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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. At half the cost, you may have to do work, but at least you will know exactaly what has been done it. You end up spending the same money but you know it's in good condition.
  2. I was at a show and a lady brought in an album. She was kind enough to let me photgraph them.
  3. 111's are starting to get rarer now. Most have been rebuilt and prices are going up, especially for ex military.
  4. Proabaly work out similar cost if not less, to LPG it. Diseil trucks aren't that much les sto run than petrol now. For the sort of milage a show vehicle does. Is there any point in worrying now? Also with various bizzare types of legislation that seem to be in the offing, LPG might well be a better bet. Unless you might be able to get vegtable oil?
  5. Welcome, as for the truck, hey your choice stick with it. We'll just ask silly questions about.
  6. twenty five Ex mil K3's and some MW's were working in Jersey as farm vehcles up to the late sixtes. The DUKWS kept going till mid seventies.i
  7. JUTO- HMVF's latest enterprise!:-D
  8. :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: One thing about thsi place. Get a fact wrong an the knives come out! (In the nicest POSSIBLE way)
  9. welcome Richard, a lot of like minded here.
  10. Bugger to park in Tesco's though. :-D
  11. I got told a story about the Far East by a veteran. He was in charge of transport section with MW's. On one trip two of his guys ran into a water bufallo. Meat being short, waste not want not, they chucked it in the back of the truck. On returning to the base a lot of the troops were Hindu. As the vehicle had carried a dead 'cow', none of them would drive it. He roprted the situation up the line and was told return truck to depot and replace. When he got there he found a couple of Dodges. So a bit of horse trading later he brought them back. He reckoned it was the worst decision of his life. The things were unstopable! Any dirty job going, his section got it.
  12. Welcome along Richard. There are a lot of moddlers here, you'll enjoy your self.
  13. Cost of cylinders is not much. I'd avoid anything other than proffesional rebuilt exchnges. Just my old Mentors Howards saw 'A bugger if they don't go, a disaster if they don't stop. :-D
  14. Don't know about steam cleaners, can see it might work. A mix of old gear oil and disiel works well. I have had a lot of useful results with a stuff called Ultra Crack super, or you mightt try freezing compound on the piston.
  15. Bracking systems are relativley cheap and easy to replace. Bite the bullet and use cupro nickel pipes. These dont rust. Steeing probably the ball joints worn, Could be the Raiko bushes. Again nota lot of work or cost. Chioce is, can you do the wrok required and can you get it cheap enough? Engine wise did smoke clear as engine warmed up? A filter change flush out and oil change could cure most of it.
  16. Them horse thives is getting real bodacious!
  17. Budget cuts mean we get the top half next year,
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