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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The Army's new special forces Igor about to operate!
  2. The Roman's had an army and navy didn't they? Which seaplane base, not the one off Joyce Green in Dartford by any chance?
  3. Ashchurch sems to be where they were stored. No 101 was built as an ambulance. They were never intended to be ambulances but there was an UOR for Second Generation feild ambulances. More towards treatment in the vehicle rather than just transport. Marshall's of Cambridge got the contract and selected, now here I'm open to corection, 600 chassis from store for conversion. Considering only 2666 101s were ever built thats a high proportion.
  4. Intresting.. Yet again the complexity of system rasies its head.
  5. I'm intrested to see RNAS on the loory sides. Were RNAS totally in charge of home defence during the early part of the Great War? The site of the current Joyce Gtreen Hospital at Dartford had some intresting 'Flying' style buildings in the undergrowth.
  6. Point is if any gizmos such as indicators or wipers are fitted , they must work. Having driven into heavy precipertation with windscreen down, I like wipers!
  7. Yes Degsey. as Topdog says , metal detectors are also banned unles you have a licence. The French laws on such things are especially harsh. The Calvados area, have some special conditions all there own as well. For the 65th anniversary trip Goldbeach organised it took eighten months and about four hundred diffrent permits.
  8. There is a blanket ban on removal of sand and stone from the foreshore without a licence.
  9. Essential that they Know how to handle technical objects, especially toilet seats !
  10. Be honest your better of with new bits, For god value and quality service I'd suggest this place. http://www.orcalogic.co.uk/asp/default.asp The downlaod even tells you the correct type of memory.
  11. Yeah, that wa sanother one cancclled mid project. Though the weaseal came out of it.
  12. Now what were you saying about cuts in manpower?
  13. We could lend them Corsec and Antarmike? Lloyd's open form. We could gold plate the Club House.
  14. Anything which has the apperance of being firearm. - A full size copy of a Colt SAA would definitley have the apperance of being a firearm. Bare in mind many of the modern Rigbys or Rugers have a close resembalance to the Colt. Daft thing is the real ones could qualify for obscure or obsolete cartridge. Best advice would be contact some organisation such as the Sportsman Asscociation or the N.S.R.A. they have full paid legal egles working full time on such questions.
  15. Does the term left hand down a bit ring any bells?:cool2: How did Mr Phillips hit a bouy, the jetty a dockyard crane and the gates? Well sir, he was parking in the dark...and he's afraid of it! BBC Radio 7, back in the days when we did have a navy. :-D Oh just to good to miss... all together.... Sail bonny boattttttt....
  16. Ah gentleman, but :-D As far as an MOT goes- At the time of Examination! Ten seconds later a total irelevance. :banghead: Don't forget, if you have a failed bulb, during daylight , even if the lights are not on..... :police: I wonder if you stopped any vehicle at random, would it comply with every regulation? Just as an example, if you are ever forced to ride on a bus, slap the seats. If dust comes up, kick off! the vehicle isn't fit for service. And warn Rosie! It is still an offence for a lady to eat choclate on an Omnibus! Considered lewd behaviour.
  17. Tony B

    MoD cuts

    Cutting equipment is one thing, but manpower? Your back to the oldest military rule in history. If you don't have enough boots on the ground you achive nothing.
  18. Where did you get the info on the replica Luke? The VCR act is seemingly quite clear, if it cannot be distingushed from a real weapon without close examination and is not a de-ac its a RIF.
  19. Tony B

    MoD cuts

    I attended a passing out parade at Pirbright last Friday. My son was one of the TA recruits who passed out. Once agin I wonder do our soldiers deserve their political masters? Or more importantly do the Politicians deserve those who are willing to give their health and lives for the vaunted ambitions of westminster?
  20. 101 ambulances were definitley in the Balkans. Mine had the distinctive red cross painted on the radiator grille that was a theatre marking.
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