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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome, what a job you've got! Only an MV enthusiast would choose to collect over snow vehicles in Australia! You'll fit right in. As for Weasel being US, do bear in mind (which may be reinforced by a big stick) the inventor/designer was Geffory Pyke, English, in fact the archetypel English Ecentric (otherwise known by many at the time as 'a blithering lunatic) The Weaseal was for some bizzare reason security classified at the same level as the Atomic Bomb. The original conception was an air portable vehicle to carry troops to attack the German Heavy Water plant at Ryjukan.
  2. Time to impose a WATERSHED on the Forum? Peferabley large, metal with no doors or windows, over the pool.
  3. I can see the argument for AFS and Police Coloum. Maybe the name should be changed to the Historic Military/ Goverment special use vehicle and any vaguley military subject of intrest of the world Forum? I do think there should be a gallery for the model makers on the forum to show thier superb work. Mind you The jeasousy their skill arouses in me. :argh:
  4. Tony B

    Site move

    This explains all the convoy of trucks stealing out of the club house at midnight. The GMC on tow was also noted. :cool2:
  5. That air supply has lasted well then.
  6. Never offer to write things round here!! Snapper is like a dog with a bone for stories. :-D Forgotten voices of D-Day is a good book to start.
  7. Never Doubt! PROVE!! Always assume firearms are loaded until YOU check they aren't. Then if you put it down check again.
  8. Welcome, noticing the rest of the list, you'll have to book your slot in the cook house at least three months in advance. Seems to be the fashion at the moment.
  9. A Jeep, would have no more than four seats. What is the local authority regulations on mini cab/private hire? The biggest hassale is likley to be insurance.
  10. With a husband who has a sense of humour like that, doesn't ned a lot of working out. :-D
  11. Sucks! :argh: Foiled again. :cry:
  12. A real man's toy box! welcome to the fun.
  13. The tester I have is a Harrington box that came from somewhere, built in load test. Not that it seems to worry the Onan. At least I know they are working, great bits of kit, It will proably spend most of its time at Frinmere so will be put to hard use.
  14. Didn't you know what a whimble was then? :nono: As for sleeping on a straw mat, :shake: belive me I know!!
  15. Got room from a proper poraclian toilet!! Oh Bliss! :yay:
  16. Old Landys never die, they just contribute to others. Jeep, and I was beginning to like you!! :argh: The ideal family vehicle is the Dodge WC 51 Weapons carrier.
  17. I didn't know people would go to such extremes to get away from Jack's sales pitch,:shocked:
  18. I have finally got the generators back from Stone's place last week and have spent the afternoon playing. Both are as advertised fully operational. :yay::yay::yay: I put my Generator tester on them, both are giving out 280 to 300 volts, I presume this RMS. Does anyone know how to regulate the vopltae? Is it on the engine govenor or internal. For fun tried a load of a 1 kw heavy grinder, neither even stuttered when the grinder was started.
  19. Funnily enough! I remember similar thoughts when I was your age. All these old codgers stopping you doing what you want.:n00b: Give it till 18 to about 22, the best age, old enough to be adult, young enough to get away with things. :yay:
  20. The Old Woolwich Arsenal has ghosts galore. The Officers Mess, Van Meyden's House. Airey Neave's fingers, Walking round the place on a miserable sleety night with the wind blowing straight up the Thames you can belive them!
  21. Were getting worse, I swear it's something in the club house water! :-D
  22. Seeing as the vehicle came in in the 1960's, and was owned by someone else, I'd doubt there would be a problem over inmport duty. You have proof how you came by it? If inherited get a letter from the executor of the will.
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