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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Subs in Town is not the best of ideas Jack, belive me!:rolleyes:
  2. You growing your own camo nets now? Autumn? There putting the *^%$$$* Christmas lights up in Orpington High Street this afternoon! :nut:
  3. Who put the 'Dozer in the background? :angry The whole thing looks very orginal, desrves to have a lot of intrest.
  4. Welcome, nice looking vehicle. The Pacific Campain is a bit under representied here.
  5. The good old 'Attitude Adjuster'. :-D
  6. Is he planning a series of books then? Where's ...... :undecided:
  7. Must have been poor! Most captured stuff was pressed into service somewhere. I know the repalcement FT35 was used in Jersey. There is, or maybe was an FT17 turret at the Beauport battery at St Brelade, as a kid I used to climb up the cliff and sit on it. The current owner a certain N. Mansell, is a very anti social person and has placed it behind razor wire. (Apparently he couldn't get planning permission for minefeilds)
  8. A lot had the turrets ripped out and mounted on static defence bunkers. Don't know what happned to the running gear though.
  9. True! Apprently gloom and doom at German Beer Festivals, due to drought in America malting barley has jumped in price! Any futher and we may be reduced to water :shocking:
  10. I thought Jack was out around the countryside examining gates for hidden aircraft? :confused:
  11. Got washed with Degsy's Special Sheep Slurry Shampoo by mistake. Jacks had a s lucky escape! :sweat:Either that or Gentic Enginnering Military style!
  12. http://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk/ I got all the LED and most importantly a compatable flasher unit for my 12 volt Dodge WC51 from this lot. I fitted the LEDs into the Butler type filament indicator holders and used orange indicator repair tape on the inside of the white lenses. Reasonably straight forward, a bit of firkiling to get the LED to fit. Most important! remember to change any trailer board bulbs as well. The flaher unit is the esential, otherwise it means wiring in resistors to get the load for the filament flasher to work.
  13. LIFE! Uniformaly, unavoidably fatal! :-D Don't eat anything, don't drink anything and above all DON'T breathe the air!
  14. LIFE! Uniformaly, unavoidably fatal! :-D
  15. Just gone through this rigmarole with Katy my WC54, the MOT computer programme on the chassis number also started the issue of the VL5.
  16. Tony B


    I have a copy of the 1966 Chertsey book, which is where the picture comes from. Was FVRDE, then MEVEE. I have soft spot for Gipsys, my first vehicle.
  17. Tony B


    The 1966 Chertsey sheet
  18. Bonfire nights going to be fun this year then?:cool2: Russian kit may look crude, but it does function in extreme conditions.
  19. To the strains of 'We'll Keep a welcome in the Hillsides'? Are you still having to have radiological checks?
  20. A good quality Thatcham Approved Discklox (That's how it's spelt!) http://www.disklokuk.co.uk/ The local pond life hate them. I have sen a gadget that bolts around all the pedals, but I don't know if it would fit a Jeep.
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