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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. Hey Adrian........ a quick mooch of the WWW reveals he was still in business and selling a fairly big job lot of Jeeps in 2006..........around the 10,000 Euros unrestored 'as is' each ........... spill more info mate ...who was this fella then ?.does he still operate ? http://www.g503.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=82277&sid=327e47a1e35b8d4c7739d50d6a58a480
  2. ooooohhh...now you've gone and done it...:cheesy: .....I've been slathering and dreaming over those Shermans at Biville for quite a while....even got them marked in on my Google map.........worked out road access to them .....how I'd recover them off the dunes...the whole lot....yep.. ..all I need now is a good few grand to go and bother the French Government with
  3. regarding this question... .........why do various manufacturers use different earths???. why don't they all make all vehicles negative earth ??? ..what is the advantage with either of the different pole earthings ? .............................is there any difference or advantage???:undecided:
  4. If it only took 80 grand to put her back in that condition I am truly amazed!.. ....either way I think it was well worth it .. .Some folk think nothing of spending 80 grand on a car that in reality, within 10 to 20 years they'll be lucky if it's worth 2 grand........... if that Tiger came on the market now.. ..what would she fetch ?... a million ? perhaps 2?.... maybe more? and her value will only ever go up ..... ......... and ..........there are people out there with that kinda money who would be queuing up too.......... A well sound and excellent investment I reckon whatever the cost was and a real sight to see.. I'm gonna have to head down there this year sometime and see her trundling about :laugh:.
  5. Now that looks like it's gonna get real expensive for someone....money and career wise :cool2:
  6. coincidence..:cheesy:... I've just struggled through that 'Sahara' book by Clive Cussler ... and ''struggled' was the operative description too I can tell you ............. I'd been recommended CC's books but I won't be reading another.. .... I thought it was schoolboy tripe of the highest order and I don't know if he meant it to be????... but I found it quite ridiculously comical... ....and before you ask...."Why d'ya finish it then!!???!!".. I had to because my mate has been raving about it and insisted I read it and would have questioned me at length on it...... ...so...... I had to finish it so that I could fairly & roundly criticise it afterwards! PS: You gotta go a long way to beat Wilbur Smith (nearly always superb IMHO) or Tom Clancy... (but not the absurd 'Control Centre series of books , only the 'earlier' good ones such as Red Storm Rising /Cardinal of the Kremlin/Without Remorse/Sum of all fears etc....) oh and PPS: don't make the mistake of watching the films.... read the books !:cheesy:
  7. I must admit I sign up to something I read many years ago about the clocks going backwards and forwards every year ..... apparently the system was being explained to an old Native American Indian once and he said , what is probably the most sensible thing ever said on the subject and which sums up my thoughts entirely.......... "Only the white man could be stupid enough to think cutting an hour off the start of the day and adding it onto the end of the day would make a day any longer than it already is" :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: besides...... would I be correct in saying it has only been done since the First World War......the same as licensing laws governing the opening of alcoholic estalishments ??????????
  8. I don't know mate...but .. ..if the kick start on your Norton goes 'through' the clutch back to the crank as it does on a BSA B44?........ well then........ you got some fun coming to get that set up and operating properly :cool2:.....
  9. ...just to point out.... You could run nice hefty 'knobbly' type tyres on a bike in the UK..... but!!!! you do have to make sure they are marked as 'Enduro' tyres and not 'MotoCross' ones..:-\ ...there's a very slight difference in the block pattern on them which means they have a 'continuous' contact with the road and are therefore legal whereas as Ferrit said quite correctly... ...........full on 'Motocross' tyres are not legal for road use... ......Enduro tyres would look just about as mean and aggressive and on such a great big hefty trundling thing as an outfit like that you wouldn't really notice the difference in performance ..cos it would probably handle like a pig no matter what tyres you put on it anyways !..hahah!....:cool2:........
  10. another awesome one that is very little known is a Korean film called (I think) 'Brotherhood of war'.. .....very graphic but honest film if you can find it .......thee's quite a lot of it on Youtube chopped into 10 minute sections
  11. That's an absolutely gorgeous little truck mate.....very envious now......all I got to do is make the pile of junk thats currently nesting at my Mothers look something the same.............shouldn't take long.......I'll be right back ....:cool2: in a year ..or 3.
  12. great video!. ..I'd hate to be paying the fuel bill though! hahaha when he gives her some proper stick I reckon I can hear the fuel cascading into her! ......incidentally.... the Stalwarts prime job (as I understand ? please correct me if I'm wrong) was as an ammunition forwarder to keep our tanks supplied in the event of them coming to blows with the Ruskies way back when.......... so.........seeing as we still have tanks and all the Stalwarts have been disposed off..... ...what vehicle would be tasked with that job nowadays????? cheers
  13. Great idea !....:laugh: ...of 'old films'?..... my list ( and this is regardless of how well made they actually were because I'll forgive such things as ; rubbish special effects (Dambusters), plastic doorbells (B of B), US airmen wearing chinos and loafers and riding 'German' Triumphs(Great Escape ) etc etc:D.....hahahah! ..........my list would include.. The Great Escape , The Dambusters , The Battle of Britain , and a good few others of 'new' films.... ......We were Soldiers, SPR , Platoon , Hamburger Hill , Full Metal Jacket ,Behind Enemy Lines that'll do for now I reckons but there are many more for each list...........
  14. She's a work of art and no mistake.beautiful mate very envious
  15. not meaning to be in any derogatory at all.... ..but...I guess you should have said..... "all those tankers etc ..... to get .......1 bomb...... on the runway......" I reckon the crew probably felt a bit sick to see afterwards that they'd only got one direct 'hit'.... ...but ...(quite rightly as someone has already said)... ....it was more of a very intentionally public 'drawing of the sword' to show our intentions and commitment to the 'job in hand' to the Argentinians and I also suspect..... the USA.....:cool2: A pretty amazing achievement however you choose to look at it I reckons.....
  16. with the so many thousands made and so many of them being 'delivered' to various Partisans etc there must be blooming hundreds of them stashed away in garden sheds & attics in France / Poland / Greece etc
  17. Amazing info! cheers! tell me .....were they the only plant producing Stens? ........ the reason I ask is...876,000 is an incredible figure..and if they weren't the only plant making Stens....?? Any ideas just how many Stens (roughly ) were made in total by all factories before production finished??? (and incidentally when did they stop making the Sten?) and finally......... ..where the hell are they all now ? haha!
  18. anyone else notice something unusual about that engine/flywheel?... ...there's no cooling fan on the front of the engine.....but ....there are 'blades' built into the cast flywheel to move the air through the engine bay.....neat idea that I reckon.:-)...
  19. welcome to you sir.:cheesy: and.........a helluva collection of vehicles you have there if I may say so!.......
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