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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome to the sad house. You won't be short of conversation.
  2. Don't worry Tim, the Forum name really nedds amending. We all have a hodge podge intrest in anything vaguley military, and our own specialities.
  3. Mirus battery , with three 30.5 ex Russian battleship guns was the biggest in the Island's. As an odity, when the guns were cut up for scrap, British Oxygen had to formulate a special mix the steel was so hard. Some more Channel TV footage, featuring a local Iland's celebrity http://www.channelonline.tv/channelonline_puffin/
  4. A, we got a look in to!! Also how to start a White Half Track.
  5. Unfortunatley didn't have time to any research in the Island this time. Intrestingly it is carrying a local civillian registration number.
  6. Just taken the Dodge to Jersey running on the Halford's classic 20/50. No problems oil pressure stayed up even when idiling after long runs, no oil use.
  7. Very important in 6 volt. Every connection spotlessley clean! electrickery is very lazy, doesn't like dirt.
  8. You were speacking the wrong language probably. For a ship on UK run registered in Barbado's, and forign crewed. I never even started up the ramp until I knew I'd clear it, been there done that.......
  9. The tower MP3 was for many years the base of Marine Jersey Radio. That has now moved and the tower has been refurbished and is avavilable as holiday let. Originaly it was the range finder tower for four 220 mm guns sited at a battery just back on the cliff. Now under La Moye prision. The Mack is at Sam Pallot's Steam Museum, along with the WLF.
  10. What is there about wet cement?
  11. Wood shuttering was used to make the concrete walls of the bunkers.
  12. Biffs!! Only to well! Used to fly horses on the Evil old things from Castle Donnington, East Midland.
  13. Point of order! The official end of WW2 was one minute after midnight May 9th 1945! On May 8th 1945 German Naval Officer's under the command of admiral Huffmier warned theCaptain of HMS Beagle of Gurnersey that as the surrender was not officially in force his ship might be fired on.
  14. No offence meant mate. Just back from the Rock, got in this am at 06:00 B*** drive back with roadworks, typing brain a bit slow. You know what polotics are like in the Island. The easy way to settle the argument would be bore a hole from the top, and drop a camera. Trouble is land owner is seeing pound notes (Yes, they still use Pound notes in the Islands) so acess is via drain. That has block in it, but a tool has been made to work through. The tunnel under the church has been partially re-opened. Again the tunnels cross boundaries. Some land owners are fine others are not The CIOS 2010 REVIEW has more details, just trying to get hold of it.
  15. Yeah, back today. Hell of a good time though!:-D
  16. I had somthing similar on a car. It was a loose manifold stud. As the pressure increased the stud was stretching' At idle or low speed no noise. When cold everything seemed OK. It increased over time till I found it.
  17. Welcome, Hampshire has a lot of links with Jersey.
  18. If your's is six volt, I know the feeling! My twelve volt WC51 has a Jolley electronic ignition. Never a problem with her1 She started quite happily on eight month old French petrol!
  19. Steve, the 'tunnel incident' was in Jersey, HO2 in 1962. Two children died after entering the tunnel and lighting a fire. They were asphiciated by CO. Yes, one concern is subsidence. My scource has spocken to the man who originally did the work in 1945. That is what has sparked the survey. As for photos, they are copyright so you'll have to go to these links http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/hmd/
  20. Not me mate! Gurnersey Fortress Group. I just happned to talk to the right people.
  21. Real marks in history. Boot marks in the command bunker Batterie Moltke-
  22. Just a few holiday snaps. went to visit my old school. A drive with friends, trip to the beach. Walked in others footsteps. Admired a mate's motor. Helped out old friends, and made new ones.
  23. There are photos of the Char B SPG in existence taken in the CI. The eveidence for the vehicles existence is very good. Negotiations are taking place over a full survey at the moment. As soon as I know more and am cleared to release information I'll do so.
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