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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Some sense of honour up there at last!
  2. Quick check on Via Michelin. the museum is about 46 KM from the airport.
  3. Not by the time us lot have been discussing every nut and bolt! :cool2:
  4. Dave you say 'better behaved'? A MODPLOD friend of mine was sent down to Dover when the Gurkha's were there. She loved it, apparently they were coming up to her on the gate saying 'Hello Madam, where brothel?' :-D
  5. Yeah the same series that showed a 1942 WC51 in a film clip they claimed was 1940!
  6. God luck, I used to spend a lot of time on the back of a horse up there. Beautiful place,.
  7. Black powder requires a seperate licence, aquire and keep. Form from Police but actually issued by local authority. Best people to ask are the Muzzle Loaders Asocation, they can advise on just about any use you can think of.
  8. Can it be done in a day trip? Or are we looking at a HMVF weekend invasion?
  9. Good question! A lot of USAF WC54's were taken off the airfeilds in UK and replaced with K2's just before D-Day. RAMC did use KD64's in Korea. As to 54's in British service I can't remember seeing any. Various private agency's, notable the American Ambulabce Service did operate VC54 in teh Western Desert in support. These are two official British photos, but notice the US maedical markings. I also have a picture of a 54 converted for use by the SLUs attached to US forces.
  10. Well that won't be a problem for much longer. :cool2:
  11. Now that could be fun! Because whose standards are they going to use?
  12. Looking closley, where does the pink hair ring fit in? :cool2:
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heck_cattle Somewhat like Prezwalski's Horse (Has a diffrent number of chromosones from Equss Cabbalus) Going back to the gene pol. Must be one hell of an animal.
  14. Signed! We have some of the guys at work. I'd not be able to look them in the eye if I didn't. Not polotics, duty to help good people.
  15. Welcome Ian all sizes no problem. Enjoy the forum.
  16. Yes he'd better HOP TO IT! (OK I'll go away and take the tablets, then hit myself over the head) :n00b:
  17. I can't see the need for embarresment. Learnty a whiole lot of new things. Its a whole new thing, what happens to equipment after service life.
  18. Welcome, don't worry about owning a vehicle. Knowledge and enthusisam, plus sense of humour, are appreciated here.
  19. Wonder if the 'Living Van' is part of teh Showman's regulations?
  20. certainly beats a garden gnome. Beautiful work.
  21. No definitley NOT laughing! :shake: Nasty! Start paintinmg the bath chair NATO, or shall we get some tracks fitted?
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