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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Hi Chris , where abouts in France are you based? A lot of us will be in Normandy in june, if your local drop over!.
  2. Are you talking about this thing?
  3. You can now use the buslanes LEGALY! :yay:
  4. Cheers Hanno! That is one of the pictures I got from the Bovington Tank Museum.
  5. Dodge at the top looks like the botom picture. Anyone fully identify? Appears to be a half ton VC
  6. The idea is that you drive the bus in an enviromentally friendly way!! I keep telling THEM, it's the stop start all the time that uses fuel! And if we ran the buses with less weight on (caused by passengers) we'd save even more fuel!! For so called managers THEY can be quite thick at times. Another Hint: NEVER EVER breack down on a bus stand: If you have to pull it off with your teeth, then you can't be stood back to the bus behind.:cool2: Dave it'll be auto unfortunatley, all the London fleet are autos. Don't know if the member gave you the best advice possible though.
  7. No one was owning up to the sudden funny smell!
  8. Why the rear impact bars? Can't you just reverse over anything that gets to close? :cool2:
  9. WELCOME!!!:yay: The Jeeps and now the Pigs are starting to hog the parking lot. Pull up a section of floor. There will be an HMVF visiting list for Normandy about soon.
  10. Tony B


    Somebody's gardiuan angel was on double overtime!!
  11. Welcome Mate! don't worry about the lack of mechanical knowledge, the electronic knowledge will make up for it. Can you explain to our beloved plank owner and fearless leader what an electron is ?
  12. If your in Holland do make the effort to get to Middelburgh, preferably on a Monday when the markrt in the square is on and see the Walcheren area. Sleep will NOT be an option! :-D And don't forgrt Jersey!!
  13. Isuzui are very helpful. The advice they gave me was find a Vauxhall Montery thats been hit from behind and get the 3.1 turbo lump. May have Vauxhall on the top but is Isuzui all the way down. If you do decide to re body it, use a Range Rover!! No insert needed just a bit of work with grinder to fit starter motor and a 90 clutch plate,
  14. No Chris, not a memeber of the 101 club. Have just joined the forum and posted up question though. I'm not off till after the weekend but will get up there and take camera. Quite a feindish device.
  15. As the cannon were smoth bore, there was also 'Junk' shot, basically anythinmg you could shove down it and fire at the enemy. Imagine being hit by a pork chop bone at eight hundred feet a second?
  16. There is an old tale, A Y service unit took over a liberated manision in Northern France, so recently liberated a lot of Axis equipment was still about. While hunting for souveniers a locked box was found. On opening it, with due force, it was found to be full of Five pounds notes. An officer on the spot pronounced it to be the forgieries they had been warned about. There followed a great spree, lighting ciggarettes , using the notes in the ablutions and other such activities. One soldier decided to keep a couple of souveniers. Years later after seeing aTV proggramme on forgeries he took them out of intrest to a local coin dealear. Yep, you guesed! The were real.
  17. Don't forget Avril Williams's Ocen Villas Tea Room. Near the Newfoundland Memorial park at Auchonvilliers. Just down from Thiepval. But make a point to get at least a day round Ieperes.
  18. Got the beast in the Range Rover, a bit of chopping needed on the bell housing. Uses a Land Rover 90 clutch plate.One problem you might find in a series the engine likes it's revs. will be bery lowed geared, btu a beutiful lump, Land Rover should have bought them in for teh Range Rover years ago.
  19. Ta for that. Will give them a try.
  20. The photograph of the Cuthbertson and the 'Forestery vehicle with tractor tyres were standards of the Land Rover advertising during the sixtes and seventies.
  21. A chap I know was stationed in Cyprus, he told me that when they were on convoy through passes some vehicles had sndbags on the floor and three inch mortars mounted. as you went through the pass standard procedure was to motar the hell out each side to dissuade ambush.
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