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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. You mean lock Jack away for a half an hour?
  2. The 1/2 ton lightweight and the 101 1 ton Forward control are 'Military Land Rovers'; the rest are just civillian vehicles with pretensions! The 101 gives you a whole series of vehicles to depict.
  3. Do note though: The best system in the world cannot cope with you doing something silly!
  4. I agree with Degsey. AVG Free is perfectly useable for basic protection. The payed version is first class and so is the PC tune up, I've used Norton and Macafee in the past, and had all sorts of issues with both.
  5. Mike , your description is quite vivid! I'm off for a a Rabies shot.
  6. My son had insurance with AF, they got his date of birth wrong three times and kept sending documents in my name not his, then told him he wasn't insured I was! I've always used Premium Choice, never a problem.
  7. I'm afraid your right Mike. This from the UK.GOV site. [h=1]3. Driving abroad[/h][h=2]Driving in the European Union (EU)[/h]All UK vehicle insurance provides the minimum third party cover to drive in other EU countries. Check with your insurer if your policy has extra cover for things like theft or damage to your car abroad.
  8. By law insurance companies must provide at least 90 days European cover.
  9. More info http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/Training_flight_crashes_at_La_Rocco
  10. Thankyou! There is a Steyr radio car still in the Island.
  11. The link is to something that was exposed by the recent gales on St Quen's beach in Jersey. The tower in the background is called La Roco Tower (Now a holiday let for the adventourous) During the Occupation a Dornier aircraft crashed on the islet, No futher info I'm afraid. Could the debri be an engine cowling? http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2014/02/14/mystery-on-the-beach/
  12. The picture was taken just post war at Jersey Airport. Can anyone identify the vehicle?
  13. Thanks. I like the Horse on the phone. :-D
  14. Can you post a link to the website?
  15. Just keep all your heads down! The wind is blowing a hooley around here, but fortunatley the ground is high and clear of major rivers. Just the run off underming feild boundrys and trees coming down. Apparently the water table has risen 21 meters in Croydon.
  16. Now that is real enginnering! Beautiful work!
  17. Hey Rosie, have the Christmas wellies had a good work out? Beginning to worry not having heard from you.
  18. Glad to see you back! That is really is nice work. I've a copule I'd be intrested in having (Another) drawing.
  19. One quick trick. Wilst engine is running take each plug off independently, when engine note dosen't change, that's the duff one. From the sound of it, start with the easy and cheap route and check electrics. Dis cap, plugs . leads , condenser and points first. Banging an old drum. Investment is an electronic ignition is worth making.
  20. Drinks on you tonight then!
  21. Welcome, no doubt questions will be along soon.
  22. There is a 'Not to scale ' replica about . It's about 4/5 ths. Looks truncated when you see it. This was shown at IMPS Combined Ops last year. That is wood and was originally built to fit on a theatre stage.
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