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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. Tsk! ... all I've ever managed to dig up off a beach is an empty Coke can or a plastic bottle!:cool2:
  2. .....give it a good scragging with some fine sandpaper around the elbows and general wear areas...then drag it around the floor and put it on and rub the shoulders and arms up against a brick wall .....also like someone else said....get it wet ...but hang it on the line in the sun to slowly dry out otherwise if it's cheap leather it'll shrink.....another good one is to rub it over with a house brick.... ...ooooppps hang on ! revealed all my 'vintaging' tricks of the trade there hahaha :cool2: just remembered....if it's softening up it needs...???? 2 products are really good .....either find a saddlers and buy a bottle of Neatsfoot Oil...usually used for softening and nourishing horse bridles and saddles and such like........or go to a motorbike shop and get some stuff called something like Derapur..(???)....it's a bit like vaseline to look at and you simply rub it in to any leather and it softens and waterproofs it in some order....
  3. I know there are probably hundreds of things about her that aren't 'correct' but what the hell..... she looks to me that with only a quick blow over from the spraygun and a few decals smacked on.... .....you could hit the summer show circuit! winter is soon enough for a rebuild ....head out on the road ! she does look a really great find ...proper envious !:-)
  4. Welcome!...always envious of someone from your part of the country ... ...as a kid I had a 1960s pilots flight map of the UK.... and the number of little circles with a cross in them denoting a disused WW2 airfield over your way !!!!.:shocked:. if I'd been a young teenager over there my old pushbike would have done some serious mileage
  5. That's brilliant many thanks Paul! .....that settles it then ..we'll see you on the saturday !....where do we find you by the way?...
  6. Looks like a grand event coming:-D ... .very much looking forward to it....relatively speaking it's only just up the road for us ....now then...... I've mooched through what details I can find but can someone tell me which day (Sat or Sun?) is the Lancaster flying over and also....are the 'battles' going to take place on both days??.. Only asking because I'm intending on bringing my invalid old Dad (ex Royal Engineer Korea / Malaya veteran ) along for a much needed day out after a very rough 6 months of illness and I know he'd be over the moon especially to see the Lancaster.. ....Many thanks Bob
  7. following the link and looking at the other photos.. .any ideas on the purpose of the hydraulic ram on the front of the Sherman?...:-) ..Doesn't appear to be for a dozer attachment ...so....something to do with towing????
  8. Cripes I dunno how a youngster is expected to get out on the road and get a job going and all those things they're supposed to do in this day and age.....I thought it was bad enough when my boy passed his test 6 years or so ago...he had a 1L Fiesta which I gave £400 quid for and the insurance was £1200....and that was well bad enough.. ......makes my £500 quid Capri and £37 for Third Party Insurance seem a bit more reasonable I guess.:-\..then again... that was a considerable time ago :-D
  9. Interesting fact you've brought up there Adrian...... I never knew Gloucester Rail Carriage and Truck Works built tanks in the war ! . .I used to sell them a lot of steel pipe and fittings back in the early 1980s :-D....another grand old company that's long , long gone these days unfortunately .....last time I looked, their last surviving big workshop was an indoor Go Kart Centre :cry:
  10. Looks grand ! ..... ...d'you mind me asking.........did you buy her private or from an auction or ????.and how did you find her was she advertised somewhere or word of mouth or ???
  11. A right proper bruiser of a truck ...looks cracking mate ... I'll look forward to seeing her all finished :cheesy:
  12. sounds like it could be a great day!.. whilst I'm here talking to an obvious Stalwart fella!........ ..Now that Stalwarts aren't in service anymore with the Army.....what vehicle is tasked with the job of ammunition & supplies forwarding to the tanks that the Stalwart used to do???????? cheers !
  13. A lot of folk may have heard of Oradour Sur Glane in France but it is worth doing a little research on villages such as Lidice .....and also on such villages as Lezaky in the Czech Republic, Ardeatine in Italy and Kalavryta in Greece are all well worthy of remembrance .... ...but as history will show you , such massacres were notable only because they happened in the 'western theatre' of the War........an horrific FACT is, massacres like this were absolutely commonplace and very regular on the Eastern Front and happened more or less every other day throughout the war........... An ordinary days operations by the German Army during both the advance into the Soviet Union in 1941 and then throughout the years of fighting would routinely involve the almost nonchalant complete destruction of literally hundreds of villages and small towns and the slaughtering of literally thousands of ordinary Soviet citizens....dragged out of their homes , out into the streets , meadows and woods and simply...butchered . .......and the truly horrific fact about this that often escapes people is.... a hell of a lot of these 'reprisal massacres' were carried out not by SS or SD or Einsatzgruppen soldiers but .... .....by everyday Joe normal, ordinary, supposedly 'decent' , German Army units................
  14. Good picture of yer ol' Dad pondering the back of that dashboard Jerry......:-D..... ....tell him , whens he's done with your Champ.... .he can come and have a look at the nice spaghetti mouse nest of a mess behind the dashboard/under the bonnet/stuffed into every crevice that I've found on that latest Series 2 I've got :cool2:
  15. what a cracking job .... :-D you are going to have one helluva Landrover Lightweight there for sure :cheesy: PS: .I'm sure lots of other folks on here would like to know where you found certain bits and pieces such as that spanking front axle.I know we all know how to mooch the WWW but we also all know how easy it is to miss something someone else finds........if the admin got no objections I think threads like this should carry a few links to suppliers? ......it'd helop them with a bit of trade and help a lot of us out with some bits too !
  16. not seen this thread before mate but what a cracking job you've done on her!...Loved you 'tool' for removing the steering relay too !.........
  17. You're in for a cracking time mate..there is so much to see but off the top of my head... make sure you find Hill 112 (crackin Churchill set up as a monument) also the 'scrapyard' museum near Port En Bessin can't think iof the name of it but lots of stuff recovered from underwater off the beaches including a DD Sherman......the circular cinema on the bluffs above at Arromanche...there are literally dozens of smaller museums all well worth your time...you just need to keep you eyes open...there's a German Radar Station in the countryside behind Luc Sur Mer (i think it is anyways ! ) well worth a good afternoons mooching..... and.....! and PS: when you visit Merville Battery .have a look at the photos on the walls in the one emplacement...somewhere up there is a very young L/Cpl Arthur Cooper.....an old mate of my Dads who went on to become the Mayor of our local town well worth finding when you get on along the coast is Graignes south of Carentan . Make sure you find the ruined church where a group of US Para's were mis-dropped well behind enemy lines on the night of the 5th /6th June and ended up fighting a helluva battle with the SS... Very envious mate I've been over there quite a few times and still keep finding more things to stop and gaze at...:-D.
  18. Yeah Rick W it's not a bad site at all..... ...pretty good for ex-military sites that you otherwise perhaps wouldn't have known anything about.........they've covered some cracking ones over the years.. .. Until seeing it on there for example, I had no idea that we once had an intercontinental missile base on the Isle of Wight :wow:...also quite a few long disused but still quite complete POW camps turn up on there regularly along with many former Airfields and Gun Batteries, other fortifications of various vintages from Napoleonic times to WW2 and always lots of bunkers and other underground locations....there's also a good 'foreign'coverage too .....:cheesy:...
  19. just mooching another website that I peruse from time to time ..... and in the middle of a thread on a derelict old WW2 POW Camp in Crook (somewhere up in the North East?)..... there are a few photos of a halftrack looking a bit sad and forgotten.....def looks WW2 to me .... just wondered if any of you on here know who owns it????....and is it being 'cared for'? (she doesn't look 'loved' to me :undecided: ) here's the link anyways..... http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/showthread.php?t=22443
  20. As a recent thread on here told us, the mighty USS Iowa is to be moved from her berth in San Francisco where she has been laid up for many years to a new permanent home as a floating museum in Los Angeles . My daughter lives in Oakland near to San Francisco and she sent me a link to his website that you might find interesting...apparently... .they're looking for all manner of new staff for the project !....now that'd be a job I reckons...working on a real battleship! http://www.pacificbattleship.com/page/employment
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