, finally settled by the Canadian goverment reminding the NHS just WHO owned the building. try contacting the National Army Musuem at Chelsea London. They have a number of Commonwealth war diaries.
  13. Looks like the shearare's have been practicing on it! :-D
  14. The Dodge is called Ruby Baby after my mother. the 101 is called Elusive Lady, becauseof all the sly ways it finds of breacking down.
  15. Honestly don't know enough to even guess. Maybe Tim and the antiquarians will know.
  16. Happy Birthday Rosie! :yay: :kissoncheek:
  17. Now that's nice! I've a feeling that they were also used as radio interceptor trucks. There is a picture of one in the Bovington archive.
  18. Brilliant Mark, really looking forward to that articale. :tup::
  19. Bought with money raised in Jersey, by the Evening Post, the local paper. No date or make given. Can anyone identify?
  20. Or, the rule I always insisted on with yard/farm vehicles, 'You got it stuck, YOU dig it out'.
  21. One very special moment, taking the Great great great nephew of E Hanmore to visit his grave on the 90th anniversary of his death
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