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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome into the light. Much more fun.
  2. Trick question! Neither, they don't have turning circles, they have orbits! :nono:
  3. And on the HMVF duelling feild, the sun glinted menacingly off the bare meatal of the starting hamdles as the two disputants.... :-D Di have anold ex Feild Cable Party series one. First thing in the morning you had to start it on the handle, choke one swing and off it went. The rest of the day started on the electrics no problem. New battery rebuilt starter, wiring checks, nothing cured the problem. So lived with it. It had belonged to a white witch, and there was a funny tufty thing hanginng on the windscree. I was told it was good luck charm and don't take it out. Being an educated . modern person I took it out. Tehn got stuck had a puncture and lights blew over the next week. Shoved it back in smartly, no futher problems.
  4. Scunthorpe had a bit of a reputation on a Saturday night I seem to remember. :cool2:
  5. Yes ideal way of taking out 101 frustrations. There are 12/24volt jumpp packs available, in regular use everyday at the bus garage. Very expensive though.
  6. You can beat it!! Very hard! Dosen't seem to damage it. :cool2:
  7. I will be planning for Military Mayhem. Oddesey has run it course I belive.
  8. Be intresting to see what happens, I felt a lot of disquet last year.
  9. IE panicing all night so no sleep. AHHH the joys of organising.
  10. No chance!! We don't take the vehicles, all the organiser has is a great big empty feild.
  11. Digging through the archive (ie last pile of junk) I found I have
  12. Is it just me or are the 'established' shows running out of steam?
  13. :n00b::n00b::n00b: I thought the HMVF word was Twupet? a cross bettween a T**T and a Muppet?:iloveyou:
  14. Welcome to the club. Enjoy the hospitality in the bar, the DUKW pond and the international wit and wisdom!
  15. There is aGod!!! :yay::yay:
  16. I will probably get there late Friday Early Saturday. So just wake me with tea, bacon and eggs fresh orange juice. I'll be happy. :cool2:
  17. Topman Radeck, look forward to following the story.
  18. NO NO Degsy!!! You CAN't mean......THE PLANK!!!:shake: NOTE TO SELF: CAN OF PLEDGE TO TAKE TO BUNKER BASH.
  19. RED WINE!!! Run it on Calvados, she'd go up the tower like a rocket ship!
  20. Sorry mate! May have been the wrong site. I know Tom and he sent me some fonts. There was a site posted that had several fonts. Unfortunatley had computer problems so may have lost the link. I'll try to find them. :red:
  21. Careful Bodge, You'll drive him Dotty!:-D What happens if you loose count half way through? :shake:
  22. Our website is at http://goldbeach.org.uk/ We would love you to come down if you could.:-D
  23. Thank you enigma! My weekend is now complete! :angel: :iloveyou:
  24. Bonjour Stephane, I'm a close relative coming from Jersey. Will be over at Ver Sur Mer in June. You are very welcome, enjoy the forum.
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