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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Ah -HA! But, WHO has the true recipe? The shop by the bridge or the one in the High Street. I always went to the one by the bridge.
  2. Ever thought of going 1:1 ? They really are more works of art than enginering.
  3. Little point of order!! they are BAKEWELL PUDDINGS, not TARTS!! :nono: Another place worth a visit. Nearby at Ashford is the factory that made all the submarine batteries for the Royal Navy. The whole area is dotted with lead mines.
  4. welcome Steve, try Pastparts they do a rebuild service reline with stainless steel. did a superb job on a Bedford QL master cylinder, half the cost of a new one, if we could have found it. http://www.pastparts.co.uk/
  5. To far unfortunatley. Great place though!
  6. That's easy!! What ever they ask, your answer will be wrong. :-D
  7. Do you mean 'Gerfunkened'? :-D
  8. I had this problem with the Dodge, the answer was the wires on the ignition circuit switch. That being the one that actually took power to the coil. They had come loose. The starter on a lot of them as said will turn regardles of the igntion being switched on. Problem being if you then turn the beast over without the ignition powered up you flood the carb, so one problem masks another.
  9. There looks to be a lot of wear on the cam lifters. Was the lubrication all it should be?
  10. welcome, know what you mean about Rapier, great fun to play with.
  11. Maybe that's where the Beetles got there inspiration from! :-D
  12. Still Lee, you have a son to be proud of. Unless I get hold of him for that bike picture! :-D
  13. My favourite tracked vehicle. Great fun when your 10 years old. :-D
  14. Lee, Im think Marcus' post was in a spirit of irony. My son like your's was brought up around firearms. He wasn't even allowed to point toy guns at people. He went beating and shooting when he was nine, at his request! Like you all this was used to berate me. Still we both have honest hard working son's not afraid to use their brains. I'm quite satisfied with how he's turned out.
  15. New Zealand Huntaways, the preffered bred over there do work diffrently from English dogs. To start with they have a hell of a lot more land to cover, and are often out of close control, so working instinctivley. Wonderful thing when policy is set by complete **** ignorance.
  16. Actually if you watch a bunch of people trying to round up sheep, it is blindingly obvious the sheep are a damm sight more stresed than using dogs or horses.
  17. we used horses up on the welsh Mountains, green, reasonably enviromentally friendly and eficent. A wel trained sheep dog is a delight to watch work, the real dangerous dogs around sheep are the muppet's who let there pet pooch run riot.
  18. I'll double it, IF you go back up the same way! :cool2:
  19. I can just inmagine Jack in a breathy voice, 'And ...heere,, we have ,,in thier natural envoriment.. militariuss vehichiculs nuttus.. notice the deep stains of oil in the knuckles....as.... they drag...':-D
  20. Tony B


    Wern't they standard issue in Belize? The M16 not SAS.
  21. Well we , that is Goldbeach Group are currently restoring a WS10 trailer. Be intrested in any info you might have on the Golden Arrow system. As for Forum sections, as yoi might have gathered everything rambles, bits and pices of info come in from all odd angles. Mind you with the Naval Section demanding an extension of the Club House duck pond and the runway being extended we will soon need a RADAR set up for trafic control.
  22. No he was using the oppertunity to think up jokes for the Forum!
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