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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. It really is rotten to hear of this theft...what makes me really sick is that this truck and the gear will have been stolen by, on on behalf of someone... 'within our community' .....I know it sounds simple but.....if no one would even think of touching anything even slightly iffy within the 'preservation' hobby.... then there would be no point in anyone stealing so much as even a spare wheel...the reality is that someone out there is ready to buy this truck and the kit..... ..lets face it...who on earth is going to be really interested in owning a .50cal machine gun ( let alone an entire old army lorry ) apart from someone such as ourselves involved in this hobby?.....OK...a very idealistic view I guess but I'm sure you know what I mean.. ......It really does make me feel sick to know there are thieves even amongst our own 'family'....:undecided: PS: If they are caught I do hope that somehow or other, names and locations can somehow be 'accidentally' released to the rest of us..I say 'accidentally' because of course... if such a thing was done intentionally....you /we / this website would probably be charged with contravening their 'human rights'..
  2. Totally agree with all points.. ....My old Series 2 civvy is insured through the Series 2 Club and is just over 100 quid a year fully comp with an agreed value ...there can't be many insurance companies out there cheaper than that and if you join the relevant club for your vehicle (series 1 or 2 or 3 etc etc ) you can usually find cheap insurance anyways..... so why bother trying to scam it?.... ....besides.... .....I had a very bad accident back in 1988 and I can assure anyone out there that thinks "Oh I can get away with not telling them that etc"....you can't. I was insured entirely and properly but.... had failed to disclose that I'd changed my occupation between taking out the insurance ....and having the accident.... ..not really important you think?....well...all I can say is ...faced with a very large payout, my insurance company at the time looked at every single detail of my policy and decided that the small matter of my occupation was good enough to wriggle out of covering me.....to cut a long story short ...they did eventually cover me , but took almost 12 months to decide to do so....those intervening 12 months were...to say the very least ...extremely stressful indeed and I would most certainly not recommend the experience to anyone.
  3. run of the mill???:undecided:...not in my book mate.....thats a cracking looking truck.:laugh:. she's a beauty and I'd make room for her on the drive any day of the week !
  4. Entirely agree with you there NOS.. As in if you choose to put solid gold bathroom taps in a 2 bed ex council semi it doesn't increase the price anymore...well...unless you then take the taps off and sell them I guess hahah!:-D
  5. Haven't even finished reading it myself yet but really want to let other folk know about this one .......... [h=3] War in the Wilderness: The Chindits in Burma 1943-1944 by Tony Redding[/h] truly folks, trust me on this.....this book is absolutely awesome. A very thorough historical work packed on every page with recollections from real veterans that were there.... ...It's really REALLY good.....plus all profits from the sale of the book goes to the Chindits/Burma Star Association Fund.
  6. Interesting debate on the value of this truck.... and it's good to see the different ideas/approaches that folk have to deciding on somethings value........ I have a good old mate who makes a fair bit of his living out of buying and selling all manner of vehicles....and he has a standard approach. first off ....if the person selling says something similar to "well, she owes me X amount" my mates answer will be something along the lines of " I don't give a monkies what she owes you mate, it's got no relevance whatsoever to what she's worth and if she owes you any more than that it's your problem not mine" secondly..... if the seller suggests the vehicle is worth 'X amount' because it has some kind of 'sentimental value' in that it was owned by his Grandad for many years or his sister was born in the back seat etc ! ........ my mate will always say "well..I'm not interested in buying the sentimental bit of her mate..you can keep that . I'm bidding on it exactly as it sits there" I've been with him when he's buying and yes, he does sound a bit rude and harsh sometimes but.... believe it or not , it works and he gets some amazing bargains (compared to what the seller is originally expecting or trying to get for the vehicle ). I've seen him bid way under half of what the seller is asking in situations where I certainly wouldn't have the neck to do so.....and I've often expected many sellers to tell him where to go... but they don't.... and he usually gets the deal somewhere near what he wants.... All to their trade I guess........
  7. I do like the all steel tracks on the Grizzly,they look like they'd be way better off road than the traditional rubber block type....are they 'standard' on a Grizzly Adrian???
  8. with you there brother :cry:
  9. .and!!!!! .....even at somewhere around £180,000 / £200,000 finished and done.....she'd still be only the same price roughly as a a top of the range Bentley or Ferrari etc...... AND.....unlike a motor such as that she'd actually keep and even increase in value... ..think about it.... just what will a running & completely restored Sherman be worth in say another 30 years time on perhaps the 100th Anniversary of D-Day ?????? mind boggling worth every penny. now........where's my lottery ticket?
  10. Very much looking forward to watching the restoration of her ! ....hey she may be in a bit of a mess but at least she appears to be more or less complete and she hasn't had a battering at the 'wrong' end of a range either ....unlike a lot of 'restoration' projects we see on here..fair play for your endeavours to save her !:laugh:
  11. so ....would this be one of the 4 or 500 Shermans in Argentina that had been converted with modern diesel motors and a modern gun that was being discussed on here a week or so ago ??........ either way.....I agree with what was said earlier ...I don't reckon the price is out of order myself...... and the halftracks ain't bad at that whack either I would have thought ..... anyone capable of rebuilding her would surely be capable of rebuilding a secondhand engine as well so..go for the secondhand motor and she'll cost $68000...that' about £44,000 by my reckoning ..ok plus shipping at whatever but ...in my mind that Sherman would be 100 times better investment than say a new Range Rover or and Aston Martin or whatever else 60 or 70 grand would buy you ....
  12. Cracking link :-D many thanks ! I can see a few of those getting bought in the years to come...either way ...it's better they sit about parks for kids to clamber over than they get dumped on a range and blown to pieces...
  13. they are cracking looking:laugh: ..so.......any ideas whats happened to them ?... Has Argentina and Paraguay now scrapped them?.....or are they waiting patiently somewhere in a musty depot to be rescued?....As you've said.....a lot have been modified well away from WW2 spec but...If I had the loot?.. ..Well I'd grab one in an instant !
  14. your metalwork is of an incredible quality mate ..fair play ..can't wait to see your old truck when she's all done :-D
  15. got me a feeling we shall see her rise again now her lair has been found ...I really hope so anyways ! :-D if only I had a driveway to accommodate :-(
  16. Both sides acquired quite a collection of each others aircraft and vehicles throughout the war so I guess the Germans having a Dakota in their 'fleet' would have been easy enough?.....I believe KG200 was the German sort of 'special' operations Luftwaffe Squadron ? and I know they had quite a few B17s by the end of the war plus many others...:-|.... quick Google search and edit.apparantly KG200 wasn't formed til 1944 though .....it probably 'belonged' to the Abwehr ?
  17. yep I noticed one of them weighed 260KG....not sure if that was the 1/4 scale or the 1/6 scale one....but either way ...heavy! :-D further reading reveals the 1/4 scale one starts at about £5500.so ..think it's a bit out of Dads price range anyways! ...shame ...could have been the mobility scooter and Military Vehicle all covered in one go :-\ PS...just thought....my old folks weekly shop at Morrision's would have been worth seeing though...d'you reckon the aisle are wide enough? :cool2:
  18. Now that looks like a serious mobility scooter Goran ! :-):-) Many thanks for your comments ...we've found him one now and he's getting the hang of it pretty good....I couldn't find him a 4x4 one.. :-) but we got one with fairly big wheels that is 'off road' proof...well ....I say that but he did manage to get it stuck down the woods the other day ! grippier back tyres may be called for .... and Jessie.. I've read through the construction notes on the models and they are very serious bits of kit aren't they ?... ...not your average 'model' certainly! ...I guess if he's using something like electric forklift motors for the tractive power then they'd have plenty of grunt.... and they've got aluminium tracks and proper steel suspension units and bearings and so on..... ... mmmmhhhhhhh .....:-D:-D I'm almost talking myself into one now and I can walk fine ! hahahah!
  19. I'm in no way an authority to be relied upon at all...but...I reckon you're right ...pretty sure it's a Bedford.someone else will be along sooner or later to confirm ..........or ridicule me :cool2: now stop messing about driving by it every other day and get the old girl bought :cheesy:
  20. Whilst mooching the web for an Mobility Scooter for my old Dad I somehow came across this company ..They are building some absolutely awesome models......ever fancied owning a 1/4 scale King Tiger ?...well ...this fellas can sell you one..... http://www.mark-1-tank.co.uk/ Now then....d'you reckon I could modify it so that my old Dad could sit up in the turret with the RC unit on his lap???....a 1/4 scale King Tiger would one mighty fine Mobility Carty for him I reckons :cool2:
  21. This is def the website to find someone that will be interested...:-\ ....I'd really love to own such a big lumpy beast but as you say ...my driveway is cramped enough with a spare Landrover on it ...and I think my old Mum would draw the line at a Scammel sitting there alongside the other Landrover that's currently 'awaiting it's turn' in her garden :-D ......Just out of interest ....what neck of the woods is she currently nesting?
  22. nice ol' Scammel that ...opened negotiations?:-D
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