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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I really don't know which I'd choose. Rather like Wentworth, if you choose one...you know...that you are ....missing out on th reast!
  2. All companies trading in England and Wales, don't know Scotland, they have their own law, must show on all documents publicty etc, and EVERY place of buissness, on or off line, the Adress for Service. All mail sent to this adress is deemed to have been 'served' for leagl purposes.
  3. So whose your favourite carechter. I have a soft spot for Sam Vimes. Mind you a night at the Brocken Drum with the Librian could be fun!
  4. Some of the estates we drive on, a rear gunner wouldn't be a bad idea. :-D One driver, swerved to avoid a fox. Then went over the island in the middle of the road, up the kerb, through a garden fence, bounced off a tree and finished in the garden shed. The bus was rebuilt!
  5. Welcome, no strange tastes are commented on, on this forum.
  6. I have heard it said that men like women in rubber and leather, because it reminds you of the smell of a new car.
  7. Don't forget SUGAR LUMPS for Binky!!:-D
  8. I don't know if the books have been translated into Dutch. He is probably Britian's best selling Authour. Discworld is flat and caried through space on the back of Four elephants, Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon and Jerakeen, which stand on the back of the Great A'Tuin, a turtle .Apperars they have.
  9. Good news! And the weather is starting to improve. Its been a long winter.
  10. Which ferry are you going on? we are due on the Portsmouth one 4th May. presume it won't fit on the weymouth Vomit comet?
  11. Welcome along ,the club house bar is a great place to relax.
  12. Yeah but the pastries!!!!!!!!!. :yay: I'll send you Peter's pies, you send me pastries?
  13. Er just watched trailer. So Question One, Where's the Gold Suit? :confused: Angua never attacks him in the book. The clothing bears no resembalance to the styles Terry Pratchett imagines, and are seen in the pictures of Paul Kidby. Another reason for me not getting Sky.
  14. didn't know there was one mate. Don't have Sky. I did get the DVD of Hogfather, but I'd rather the books anytime. discworld is Fantasy. So why watch Sky's Fanatsy when I can have my own? I've followed the series since Colour Magic was first published. It was broadcast on Radio 4 in Woman's Hour book of the week. I heard one excert, and was hooked!
  15. Sorry, but the prevous years activties by Von Staffenberg, I have no sympathy with any of them. That the Third Reich was a result of many factors, and an abberation, I'll accept, and the 'working class' went along as it put food on their tables and gave back pride after Versille. But the German 'noble' class were promenet in the governing of occupied terrritories. They didn't turn against Hitler till it was obvious they were lossing. this is getting very close to the P word. I was brought up in a place that was Occupied.
  16. I do like the rule, you can smoke dope in an Amsterdam cafe, but not tobaco! :-D Happy memory of a mixed bag of nationalities all arm in arm, at 2am, singing Always look on the bright side of life, outside the bar on a camp site just outside Middleburgh. The Walchern penissula is well worth a tour round.
  17. :confused::confused::shocking: I think I'll go for a lie down. To vivid an imagination.:nut: To be English however, 1Forigners begin at Calais. 2 Following ash clouds, the wrong type of snow in the Channel Tunnel, hurricanes in the ENGLISH Channel, the newspaper headlines are ' Continet cut off!' 3 English is always understandable, if the forigner is playing dumb 'JUST SPEACK LOUDER!' 4 Vist sunny place, sit under sun shade. 5 And yes I have seen it. When Granny gets to Forign beach, take of shoes, roll up dress and stick in draws, go paddaling. 6 English people are never prejudice, they just feel sorry for all those who aren't English. Go on then! Explain Lekker?
  18. Daft regulations! Would you vandlise other antique fabrics? :banghead: :iamsmiling:
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