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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. Back when I started work at an engineering company in 1977 down here in the Forest of Dean they had one of these cranes in their hire fleet . http://www.stilltimecollection.co.uk/gallery/Military/Military%200006.jpg and........ have any of these survived ?..proper brute of a wagon http://www.stilltimecollection.co.uk/gallery/Military/Military%200025.jpg
  2. what a beauty ! not seen one with those wide tracks before either..there's a few quids worth there ..:laugh:.
  3. Like I said .....it's complacency that'll get you.....I've cut probably a couple of hundred lorries up in my time on the scrap game and I shudder a little nowadays to think what I did sometimes........I kid you not.. I once had the end of a cutting lamp blown completely off the gun when I was cutting a wagon chassis down to OA ... the lamp flame blew through the chassis and had played all over a fuel filter (diesel) mounted inside the chassis rail as I cut through it.....there was an almighty bang (and I do mean almighty).... and the gun was wrenched out of my hand and flew across the yard..... I leapt backwards thinking " what the hell.....etc " (polite version :cool2:)....ran to the bottles , turned them off and then retrieved the lamp .... the nozzle was gone.....all that was left was the stainless steel tubes sticking out of the handle with no brass nozzle assembly on the end.......and that was diesel....not even petrol... Not meaning to sound like a clown here......just admitting how easy things happen ....I have seen some bad accidents in my time on the scrap and demolition and it is always the things that fellas have done hundreds of times that bite them....like I said....complacency...you get used to the job and you've done it hundreds of times and......
  4. They always strike me as looking more WW1 than 2 and that's not really fair to what was a reasonable tank .:-| .....OK...maybe not when compared to a Panther or Tiger or a T34 but the Churchill was very rugged and popular with it's crews from what I understand... and could also take battlefield damage in some ways better than the Sherman could..:-\...I guess they're just not considered as 'sexy' as a Sherman or M10 so maybe folk pass them by??.. ..but.... that video does indeed show her shifting along..:-D..at least more than fast enough for wading through the bocage country I would have thought ?. .PS: just off topic but does anyone on here know what happened to a Churchill on a complete Mighty Antar transport rig that Jeremy Walker Plant and Machinery from Witney nr Oxford had once?? ...they'd acquired this mighty impressive ensemble back around the early 1990s and although the tank and tractor/trailer it sat on was all a bit rough, the intention was (back then) to rebuild the lot....... did it happen???? anyone know maybe?
  5. Pretty graphic......:undecided: ...there was a thread on here a while back about getting rock solid wheel nuts off and I admit to innocently suggesting warming them up a little with a lamp.....something which I freely admit to having done countless times in the past as well as, lamping wheel nuts off entirely whilst scrapping lorries over the years. ..I was very shocked to hear and then see a video of what can happen as a result... Warming any wheel up whilst an inflated tyre is on it, is very dangerous and could lead to a disaster...I'm happy to say that having been corrected I'll never do such a thing again but I guess it's these little things that we've probably all done at some time, that we get complacent over... and that's when accidents happen..... PS:nothing to do with tyres but... ..I sit here typing this with 2 fingers in bandages as a result of an incident with an electric plane 2 days ago...:embarrassed:....complacency is the enemy for sure .
  6. Reste facile Monsieur......:cheesy: .....with the aid of Google Translator :cool2: ...your English is a lot better than my French Welcome !:-D
  7. yeah know what you mean:cool2:...d'you reckon diplomacy or a loaded AK47 would be the best approach ? all jokes aside.....as more and more of these previously 'unfriendly & more or less closed' countries change socially and politically, I'm sure they'll be some awesome finds made in the next few years.......
  8. Thanks earlyMB....crossed my mind if it may be CJ2....didn't they have a column gearchange though?...
  9. following that link and looking through them all there is an incredibly complete Panzer MK4 sitting in the Golan Heights if anyone wants to go and have a word with the Syrians...
  10. Jonesy I gotta say mate.. ........I've only just found this thread and it does appear to me....as if some folk on here.... would even argue over the exact colour of the correct mud needed on a 'genuine' Jeep....:-)... ..By all means I very much bow to the knowledge of people on here but ....never let it lead you away from the fact that the simply bottom line is this.. Your Jeep looks awesome... and you shouldn't give a flying toss how many bits of it are 'genuine' or 'Hotpotch' or whatever... if you're happy with whatever you ended up paying for her?.... then that's all that matters. ....besides all of that and whatever anyone else's opinion on here of what you have bought is... your little lad in the passenger seat is obviously chuffed to the top and back with Dads Jeep so what more could you possibly want ?
  11. I know there are a lot of fella's on here that are really eagle eyed when it comes to Jeeps and also knowing the small details to look for....so.....any thoughts on this one would be very much appreciated.. My first questions are.... if it's a 1949 CJ3 (A or B?) where's it's external fuel filler? and......isn't the dashboard 'wrong' for a 1949 in that shouldn't it have 4 extra small dials around the speedometer?.... ...so.... has it had a earlier body put on it at some stage?.....I know some of you are eagle eye and know what to look for so if anyone can help with thoughts etc ?...Thanks in advance! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280912473115?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_787wt_1165
  12. When I finished off the old Series 2 I've got Tony I was in a quandary as to respray or not, but I found some stuff in the local pound shop called something like 'Restore' . It's more or less like a old fashioned 'T Cut' but seemed a lot less hardwork to use elbow grease wise !....and it really did work an absolute treat....you know what an old Landrover that's been parked up for years can end up up looking like?...well when I rolled her out, folk actually asked, had she been resprayed?... ..I'll root about in the shed and try and find the tin to check the proper name
  13. Engine crane Jeremy ? wassa matter with you lad?.... .ratchet strap up and over yer shoulders and down around the gearbox....one foot either side of the hole in the floor..straighten up & hump the box up and balance on a chassis rail. ...shorten ratchet strap with one hand whilst holding onto lump with the other... ..take weight on yer shoulders and straighten up again to lift into place . ..wiggle and jiggle until shaft slips into place...maybe having to reach the back of the box and turn the output shaft a nudge or two.. ... have a couple of bolts within reach to slip into the top of the bell housing and yer away ! well........I've done a few Landrovers gearbox like that on my own and also Ford D series once ...but it was a good few years ago when I was considerably younger stronger and stupider.:cool2:
  14. Hey Hoppy did you grab some of those Jerry Cans that were about there today then?... ..I saw them from £3 quid to £15 quid each and one stand had one dated 1944 and one at 1945 at £10 each..gotta be cheap enough I reckons :-D
  15. Just got back from the show and a real cracker it is too!!! A lovely site and setting and I honestly don't think I have ever seen so many Jeeps in one show ever before..... ...not to mention Champs!!!:nut: really good ! thanks to all involved :-) :-)
  16. yeah I know!...there's some kinda cubes of concrete there isn't there!!... ..and.... I've mooched inside or over the top and around a mighty lot of it from Calais all the way to Brittany in the last 20 years or so !...I absolutely love it..:laugh: .I know a lot of folk (my missus included:D) struggle to see what the hell my fascination is with it all but......ah well ! there you go ! I haven't been over there now since 2006 and I must admit to getting a very strong urge to visit yet again.......time for a solo bike trip I'm thinking
  17. Yep I know a good few of you will be tutting over me asking this but...:undecided:..... What year of WW2 was the 'White Star' adopted as the 'Allies' universal symbol?...and was it actually adopted as the universal symbol or am I imagining that ?????? ...now....I've seen Free French and Polish Exile Army Trucks/Tanks /Jeeps and such like with it on .....but was it supposedly adopted by all vehicles of all the Allies except the Soviets?... I'm guessing some vehicles that were maybe already 'in the field' maybe never ever got one painted on ..but were they supposed to have it on? ...I know we kept the 'roundel' on our aircraft right up to the end of the war but... ...did we actually use the 'white star' on all British Army vehicles such as Armour /Transport/Artillery etc etc etc ?? Cheers!
  18. Looks a good find that mate !what year is it ???
  19. yep agree with you there mate ..the '3rd' blockhouse was definitely not blown up by a Tallboy. ...it was inadvertantly destroyed by some French roadworkers exploring the interior a year or so after the war... .they had apparently found some magnesium type flares to illuminate their way and ....there still being an enormous amount of explosives inside the emplacements.... a lot of which were the propellants charges of the gun cotton type and.....(you can see it coming can't you ?)...... ..... somehow or other the poor fellas ignited one of the magazines.. ......one almighty bang later the casement looked more or less like it does to this day...... ....I have some photos I took in 2004 on a memory stick somewhere of the interior of the '4th' emplacement and the original German graffiti was in excellent condition back then ...shame if it's been ruined since...incidentally ...the lowest level of this bunker has been sealed off by filling the stairwell with concrete so what may or may not still be down in the basement no-one now will ever know... now........ on the matter of the Mimoquyes V3 emplacement being a mess....now that was caused by Tallboys ....:D:D PS:....when were your photos taken?....
  20. wonder what happened to her???maybe the scrapman back many years ago fer some reason or other couldn't drag the main part of the hull out of the sand ???.....looking at the state of her I'm guessing the turret and a lot of the upper hull was lamped off cos it was easy to get at....and the rest left for the sea to dispose of?
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