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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. Yeah i have read about those, the thing i like about the welbike is that i can keep it in a shed and it can fit in a car boot. I'm not sure about the Flying Fleas but a lot of the engine parts for a welbike, for example:Air cleaner, are standard on a lot of villiers lawnmowers and autocycles, the only diference i can find is that the welbike parts are often brass but not on other villiers engines. I took a look at your book on the internet, looks pretty good, i may have to save up some money. Good luck to you with any current or future restorations Thanks Martyn
  2. Thanks for your reply. Yes i have got the book and in the second edition, it is a very good book. I do intend to paint mine brown but i will have to deal with the modification done to the handlebars which will ruin whatever paint i put on it. The green i am painting with is a standard green and it is just do i can display it. When the modification is dealt with then i shall strip it to the metal and paint it the proper colour. I have found a supplier of welbike parts in the UK who make every nut and bolt necessary to restore a welbike, they even make full reproductions and they make wheels! Of course all this comes at a price but it is very well made.
  3. cleaned up the engine and have given the frame the first coat
  4. wreck of RMS Justice? http://www.malinheadwrecks.com/index.php?p=1_11_wreck-photos
  5. found it quite interesting, it was somehow deferential from other documentaries
  6. i have had problems straight from my files, so i upload them to a site like photobucket.com and use the direct link to add it to a post
  7. Not really an expert so i cannot say that they are for certain but i found these in my collection.
  8. Been working on the bike for most of the day, gave the engine a good clean and i am getting the frame ready for a coat of temporary paint. After i have fixed the handlebars i shall strip it down fully and paint the proper colour. I also striped the paint that was on the fly wheel and found out that the rear brake is the original.
  9. ive got a few original photos of these in service, if you are interested in seeing them i will post them
  10. Thanks for the link! I picked up a ww2 mine detector a few years back and never knew what type it was. The one on the link you posted is identicle, so are the headphones and back-pack
  11. Are parts for these fairly easy to pick up? I cant say i look but i never seem to see parts for old british trucks like this
  12. Its a shame when things like that happen but thats just the way it is. After the war these were almost useless as they did not meet UK road standards, many were sent to the US but they didnt last long because they wernt supposed to. Its a shame because even the parts are expensive. for example a set of handlebars sold on ebay for around £500 and a seat for around the same price.
  13. Bought these at a car boot sale for 50p. i bought them from a man who worked in the factory where they were made and he kept one which he decided he no longer wanted. They were issued around Iraq when they were trying to find him. On the back i believe it has his brothers or some people who have already been killed.
  14. I love these trucks, looks like a great restoration
  15. Were these type of sales popular back then, as they wern't really collectables would it have just been landowners or what?
  16. Its a shame to see vehicles and kit just left like that. I know it may not be worth a lot as it is russian, but it does deserve a better life than that and there is some great kit there.
  17. I heard there was a lot of trouble at this years war and peace. For example some grenades were stolen off of a display vehicle and several stalls had their tents slashed and bits stolen
  18. This is a lovely restoration, i know i could never do it
  19. My first restoration piece has just arrived from California, USA. It is a 3rd contract Welbike built in 1942/43. Only around 3,500 of these bikes were ever made. As you can see the wheels need changing and several other bits done. Its not a hard restoration but its my first.
  20. My Welbike which i have just received has some painting on the tank which i believe was done just after the war. He has painted some information about the bike and on the tank he has painted corgi. I believe he has confused the excelsior welbike the the brockhouse corgi but this is how it has been displayed for the last 40+ years.
  21. I've seen one which is kept at ex RAF Bentwaters, unfortunately i do not know the guy
  22. "Memo in the Chamber" Came with a load of photos in around 1945 in Germany with WVS or something. I am yet to look into the story.
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