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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Don't you think Harry's getting a just a bit TO enthusastic?
  2. GEE we got to get hold of some more French army rations.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Nice to see the southern side building up again. :-D
  4. When I took my test I nearly ran the man with the red flag over! :-D
  5. Careful Adam! You'll have a lot of refugees from the forum knocking on your door! :-D Be prepared for a lot of 'While your out keep an eye open for...' requests.
  6. Welcome, where abouts are you? The Canadians seem to have a thing about tracks. Is it all the winter snow? Enjoy the forum.
  7. Best addvice is , it is your vehicle and your history, do what you want. I run the Dodge in Force 135 markings, the Liberation force for the Channel Islands. Did they use them , no, so what? My history and I'm proud of it.
  8. Proably a stupid question, but have you asked the Polish Defence Ministry directly?
  9. Bonjour Marcus. Don't worry we all understand 'Green'. Enjoy yourself here.
  10. welcome Duncan, if you can read the manual you qualify for the interleectual lounge.
  11. Tony B

    BBC News item

    Bit of an aside, but you want a hilarious pice about Sarecens in riot control, and dealing with them. Read Tom Sharpe's Riotus Assembly. :-D
  12. Get Jack away from his plank, and see if he can get an HMVf discount?
  13. I pay Natonal Breackdown £120 a year for personal cover. They are quite happy to have the Dodge. In fact on the one ocasion I did need them to it, a flat batery, the agent was so happy to get a'proper' truck to play with, 5 minutes to re start it and then anbot half hour playing with her. The 101 is covered by Roadsure curently at £54. Being a 3 tonner she is outside National unfortunatley.
  14. Yes your right EVERYONE should check, we can't have those faceless burueacrats holding secret files. :argh: Mind you 81.8 mph in the Dodge!! And it was uphill!! :cool2:
  15. age restriction I presume is 21 then?
  16. Can you add provenonce? Name of the gentleman, service number date of serving with unit, and photos. These will up the price automatically. by the way does he have any pictures of Grandfarther? Having just read Popski's private Army, he is full of praise for LRDG, but no **** photos in the book!
  17. Reference to that. does it add the bit 'and a minimum of three years?'
  18. 'tis all in the band then? I know VHF is line of sight, so you can talk to the moon but not round the corner. HF and MF are the ones that bounce of the layer aren't they? There is a fair amount on the web about ELF Extra Low Frequency, that can penetrate to submerged subs, it annoys the tree huggers as it allegedly frys birds and the antenna length is measured in miles. didn't some aircraft sets use HF with atrailing antenna? Baylee Air Charter Apaches had them. The ariel was on a reel streamed from the lowest point of the tail. Better make clear, Piper Apache fixed wign aircraft.
  19. Don't you belive it!! The Isuzu lump is damm near bullet proof, I know because of the way mine is treated. :-D Stupid question though: Do teh Japanese drive on the left? notice it's right hand drive.
  20. In no particular order. 1 The Dodge 214 engine on a quiet night run. 2. got to be the Merlin 3 and now unfortunatley no more, the crack of a Broomhandle Mauser pistol. 4 The fizz of the first beer after a sucseful day at a show.
  21. That I didn't know, assumed the were steel.
  22. Welcome to the forum. What you have posted is ..er.. a mobile collection off spares?
  23. Trouble is that means that one will now rust away. Give adress, a late night vist with the attitude adjuster of the front of my 101.......:cool2:
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