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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. You proably have the Goretex ones. I have a pair and used them last snow. brilliant bits of kit, much lighter and warmer than wellies!
  2. Tony B

    Back then

    Still as part of the average earning power expensive. It's the B****dy inflation now though!
  3. Still another old girl saved. :-D
  4. Thanks to Grff66, I now have the extractors. :flowers::yay::beer: Cheers mate! The power of HMVf. Now just have to pin down time to do the job.
  5. Tthanks Richard, therefore makes me suspect about one shot grease. Dosen't splash.
  6. The answer is a **** the book says remove all the side gaurds underneath. I managed it without that by using a half moon ring ratchet spanner. There are three bolts. The brake pipe coming out the front has a peculiar spiral, DON'T DAMAGE it!! It would be a complete **** to have to replace that. There are two types of cylinder available. The later M37 type is straight, the real one slopes. The new ones are available, the one I got was around the £100 mark.
  7. No good, the batterys on this key fob are flat.
  8. I have freewheel hubs fitted to the Dodge. They do make life a lot quieter. As to lubrication, Land Rover now do a 'One Shot Grease'. I've used it on standard hubs. Has anyone used it on freewheel?
  9. Hey I know whose right side to stay on! :-D
  10. That's the whole point, we have a lot of prestige involved we have told the media when things will happen, we in the boardroom are not prepared to look plonkers if things are late, and not prepared to allow the budget for full testing of say... The Hubble Space Telescope.. or the Large Hadron Collider. Shove it in the water and hope it floats. And yes I know the arguments, engineers would test it to destruction and start again if they could.
  11. Start work in the dark, finish in the dark. Also we have a Robin who moves back into the workshop.
  12. Saw that, he really knows his stuff and seems to enjoy what he does.
  13. Vetran's and Chelsea Pensioner's, and serving soldier's. Freind's, drunks (Often the same thing:D) I consider myself very lucky and priviliged to been able to take part in many things and meet many people since owning the Dodge. There all special.
  14. A race? Anyway you have Rosie what more could a man want?
  15. Proably did. One thing forgotten was that at the time Titanic was the biggest , the best , the revelutionary..... rather like the Comet? She was the technological edge of what was obtainable at the time...R101 comes to mind as well. If men build it, nature can breack it.
  16. Carpentry? That's involves that funny wood stuff dosen't it? Never been able to find the right spanner to fit it. Your knowledge will be invaluable.
  17. Wil get one over next few days. working and show.
  18. Cap badge could be that of the Machine gun corp.
  19. Great TV, but I think pointless. One of the biggest question marks over the Titanic is the quality control of matrial used. How are they going to replicate that?
  20. I do have a six volt Dodge type looking for a home.
  21. Seriously buy a good tank suit! Or the fishing type waterproof overalls. Driving whilst freezing cold and unable to feel fingers and toes, ain't wise.
  22. The suggestion about the helmsman isn't that new. As I've said it was a known problem.Like many things of this nature there have to be hero's and villians. Which you end up is a matter of chance. There is also the 'S** hapens factor'. The original officer who had the key to the binocular store was ordered off the ship at the last minute, and took the key! Once again the social norms of the time palyed there part. As to the 45 minutes before launching boats. the descicon was made, in fact had ben suggested when she was designed that if holed the Titanic would be her own lifeboat. The conditions that night made the officers fear for the sfatey of those in the boats. Hindsight , a wonderful way of critising ordinary men under extrodinary circumstances.
  23. Hitchin's mistake at the helm, was not unusual at the time. Still can be a problem if you go from tiller to wheel steer on small boats. The other grief at the time was the change from points to degrees. I used to be able to box a compass, but would struggle now.
  24. Are these gadgets the same as the ione fitted to the Dodges?
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