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Everything posted by G506

  1. Glynn, Just yesterday I was taking to the father of the owner of the IOW GS truck, the son is a very knowledgeable military Guy enthusiast. I live not far from them, and could probably make contact if you need me to
  2. Davwill, it would be nice if it could be restored, E4's are a very rare truck these days
  3. Hello r3! I bought new door tops and fabric channel from Paddocks (or was it Craddocks?), fitted it all together myself using the original glass. Two years later the corrosion was coming through on the channel and the doortops. What a load of s**t, not impressed! As chrisg says use self tappers to attach the channels.
  4. I dont think the Chevy will be finished in time, but Mrs G506 and I will be bringing the Triumph 5sw. Please can we have a beer tent? Cheers!
  5. G506


    Look forward to seeing some Humber pictures Niels! Sorry everyone, Back to M578s! Are they around, or fairly scarce? As I was leaving War and Peace on the Friday, there was a really nice one parked up on the exit road. I think they're a nice bit of kit, and Ive never owned anything tracked.........
  6. G506


    Thanks Niels, hope the Humber is coming along nicely.
  7. G506


    Sorry to butt in guys, what kind of prices do M578s tend to fetch?
  8. Hopefully, this time next year we'll be saying 'Armour and Embarkation' !
  9. Hi Matt, I used to own 62EL62, a 1964 series 2a 88'. When I tried to find it's history card I was told there was a huge batch of EL series cards missing, I dont know if this is still true.
  10. Cant help this time (Mrs G506 would not be pleased), but next time maybe? I have HGV 1 & 2 if it helps
  11. A needle gun basically looks like a large pistol, but with a much fatter 'barrel'. It has a handle one end, and at the barrel end has 30 or 40 toughened steel rods poking out by a few inches. It is generally powered by compressed air, which makes the steel rods 'rattle' vigourously. Probably not the best discription ever! I think Machine Mart sell them.
  12. Paulob, are you in northern or southern Hampshire? The reason I ask is that Woodfield Metals are just north of Portsmouth, and offer blasting services at reasonable rates, they blasted my Chevy chassis, and did a great job. He is on this forum as Bodger Baz, send him a PM. If you want to have a go yourself, you are going to need a very large compressor, because you will get through a massive volume of air. You dont want ANY grit getting into the engine, or any bearings etc, and it doesnt matter how well you mask everything off some always seems to get through! Needle guns have been used on the hulls of armoured vehicles with a fair amount of success, could be worth considering?
  13. G506

    this months CMV

    Now thats a good idea...........
  14. G506

    this months CMV

    I think you're taking the Chevy in installments, you already have my steering column and bonnet in your garage!
  15. G506


    Its a funny thing, but I've spent the last thirteen years trying to keep my Landy totally original (the exception being a Weber carb and an overdrive), representing the first day it entered military service, the same as I always aim for with my MVs. Correct Goodyear tyres, correct 1960s rifle brackets, sticking with dynamo for charging rather than alternator, correct colour scheme, its actual unit markings, etc. No bags, guns, or ammo cans hanging all over it. And nobody gives it a second look! If it was a Series 3 with aerials, roof beacons and chrome wheels it would probably have won best in show at War and Peace! Aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhh End of whinge!
  16. I didnt see any 'good looking fellas' fall over, but I did see you............. Its a good job your top lip broke your fall......
  17. Thats a very nice truck Tomas, good purchase
  18. As punch ups go, it was a bit lame, but better than nothing I guess............ I've got some cracking video footage of you, your bro, Mrs G506, Al, etc singing along to Bohemian Rapsody in Ginger's beer tent, quality!
  19. Charming!!! :-( But I forgive you as you cooked tea for us!
  20. I think you missed someone else as well................
  21. I was still hung over from the party, I blame rcubed and rosie.............
  22. Sorry chaps, was hoping to post some pics this week, but have run out of time! Will try again next week. Off to War and Peace in 3 1/2 hours!
  23. Hi Tomas, is this the K6 which was on ebay a couple of months ago, located at Redhill in England?
  24. Hi Tim, I dont own one, but I've always liked them. Maybe one day when the Chevy is finished.....
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