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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. One of the best places to do research is 'Forgotten Weapons.Com' Ian has many vids on You Tube giving detailed info on such things. Trouble is an original s going to cost a packet due to cult following. If it is for show or renactment some good air soft are available.
  2. I'm wondering like Degsy about tyres. You say it only happens at high tempratue? The only thing that comes to mind that would change is tyre and pressure. What type , age and condition are they maybe a sign of a tyre wall failing?
  3. Welcome in. PM sent, post some pictures and let the brains trust start working! :-D
  4. Bad leak at standstill or only after loading? First thing is check the axle breather is clear. If you are in the workshop worth fitting a new set of remote breathes any way. Nor difficult or expensive.
  5. I'd love to do the run from Bratton to Porlock Bay again. :cool2: Have ships tied to the spire at Porlock yet? Welcome in.
  6. I suspect they are standard Land Rover Anti burst locks. Most of the usual Landy suppliers should have them, just shop about.
  7. Nothing new. In the early days of Northern Ireland, Series Land Rovers ran open topped with the crew looking outwards. The system was previously used in Aden, Cyprus Malaya, etc. Mark 1 Eyeball is still the main battlefield sensor. Even with modern kit, the position of Top Cover, ie look out and around is still considered vital. It is the classic dillema, the armoured vehicle can protect you, on the other hand you can't see or deal with the people sneacking up on you as your visibility is restircted when close down, espcially in FIBUA
  8. Well it restores your faith in humans anyway:-D
  9. Ahh! Somebody here loves me! :flowers:
  10. Welcome out of Hibernation! :-D
  11. In Jerriais, we sort of mix, the Polite term is L' P'tite Maison (The little house, more colioquoly Le Chiotte.
  12. Could come from Kaki- Which I belive is from the Cape Dutch. God the weird things you pick up studying military history, :-D
  13. I know what you mean $1 nut, $10 shipping, but Jon had them, and the cost of buying and shipping from Europe would have worked out about the same.
  14. Would be worth e mailing Jon, https://midwestmilitary.com/midwest-military-vehicle-parts-stores.htm it won't be cheap but at least it will be the right one.
  15. Not originally, but as Rome declined the Otterman's hovered up a lot of territory eventually taking Constaniople, and felling the Holy Roman Empire in 1453.
  16. At last! Thanks Clive you have given the brain a work out. :clap:
  17. right!! :angry You are now pushing my military/political history.So we have 1905? Who was about with Large Army /Empire. French, humm, they'd had the *** kicked out of them by Prussia in 1871 and were still recovering. Austro Hungary? they'd had the Prussian treatment a few years earlier. Germany as it now was, still developing. So I'll take a punt on the Otterman Empire. Yes Russia wa sbaout, but would thier army have the technical skill to wield a shovel at that time?
  18. Dated 1905, copied from another Army. OK, what wa sthe British Army up to at that time? Just finished the Boer War and major reorginistaion, the other thing it could be, thinking Indian army, and that shape, an oven?
  19. Not another vintage latrine? We will get to the bottom of this. :cool2:
  20. long time ago Dammed if I can remember the name of the place, lots of deer. That area was called Airship Now back to subject. Is the shape some sort of emplacement? The other thing that comes to mind is mobile radar. Noise important? WW1 sound locator station
  21. I used to shoot on an estate near Ashford that has the remains of something very close to this where an airship was based.
  22. Whoa!!! I think know what it is. The base for a light airship used on Channel Patrol in WW1.
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