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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Well i am going to stick my oar in and name names!. My vote goes for *******************! He is HMVF,s answer to Bart Vanderveen,and as been in, and contributed to the movement longer than anyone can remember. Gets my vote:thumbsup: Second vote goes to that old poser ********* Edited.... that will keep them guessing...
  2. Vince whereabouts in Brixton was it?.I have seen a few CVRT,s and some Snatch and Vector vehicles on the back of civilian contracted low-loaders passing through. Or it could have been used as part of a promotion for the Brixton Academy.They have had a few military vehicles outside on concert nights displaying the band on that night.Vehicles in the past have included Hummers,Ferrets,101s,and Volvo Sugga,s.In fact last night at the rear of the venue was a nicely converted 101 ambulance being used as a mobile VT room
  3. Now that is nice.:thumbsup:
  4. What time are you taking it out on the day?
  5. .................Yeah.......
  6. Happy birthday you old b*****d
  7. What a stupid mistake i made. Someone
  8. Also known as the "Flying Boxcar" I would say from the pics,that they are around the late 40,s very early 50,s.The box car didnt enter operational service till 1948.Saw heavy service during the Vietnam war,and was also used by the RCAF amongst others. There was one on the film Con Air with Nicholas Cage.
  9. Now wheer did i hear that old quote from?"It pays to talk"
  10. There has been a fella coming in to my place of work for the last 6 years.A quiet unasuming man.Whos only really distinctive feature is his strong liverpudlian accent. He has always taken an interest when i have been doing the shows,and always asked about the vehicles.Be it the Jeep LR or Ferret.At some point.I have taken them all to work. Anyway.It was a quiet week last week,and whilst loading his pallet on to the back of his van,i decided to have a chat with him.The general conversation started with me asking whereabouts in Liverpool he was from,as i had spent a bit of time up there myself the last couple of years.I then asked him where he was living now.Leatherhead he says..."Well in actual fact the wifes from leatherhead"."We decided to move back there after i left the navy" Now with some interest i pursued him on his career in the navy.Turns out he served 14 years,and in that time, served during the Falklands war and GW1. L.B. What ship did you serve on during the Falklands? Steve. I served on H.M.S Alacrity.We were very lucky during the war.Both ships that replaced us on patrol were hit by bombs and later sunk.H.M.S Ardent.And H.M.S Antelope. L.B.: F*** me.You were lucky.Any other close shaves? Steve: .There was this time when we were sailing up the Falkland sound.On the left ,through binos we could clearly see the Argentinians dug in postion on the hill sides.I was manning a GPMG on a side rail at the time.But it was a little to far out of range to have any effect.We couldnt open up with the main gun either,as we were two shots away from a barrel change.And in order to do a change,we had to sail outside a safety zone.Deemed safe from enemy aircraft to affect the change.This had to be done with participation with another ship that had to replace us,while we did the barrel change.Just as we approached a small island,we had a missile warning.(this was not long after the Sheffield had been sunk)Just has we rounded the island a exocet went straight over the top and missed us.the radar track on us was lost as we rounded the island. L.B.: What was your worst experiance? Steve.: The most gutting experiance we had was,when we were escorting the Atlantic Conveyor.We again were painted by an exocet,and in order to dodge the incoming missile,we launched chaff.The falling chaff fell aginst the backdrop of the bigger conveyor,presenting an unmissable target.The missile punched a hole in the side,starting a series of explosions and fires.When the order came to abandon ship,it was found that some of the lines launching the life rafts were too short.And they were dropping about 15ft in to the water.Anyone falling out,only had 3 minutes survival time in the water. L.B. I remember the Captain Ian North.He looked like Captain Birdseye. Did he die in the water?. Steve.:No he went down with the ship.As far as i under stand he stayed behind to make sure everyone got off.We pulled alongside to try and control the fire.But the superstructure was that hot that all our hoses were doing was punching holes in the side of the ship.The order came through sometime later,that all was lost,and to let it burn.A lot of equipment was lost on that ship including the Chinooks,CVRT,s for the blues and royals,weapons,105 guns and other supplies. L.B.: What about the stories of Prince Andrew being used as a decoy for the exocets?. Steve.: Decoy my arse. He was a glorified postman flying mail between ships. Our conversation ended there,before we even got to the Gulf War,as by then i had another lorry to load up.Last night he brought his campaign medal in and some pics from the Falklands.I will ask him again next week about his time in the Gulf. it just goes to show.That here is someone i have known for 6 years,and never knew he had a interesting past.
  11. Lots of disaters during the war.A lot were never mentioned as it would have had a terrible effect on moral. Here is another disaster more horrendous than the Balham one,in an earlier thread i posted. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=9924
  12. Saw a demo of it at Fairford a couple of years back.Very impressive.
  13. I saw a couple of couple of Couger/Mastiffs last week on the M20.Each had its own lo-lowder
  14. Funny thing is.If you are a foreign truck owner/operator entering the country,and dont have them fitted.Then you can have them fitted for free at the port of entry.Only in this country.
  15. They are the marshalls vehicles from bisley.Which is where the pic is taken.I think they are some old RUC landrovers.
  16. I dont have that wire on mine.Just the ariel lead straight from the set to the ariel.And this is a fully working set.
  17. Look further back in the thread to what people have said about them.
  18. The last one i saw for sale was a couple of years back,at a reasonable £11,000.But when i enquired about it the fella withdrew it from sale.
  19. From what you said it looks very depressing for wanting to own one.More time looking for parts than actually enjoying it.Shame,as they really look the part.
  20. Resurrection of an old thread.But i have just come across some old pics i took of a HABU from the 9th SRW leaving and arriving back at RAF Mildenhall back in 1988 Sorry for the quality of pics.It was a few years ago,and it was a crap camera. But you get the idea...........................
  21. If most of these were scrapped,then how did some make it in to private hands?.And what parts are hard/or near on impossible to get?.
  22. Great pics.Keep them coming.
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