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Everything posted by G506

  1. Not just a GMC fitment; somewhere I have a photo of a Chevy 1 1/2 ton cargo fitted with a 7 set towing a jeep across a shallow river. Not sure if the 7 set would need to be modified in this case, as the Chevy rear body is 5ft 10 wide internally, narrower than a GMC.
  2. Thanks Enigma, great to meet you at A and E!
  3. Good man, Jerry! Are you mad - without question yes you are. But then so am I as this is a similar condition to my Chevy, and she's half way through the restoration now. You've saved a rare old girl, thats the most important thing as far as Im concerned. Good on ya, fella!
  4. Thanks David, and great to meet you too at A&E! Top job on the catering front by the way
  5. Yes mate, 506 years old. At least thats what my daughter thinks!
  6. Thanks Mark! Great to meet you at A&E
  7. Ha ha, you were the cabaret! You're setting a bad impression for young and impressional folk like me! Well, not quite so young now............ By the way, is rcubed talking to you yet? :rotfl:
  8. Well done Mr Beckett, you and Kev achieved something amazing with this event. This photo could sum up the whole event, Sherman trundling into town, you punching the air. You did it. Sincere thanks from us all
  9. Hi Rosie, I'm fairly sure it's actually illegal to that much fun in one day. A day I will never forget as long as I live
  10. Could us 'saddle tramps' have our own slogan, with the wording of; ''One of Jack's Dispatch Riders - I survived A&E (but only just)'' :nut: :nut: :nut:
  11. And another, meeting you lot, and being able to put faces to names and making a lot of new friends!
  12. To BigRedOne, was that you that had to anchor up in a hurry when the jerrican landed in the road in front of your jeep? Good brakes mate!
  13. Firstly, Jack/Kev/Mark Hart/Dave H - What a weekend, thank you for all your blood, sweat and tears! Some highlights from me; Screaming down the outside of a row of armour on my Triumph to get to the next road junction needing blocking Cider related hangovers not being too bad Screaming down the outside of a row of armour on my Triumph to get to the next road junction needing blocking Being stood on a bend of an otherwise empty road as 3 Shermans, 1 Hellcat and 1 Stuart flew past Screaming down the outside of a row of armour on my Triumph to get to the next road junction needing blocking Knowing someone else was cooking breakfast, and not me Oh, and did I mention I had a fair bit of fun on my Triumph?
  14. Theres nothing like a bit of optimism is there Rosie! 40MPH :rotfl:
  15. Well Rosie, its a good job I don't have feelings, otherwise I would be offended :-D Oh, and don't mention the mankini, that was a one off..........
  16. Jack, aiming to be with you all early on Friday morning with my 5SW, happy to do whatever you need me to. I cannot wait, its going to be an amazing weekend!
  17. Hi Maverick, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your hospitality on Saturday evening. We had a great time Sat night, apparently I had a great time Sunday evening as well, Mrs G506 tells me I was dancing like a funky chicken in the beer tent. Maybe the cider was a little stronger than I thought.............
  18. Another fantastic show, we thoroughly enjoyed it (Mrs G506 was having such a good time she even decided we would stay an extra evening!), thanks to everyone for a great weekend
  19. Good man! PM me with an idea of where the worst rot is on the cab, I may have some suggestions!
  20. Steve/Degsy, also available brand new are Koker (marked up as Firestones and practically identically to originals)
  21. Hi Steve, why not have a go at repairing that cab? Not an easy job (as Ive found out on my Chevy) but you've nothing to lose! Its good you have the spare wheel carrier, not an easy item to find. I recommend Rex Ward for parts
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