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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome, the research side of the forum is very active.
  2. Not only the Military built from spares. I met a couple of old guys at Ver Sur Mer who had started thier transport buissnes back in 1945/6 by pulling in wrecks and buildoing up six working vehicles.
  3. Probably not to far from the truth. Folowing WW2 a lot of ex military vehicles ended up on t' farm.:-D 50 Austin K3 went to the Channel Island's in 1947 25 to each island. They were working up to the 1970's.
  4. Couldn't advance the trip could you? Any way what about the English sectors? The Clavados Tousist Board are very helpful (Just don't call them French, thier Norman!) I would suggest you find time to Visit Tilly Sur Selles, and the Jerusalem Farm cemetry just outside. As a side benifit the farm produces the best Calvados in Normandy, like liquid sunshine. The Cathederal at Bayeux has to be one of the most stunning buildings in the world. The military musuem is excellent as well.
  5. Not when Jack is having a 'Bad Hair' day! And Jack's bad hair days are spectacular! For the sake of peace, start going through the photo albums guys! Talk about history repeating. Now if Jack starts suggesting a 'Holiday Photo' competion....Could be answer to the EEC, the Euro Crisis, and the French customs attitude to Military Vehicles! :trustme: After all bettween us there are probably more AFV's owned than most armies, and the Logistic vehicles to support them.. Pinch a few rowing boats... Uhum, perhaps time I went for lie down.
  6. A wheel clamp is not nessacarily effective on a 4x4. One of the locals when his 4x4 was clamped, disconnected the front prop, and drove off! :-D He didnt get far, but he tried!
  7. Welcome, there are a lot of two wheel enthusiasts that can help you here.
  8. This looks effective. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQbHnLSasfQ
  9. Are you sure it isn't a Russian captatlist plot? Get people to buy thier armour, then land at Heathrow via Rynair and take it over?:nut:
  10. Being cheecky, can you send me details of the Vauxhall roof rack?
  11. Is there a mine plough attachment? You could go into contracting!
  12. Trouble is Degsy, a crew like that don't come as standard unfortunatley.:-D Scrubbed in the dirt I get OM-AHA, make that OK-AHA
  13. Intrestingly, what date did you make the note? The TT was 50 Div, based in the North the symbols are an anagrm of Tyne , Tees, and Humber rivers.
  14. Don't the manufacturers have archives ?
  15. Have you tried contacting the RLC Museum? They may have some information on it. Though I know some military spec vehicles went through Ministry of Supply to civillian research establishments such as RARDE.
  16. Welcome, mind Rosie, she will have an eye on your trailer as a portable wine cellar!
  17. Absouletly! To clean her spotlessley would look wrong. They were vehicles built to keep men alive, not rich mens playthings. My WC54 has repairs to the bodywork, but I'd never remove and restore them, they are the marks of her service and part of her life. If you look at in service pictures the dents and missing bits are obvious. Reproduction or not, Military vehicles Honour those who served, they should look used.
  18. With Dodges its easy. Contact the Walter P Chrysler Museum , send $25 and get a copy of the build card. :whistle:
  19. You know, there are times when I wish I didn't have such a vivid imagination. :-(
  20. The college I went to at Moreton Morell in Warwickshire was the HQ for Free Chzech Forces. The Staff cars are beautiful, They do you proud.
  21. Even better looking!When is she due to sail again?
  22. OUCH!! I can see how that would bring on strain. The vehicle is just so nice. That little bit of dust on the paintwork and the trees in the background she looks like she could parked by a French or Belgium road in Summer.
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