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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I think you neerd to get a bit of sleep this week Jack. The tricorn hat and arm in the jacket is going a bit far. :-D
  2. All commentts are true. But if it it's cheap enough could be a lot of fun. :-D
  3. Gradient was 1 foot rise in 4 foot lateral ie 1 :25 so as Degsey says, just convert to percentage.
  4. I belive more were actually fired against Antwerp than London. The forward progress of the Allies drove the launch sites back. Was there ever a mobile launch for V1 , other than from the Heinkel 111?
  5. Must vist your country, the third gun down looks like a 60 pound Whitworth Rifled Muzzle loader intresting, and Whithead torpedoes.
  6. no mate, it's a well known phenomenooon of 'Wardrobe Shrinkage'. Plauge of modern kit. :blush:
  7. You don't want to face a load of Wombles late for their lunch club/ charity shop rummage/ cream teas belive me.. It makes an opposing army look wimpish. Have no doubt about the damage Granny with a rolling shopping trolley can do! :shocking:
  8. http://www.advancedbatterysupplies.co.uk/ I've had good service from this lot. The Optima 6 volt is superb, tiny but 840 amp cranking! Last quote i had for one a couple of months ago was £138 but they are in short supply , the British Army are nabbing all they can get. I evntually got a pair of lead acid for £148. I did thsi as i can series them and put them on a 12 volt solar trickle charge. Long story.
  9. Jack, silly question, but have you told the local bus company what's going on? As you say don't have to, but maybe good public relations.
  10. Mine was a black, yes , black from new. Two door LHD automatic. She probably worked in Berlin, not nessacarially originally with the SAS as such. The vehicle came up for diposal due the engine being worn out. Now the intresting part. A brand new V8 LDV in Northern Ireland was sent out sent out to to a suspect device. It found the device, and all that came back was the engine! Thiswas subsequently fitted to the two door as an off ticket jolly mobile. The vehicle then came via Hereford to a civillina consultant. He worked it to death and offered ti to me for £100. The engine was is superb nick, the rest was a heap of ****. I didn't want it but knew a friend who'd be intrested in the engine. Rather than scrap it the vehicle was made roadworthy, though cosmetically a mess. she was used for a couple of years as a hack wagon then I aquired it meaning to restore. It never happned and the vehicle went on to be used as a tow truck, I have lost track of it now.
  11. Having also owned a genuine ex SAS Range Rover. I know it was genuine because I know where it came from. Trying to find history, very very little chance. The one thing that does distingush them, they don't have a full chasis number.
  12. Dutch pasteries!! Fuel, now about 1.43 euro per litre over here. Come with a brimmed up tank!
  13. Have you centered and adjusted the shoes? That might be the problem, no auto adjust remember.
  14. A lot of the French guns ended up in the german firtifications on the chanel islands.
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