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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Um, I know from bringing a vehicle in from Jersey, which is part of UK, but not (It's complicated) but that had Jersey plates. I couldn't keep it in the country on those plates and had to register in UK as that's where I reside. There may also be insurance problems on a 'Forign' registered vehicle. You would need to display an English tax disc, or whatever system we are due to go over to later this year. And as for general standard of service. As you may have gathered if you've followed some threads DVLA/VOSA are a right bunch of ............... useless is the kindest description.
  2. A Respected Senior memeber of the Forum, in the days of his wild youth!
  3. As far as deac goes , yes. Modern de-ac on auto weapon welds the whole lot shut. BAR was produced from early part of 1918. Probably still in service somewhere. Famous users include Browning's Son Val during 1918 with American Forces on the Wetern Front. And William Bonnie (Not the Thompson as depicted in the film) It really was development of Brownings Colt Poto Masher mg. Prices depend on date , condition , matching part numbers and manufacturer.
  4. Ca Va Mon Vie! Aren't you a bit early? (Crapuad joke to fool the Donkeys in our midst) There are some from across the gap here as well.
  5. The starting handle?
  6. Very true! There are pictures of OY's in German markings taken in Jersey.
  7. There is a radio play made by the BBC. It was on a couple of weeks ago. Well worth listening to if you can find it.
  8. My two vehicles are 70 years old. One the WC54 had a rebuild in 1952, so what's original?
  9. Existing guns, provided that no more than 3 shots. one in chamber two in magazine are still legal on a shotgun certificate. Though prices are now around the £3-400 mark for a decent one.
  10. God thinking that man! There was TAF forward feild near Ver Sur Mer. I'll ask Geoff where it was.
  11. Portsmouth for the conventional ferry, about 8 hours, capable of carrying any vehicle. Poole or Weymouth for the vomit comet, about 3 hours. The fast ferry can only carry smaller vehicles. Operator Condor Ferries. i belive negotiations are in progress over ferry costs. Road travel to Portsmouth has improved considerable since the new road tunnel has opned.
  12. Actually! A local Scout Group wanted a load of old canvas tents dumped, I volunteered! Because a lot of the tents were ex military, so I got half a dozen similar looking WD marked usable canvas.
  13. Post pictures of the collection! One of the uses of this place is that it is a world wide repository of musuem pictures! :-D
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