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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Just in time for a bit of freelance snow clearing.:-D
  2. Yeah I thought of that. The bloke who asked me is positive it was 'German' tank they were escaping from. Though he did describe the film as Silly! That fits the whole film and plot.:-D
  3. There is no sales technique can beat the word 'NO' and a closed door or put down phone! :-D
  4. Does anyone know the name of a film which has the plot about two American airmen escaping using a downed plane as a ground vehicle?
  5. Should give you more opertunitys then! :cool2: Don't stint your sellf. :-D
  6. Tony B

    Big ray

    Well I can do it so it isn't diffcult. :-D Click 'manage attachments' and the rest is explained. Nice to have you back old fruit!
  7. Welcome, plenty here to share your woes with.
  8. Yeah, the eggs come home as an omlette and the milk as cream chesses.:-D
  9. Cuts in the budget meant the radar was somewhat behind schedule.
  10. One each way would be apt. Britsh military don't know if thier coming or going. :-D
  11. o you know where Jate rings may be obtained?
  12. Anything like the Land Rover one? Can help if it is. Circuit and hardware.
  13. Try a Disscovery owner pulling another stuck vehicle. Rope went from lashing eye, up around spare wheel carrier on back door, then to stuck vehicle. Apparently the glass popped clean oout unbrocken. Luclly there was a spare door at the yard. :-D
  14. !"£%%&^ VOSA dimensions are getting stupid!
  15. Are you implying I'm a trouble maker? :cool2: The lamps have bee about for a while. The perceptive comments of other forum memebers stung me into action. :-D
  16. Anyone any idea where A I could find a couple of bulbs B A workable modification for these? The bulb loks like a lollipop tall stem with globe on top.
  17. And then the aditional Anyone know where I can get lamps for the Lamp Daylight Short Range Projector Mk11? The one that looks like a lollipop?
  18. Yeah sounds like a brick coming through the window.:computerrage: :shocking:
  19. The package better than the content's. So Jack your question answered!:-D
  20. OH boy!! No such thing as C1 anymore! It's the full LGV or nought! Get that one on the company budget, you're laughing. :banghead: If they give you the oppertunity to do the Driver CPC as part of the course, do it! You won't technically need it as you're main job is not driving but if the muck goes into the air conditioning you can at least do agency work.
  21. Welcome Hardy. Stand by for a load of I remember when I was over there .... stories.
  22. If the wording in the act says' Detection of radio transmissions' that's it! Bare in mind the law works on very tight definitions of words. Thats why Legal Draftstmen are paid a fortune. As an example with the horse boxes, a private horse owner can drive the box with the horse in as much as they like. A paid groom would be under hours. Moviong a horse, is part of eraning your living..
  23. No, private horseboxes don't have an exemption. Hence I had to find out what I could. Additionally carrying livestock has a whole new world of hurt legislation. Not to mention being in and out of the LEZ on local roads! :banghead: The latest dodge for horse boxes is that a lot of them have living accomadation built in, re-register as campers. The horses are 'pets', DVLA hasn't got it's head round that one yet!:cool2:
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