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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Thanks for the info.You might as well add GB001 to your already impressive fleet.Its for sale priced at £15,000.
  2. I will give it another go tomorrow.here was the conversation.... LB. Hello. I am looking for a quote on three MV,s i have on a multi vehicle policy??. FJ. Operator.Thats not a problem. But you will need to add a private car to that policy. LB. But i dont want to add a private car to the policy?? FJ. But thats how our multi vehicle policys operate on MV,s!. LB. So there is know way i can insure three MV,s on a multi policy without adding a private car??. FJ. I am afraid that is our policy,unless.........! LB. yes I'm listen.(here is me thinking that there is away around it) FJ. Unless..........Unless you insure all three on seperate policys. LB. But thats not what i am looking for.(Its at this point i feel that i maybe ) FJ. Well thats the policys we offer ! LB. O.k FJ. Is there any thing else i can help you with. LB. No! (you havent helped with my original enquiry.I doubt you will be able to help with any others) FJ. Well......Thankyou for your enquiry.. LB. Yep bye.Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... I will give it another go tomorrow.from what some have said,then maybe i got someone new in the job who was still learning.
  3. I phoned Footman James this afternoon to get a quote on my vehicles.Only to be told that if i wanted to a multi vehicle policy,then i needed to add a private car to the policy,or take out three individual policys.Cant see where i will be making a saving here.Also seems like a lot of hastle with three individual policys.
  4. Hello Sue.Forget me if i am mistaken,but havent you posted in the Defender 50th forum??.The name and vehicles ring a bell. Any history you can give us on the WMIK??.
  5. Any more pics of the SOV Defender next to the REME S111??.
  6. Looking at all these pics of the Pig,makes me want one again. CW any more room in the yard.
  7. The helmets are genuine WW11 examples,with one of them being an actual 2nd Ranger veterans helmet that landed with the Battalion at Pointe Du Hoc.
  8. I have actually thought about contacting the Imperial War Museum,as its only a couple of miles away,and see if they would consider putting it on display there.
  9. You have hit the nail on the head there.Its not like when we first started some 20 or so years ago.There was still many veterans around,who would come over and always have a tale to tell,or just enquire.They are not about any more.We are left with an un-informed nation,that have little knowledge about anything ,let alone the war. Getting back to keeping an eye on things.Then i'm sure that some bits were half inched over the years.There was simply too much to remember what he had.We did catch someone trying to walk off with a grenade at Beltring one year. for the first time Beltring last year was so much more enjoyable as we didnt have to baby sit all the stuff.You could never relax while it was on display,as you were always watching for light fingers.
  10. I think it is at Strood,as you can see a sub from the bridge in Rochester town center.It went from Folkstone a few years ago now.
  11. At the end of the day,it may have a genuine chassis,but its a replica.To be used on a daily basis,then thats fine,as you dont have to worry about wearing or genuine one out.
  12. Its an absolute pain in setting up,and caused many a quarrel before a show.We have managed to get the manaquins down to four now.With them being all sitted in the jeep.We still have a good ground display around it.The hardest job is trying to keep the uniforms in good condition,as they are over 60 years old.
  13. The last few are taken at Beltring in 97-98
  14. The following pics stem from over 25 years of my brother collecting weapons,kit and uniforms from the 2nd Ranger Battalion. During the very early 90,s we decided to put the lot in to one big diorama at shows.All the uniforms and weapons are 100% genuine.I consider it a great effort by my brother,who managed to do all of this on his own,without the help from others or groups.It was painstaking in setting up,and could be very frustrating at times at shows. I hope that the pics can be of some help to others in finding the right period kit.Hopefully i can get my brother to come on here.He is a member here.But finds it hard to look at the forum,as he is in the police and on constant operations. The following pics were taken at Tilbury fort in 1993.......................
  15. Look at the way you stated it in your thread!!!.
  16. Like i said.I wasnt claiming them to be my photos,and nor would i. As on other forums that i use and to the people that have taken pics of my cars at sporting events or other pics i have used,then i always give full credit to those that have taken them. B.t.w i dont want to spoil the illusion that when you are driving your CVRT down the road in your camo,that you are in the Army and not a civvie!.
  17. Jack offending pics removed.
  18. And your point is???????!.Did i at any point claim them to be my photos??!No i didnt!! If you had waited,then i would have given full credit.I am sure you have posted pics that didnt belong to you.Did anyone make an issue of it. I really cant see what you were trying to achieve,apart from let everyone know that they came from Bob Morrisons publication. Here fella.Have a medal..................You deserve it Jack. Sorry for the rant,and i will remove the offending pics.
  19. Oh well.It wont be worth contacting him if he is touchy over copy right issues. I have already had quite a few e-mails from forum members stating that no one would have been any the wiser about the pics posted,until some bright spark decided to pop their head above the parapit, and tell all to gain a few browny points. My only intention was to post some pics of military Landrovers from publications that have been in the public domain,and that i have collected over the years,and not just from LandRovers in the Gulf.. At no point was i going to claim them as my pics.And at the end of the pics,i was going to give full credit to those concerned. I would just like to state that this rant is in no know way directed at Jack or the other forum mods. This thread has now become I shall now retire to the drawing room,where one shall sample the tipple of the commoners alcoholic fusion of Jack Daniels and Coca Cola!.
  20. Well for the present time,my contributions to this thread are over.Until i can contact BM himself.Know one can seem to provide his user name on here.
  21. In the mean time.One i cant get in to trouble with.My very own LtWt as featured in LRO May 1990........................................
  22. I was going to give him full credits at the end.If it is going to cause copy right issues,then i am more than willing to stop posting.They are from a number of issues of LRO and other publications dating back to 1985.If you can forward me his user name.Then i will fire him off a e-mail asking for permission.
  23. 101,s and 90,s on exercise in Germany........................ RMP LtWt on the same excercise.........................
  24. Thats still to come.Its not in the book.I have that in another publication.
  25. I was going to give old Bob the credits at the end.But seeing as most havent even heard of the book,and most werent in the MV scene when this was all going on,i thought i would post up some of the photos from the book.
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