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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. They can be reversed. The skill is keep things in a straight line and keep things very slow and gentle.
  2. Welcome, you will feel right at home.
  3. Welcome in. You'll find as much discussion on enginering kit as fighting and transport. If it has even the vaugest connection to the military someone will point it out.
  4. RASC did provide ambulance drivers.
  5. I have been told that prior to the Normandy landings US airforce bases had thier WC54's taken off them and repalced with Austin K2. The logic being the 4x4 would be more use in Europe than on a flat solid airfeild.
  6. Unfortunatley Steve it does leave prejudice, even if the person trys to fight it!
  7. No problem mate! :-D Stupid as it sounds the Occupation of countries during the second world war can still raise hackles. Hopefully my generation, last to be taught or influenced by those who went through it will be last. As for 'empirical' stories, not when you knew Mr Pallot. The problem is 'Hindsight' we know the 'Facts'. The current spate of TV re-live the times programmes don't help. The one thing the 'historic re-enactors' never have, is the social attitude of the times. To start with they know what is going to happen.
  8. She is an ex Norwegian. The engine was changed in 1962 and has about 25,000 miles on the clock, and a Jolley electronice ignition. Other than that, I just take my driving seriously and don't rush. The other factor is she has freewheel hubs on the front.
  9. I've got a set of trousers with the red label somwhere. A bit worn but if they are of intrest to anyone let me know.
  10. Not in 1867 it wern't. It was a compeitor to the Punch magazine. So it proves to Diana and Jackie, their Dad was human! He must have read comics once. Ally Sloper was portrayed as a ner do well, drunk , in debt always doing stupid things. I can see why he appealed to squadies. The carachter reminds me of Mr McGoo's grandfather. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ally_Sloper It also shows that squaddies habit of reading comics and naming things after carton carachters goes back a lot farther than you'd think. (I will be leaving the Zimmer frame on the club house steps so that a certain person trips over it!)
  11. And I thought Glasgow was reputed to be rough!
  12. Welcome Matt, you don't sound boring at all!
  13. Alley Sloper, now there is a blast from the past. Ally Sloper was a cartoon carachter, first published in 1867, in a British magazine called Judy. The Army Service Corp, became known as Alley Sloper's Cavalary. The scheme developed into its own comic Alley Sloper's Half Holiday. Though this stopped publishing after the Great War there was an attempt to revive it in the late 1940's.
  14. Ex Swiss airforce? Oh the days of childhood again!
  15. Are you sure Paul? You lucky............... one of the most beautiful things ever to take to the air!
  16. Youy will love thi splace then http://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm?lat=54.46040189933922&lon=-2.36143413408849&gz=13&oz=7&gt=6 Onre of my prized pocessions is th 1937 Ordnace survey map of Jersey. Before all the bunkers were built!
  17. Yes, the Discovery has roof and heater, strangley for a Land Rover, dosent leack! All the fun goes out of life.
  18. AHHHH, but as a friend said to me when I couldn't stop laughing at the sight of Damart! Shop in a line of Anne Summers type shops in Iperes, 'It get cold in winter!' A decent tank suit (Or if feeling Girly) a pink ski suit! No problem! The only time an open top/sided vehicle is not fun is driving in hail or rain.
  19. The clue is in the name. They do make life very easy.
  20. You are very welcome. Standby to get inundated with questions.
  21. First put a proper battery tester, one that loads across the batteries. Second check that the battery connections are tight and clean, don't assume beceause you can't move them they are OK. That might be two obvous problems. Electrolyte levels in battery! If they are sealed unit batteries they have a nasty habit of sudden death.
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