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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Nice job there.:thumbsup:
  2. They still stack up well today compared with the politicly correct s**t that is on the box now.
  3. Thanks for the info:thumbsup:
  4. This was a proper hull up restoration. Its a fact that some in private ownership fall behind in maintaince work due to accessibility of certain areas. I would rather pay that little bit more for a Ferret that has been properly looked after by someone that knows what they are doing,than one that has been tinkered with by someone that doesnt have much of a clue.
  5. I dont think £8000 is optimistic. Someone i know sold a nicely restored example of one last year for £9500 at war and peace to an American collector. It was sold on the monday before the show began.
  6. Only been in any of those mags once.
  7. The actual development work of the SA-80 stems back quite a few years with the development of the EM-1 which fire a 7mm cartridge. This was shelved and work begun on another bull-pup design in the late 60,s designated the XL64E5. Which i believe ferretfixer is what you would have worked on?. Did it have all black plastic furniture?. A very early example of this can be seen in an episode of the "Proffesionals" circa 1977. The Martin Shaw charachter "Doyle" can be seen using one during the practice clearance of a house in a mock up siege rescue attempt. How the production staff managed to secure one of these during the development stage is a mystery to many.
  8. Is it going to get any bigger? and where can i get one of those garages?.
  9. Quite a few SLR,s were used during the first Gulf war. A lot were operated by the RAF regiment,along with Sterling SMG,s by the RMP.
  10. Great stuff. I will add that to my list.:thumbsup:
  11. Whats the date for that one?. I will put myself down for that one.
  12. Bunker Bash Beltring Bromley Pageant Feltwell Military Mayhem Dunsfold Brooklands
  13. Was going a bit too fast to notice anything else. I was maidstone bound and noticed the red wings on the opposite side of the carriageway going up wrotham.
  14. Here are you few more............. Nice complement of F18 super hornets on the stern. Anyone else wanting to take a look will have to be quick, as she leaves today.
  15. You have to be there early,as it gets very busy.Last year theer was around 1200 cars. Militarys are welcome as well.
  16. It was only a small do.About 100 cars plus the militarys.Expect more militarys good friday for Wheels day at Aldershot.
  17. Attended a meet today in aid of a local hospice. I snapeed these few.Anyone from here?...... There was also a couple of Jeeps,and a QL in attendance,but couldnt get any decent pics,as people kept getting in the way.
  18. I know,but i will leave it to someone else.
  19. The Rover V8 sounds at its best in a TVR.Good pipe work helps it.
  20. Thanks for the info. Do you intend on having armour as well for the display?.Always adds that something special to a display.I guess with the new venture its the end of the SAS Gulf display?.
  21. Please dont take this the wrong way.But what would be the difference in your display,and a set-up by the regular army who attend shows?. I cant really see whats wrong with your previous display.Its a theme and has history.Same can be said of Rolling Thunder. Not much of a theme or intrest regarding current kit,unless you tie it in with a conflict. Afganistan,Iraq etc. Like i said dont take it the wrong way. I'm here to be edgumicated.
  22. Are you loosing the plot?? How many Jeeps can one man have. Soon there will be more Jeeps in Catweazles back yard than Landrovers.
  23. I doubt very much that it was issued to the RAF Regiment.It was procured in small numbers for use by units of the Roal Marines,Para,s(Pathfinders)
  24. Well i'm another that has jumped the Roadsure(premium choice) ship this year. I had my quote come through for the 101,Jeep,and Ferret at £602!! I took a policy out with FJ. All three with an agreed value. Cost £213. Result. I only need to get break down recovery for the Ferret now.Neil did say use the breakdown recovery firm that roadsure were using.You can get cover with them direct according to Neil.Next job on the list.
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