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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. Lovely looking LR...a lucky find that I'd guess ! ....now all you need is a Sherman and a halftrack and a few other bits and pieces to fill that shed up
  2. I don't know what shipping would be back to the UK....but they don't look that bad do they?.... .....probably had a good hard life and are a bit battered but... rust isn't really a problem out there so I'd give one or two a go....or 10 or 12 :cool2:...??? damn good money a tidy lightweight will fetch these days.....especially a 2A:D
  3. I was waiting fer summat like that :cool2:............ya cheeky *&^% etc!..hey yer not so far behind me
  4. What became of those Conquerors?.....they certainly were a cracking looking heavy weight of tank ...
  5. Just mooching the web as usual and came across this........ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAND-ROVER-LIGHTWEIGHT-AND-SERIES-BRAKING-PARTS-AVAILABLE-CALL-INFO-/150790335631?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item231bcdec8f#ht_840wt_1395 ..there's at least one 2a Lightweight amongst them.... unfortunately they're all in Cyprus :cry:
  6. Found myself in the dentists yesterday and whilst waiting idly picked up a copy of 'Saga'...being honest I thought it was quite a good magazine ..amongst the many interesting stories was one from an old fella that had been in Tanks in Italy during the war......what made the story very unique was the fact that he and his crew had 'liberated' some hens and then had modified a storage locker on the back of their tank for them to live in....whenever they had a quiet moment they would let 'their' hens out for a scratch about tucking them safely back in their locker whenever they had to move..this went on for a good time with the crew being rewarded by a steady stream of fresh eggs ... the hens were eventually lost to much sadness amongst the fellas but only a day or later a mortar shell destroyed their 'nest box' on the back of the tank so the lads consoled themselves with the fact that at least their escaped hens were probably still alive somewhere..... .....it was very well written tale and brought a little humanity to what would otherwise have been just another WW2 story.... I was called in for an administration of pain and discomfort as I was just getting to the end of the story and did intend to pick the mag up on the way out so I could put a few more details on here but ....completely forgot to do so ......and hadn't looked either unfortunately to see what month or edition or year the magazine was.... .......I just wondered if anyone else had seen this story anywheres???
  7. A simple but to me very baffling question.......:-) Many years ago much was made of the fact that the Vietcong went into battle carrying nothing much more than his weapon , as much ammo as he could lift ...and a bag of rice........the little fellas were always amazed at the amount of gear a US soldier was expected to hump into the woods and I would have guessed rightly so........ fast forward a good few years and I was watching a news item from Afghanistan last night.....there's the Taliban fellas looking much the same as a Vietcong did 40 or more years ago..an AK47.a few spare mags and that was about it....... and there.........sweating their nuts off is a British Patrol.......looking to me like they were carrying enough kit for a 3 month camping trip to the Brecon Beacons....loaded right up they were and with a whacking great big backpack.. so ..my question is........why the hell do they carry so much gear???????? Now...... .......if they are out on a patrol that is intended to 'stay out' for a week or so I could understand it.... ...but these guys were out on a 'circular' patrol from their firebase ....and heading in a general fashion back to the firebase by the end of the same day...... ....so ........... what the hell is in those whacking great big back packs and all that belt gear??? the way I see it is ( and as always ...I am ready to be properly corrected) why would they need to carry anything more than. A weapon and a load of ammo A knife A water bottle A few high energy snack bars and chocolate etc A medical pack. and finally....maybe a couple of grenades? I understand that they all carry comms gear these days but surely the modern kit doesn't take up all that much room???... ..do they really need to be so loaded up for a days patrol? Only asking ......:-)..
  8. .oh drat that's me out then ..........:cool2::cool2::cool2: I dunno ...these Jeep prices seem to be running away again.... ..must be cos of June approaching yet again...:-D same o' story ...cheap as chips in the winter then along comes the D Day Anniversary and up they go .........
  9. yer right .. ..it is an extremely tatty Jeep and due to that fact, although I am willing to purchase it, my offer obviously reflects its appalling condition .....:D:D:D:D:D:D I'll go to 150 quid for her and not a penny more .........
  10. what happened to the other thread on this subject?...it's disappeared :-| baffled I is....
  11. Bit late to say now but..... just up the road from Dover...just past the Battle of Britain memorial is the proper impressive remains of two of our long gone cross channel gun emplacements ..can't remember the names???....mmmhhh .hang on!..mmmhh.. right got it ....St Margarets Cliff and the other is Wanstone Battery !... .but there's lots left to mooch about . ... but....It's not really fer little Grandkids I suppose.. .................too many brambles and nettles :cool2: . ..and big holes and stuff to loose them in.....:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  12. some great photos there,,.,many too that I've never seen before thanks!
  13. yeah I was proper impressed by that lot Jerry...:-). ..also a little 'intrigued' by the way that the 'powers that be' deny now that they found anything at all in that particular shaft....:-| we'll have to get together for a beer mate and between the two of us we'll see what we reckon about it all.... the shaft you're referring to is/was Prosper Pit...the shaft has in the last few years been more or less obliterated but I can show you where it is....there are a number of others in the Fetter Hill and also Mile End areas ...like you say though... .....even if you could somehow get permission to get an excavator in ( and that'd be a bloody miracle with the way the Forestry approach the dreaded H&S these days !)....what state would anything be in ?????.... ..it would still be a helluva expedition though would't it ??? :cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  14. hahah ...hey are you sure that wasn't my old V8 Series One you found half buried in mud down in Redbrook once?..got her stuck down that way on more than one occasion! ...and you better read my previous comments for what I think of Champs and Gypsys hahahah all power to you and the many others that own/restore/cherish them but.... .............they're not for me..:angel: Hey if I'd believed a quarter of all the stories I'd heard whilst growing up in the FoD mate I'd have spent every waking hour of everyday in the woods digging everything from Harleys to Jeeps and brand new M1 Carbines out of any number of pitshafts... ..I know there is a bit of stuff out there to be found (I dug a Mills Grenade up in my own garden when I lived at Milkwall and have a very nice Mortar shell that wasn't found so far from that either so you haven't always gotta look too far :cheesy:) ... ......but.....honestly speaking .. .have you ever spoken to anyone that had conclusive proof of the lurid burials that are supposed to have happened in the Dean?.. .Like I say...I've heard a load of the stories but they're always along the lines of "my brothers mates best friends uncles cousin was told by a bloke in the pub who's grandad knew a man" etc ... I do know lot of kit was dumped locally but it's usually along the lines of beds & chairs & canteen gear , general fixtures and fittings from a lot of the camps and ...also I will admit to hearing on very good authority (from an actual eye witness in my family) of a large quantity of vehicle spares going down certain old shafts in 1945... and....fairs fair.. .... I know you and a couple of other fellas have found a few nice bits and pieces out there ....but....... as to 'complete brand new' whatever etc etc ???.. well.......lets say that I always remain very happy to be proven wrong ...... Mind you ......if you know different ? don't forget the coal mines of the Dean has been one of my very serious interests for many many years.... and I do know my way around an awful lot of them! hahahah!:cheesy:
  15. staring bid of 500 quid! buy it now for 800!!!!!!!!! ..:wow: ..now I can appreciate its very rare and all that sorta stuff but.... .in all honesty...it's a tatty old rain coat...... for that kinda money I would want a brand new canoe to go with it , a paddle made of something a lot more valuable than wood , a nice smart galvanised steel trailer to tow the lot around on plus a great big bucket of enthusiasm for messing about in cold rivers .......:D:D.......
  16. hahah:D well...I'm working my way steadily back towards that place financially mate having suffered the vagaries of one of those divorce 'things' a few years back.:cool2: .........got yet another Series 2 LR waiting it's turn to get done up and sold and when that's done ...I'll 're-evaluate' the 'ready cash for spending on toys' situation and see whats about...I do love jeeps always have done but I wouldn't mind summat else ...the one 'must have' is it would have to be 4X4....so.....a LR Lightweight is probably favourite but I guess they're never gonna appreciate in the way a Jeep would... (he said confidantly....now watch what happens to LR prices over the next 10 years or so ! hahah ).:-) .........and I can't realistically fund running a V8 these days so a FC101 (unless it's had a tidy Diesel conversion done) is out too.........so what else does anyone suggest ?????
  17. It's the old story I'm afraid Jerry.... .....I recall being at a clearance sale on a farm near Thornbury around late 1977 early '78 with my Dad and there was tatty but complete and just about running / driveable Jeep in the auction......Dad had been muttering for years about maybe getting one for us to mess about in and we gave it a good clambering over and under and decided it was probably worth a go at if it came for about 5 or 600 quid....:-\... ....the bidding started at £500 quid and got to (as I recall) £1200 in no more than 3 or 4 bids.......Father (along with many other folk stood around watching) muttered summat like "bugger that!" and we watched the hammer fall..... .....If we knew then etc hey???? ...by 1983/4 Jeep prices were rocketing and I realised that a grand or so 6 years or so before was cheap and well worth it.........by then a ratbag was fetching 3 or 4 grand though .... It's the same ol' same ol' though mate..... ...In 1977 I simply didn't have a grand to spend...in those days I was bring home about £29 quid a week from a farm........
  18. .....I'm patiently awaiting the crash in Jeep and Sherman Tank prices mate........ ..failing that ....when the right Landrover Lightweight or 101 FC comes along... ..........I'll be on it like a pig on a tater ..:drive:
  19. yeah I heard mate !...it's rotten for the organisers cos they always put on a fantastic show and for the last few years the weather has been really unfair on them... ..................ah well!...umbrella at the ready !
  20. hey up to you all..:cheesy: Its the big (very big!) Coleford Festival of Transport tomorrow (Easter Monday) down here in the Forest of Dean...... There's always a cracking display of ex-military there and I just wondered if any of you are taking a vehicle along this year??.. .....if so I'll be mooching so will come and say hello! http://www.colefordcarnivaloftransport.org/ and if you're not bringing a vehicle....????... ....well if you're close enough it is very much well worth a visit !
  21. some cracking footage there....the second excavator coming ashore....the one with the forklift fitted..there was one of those in a yard next door to my old Dads place up til last year when it got cut up for scrap... ....mind you it was a proper wreck..is the 'trencher' still in use by the Army ??
  22. hey up to you mate....bike fella hey?...man after my own heart... :-D
  23. from what I understand....mind you..... my head can be a cloudy place on times..:cool2:... 'Superwinch ' was the name of the outfit that took over 'Fairey' ???? I don't know if they changed much if any of the design.... but Fairey kit/hubs/overdrives etc are the proper top stuff mate. I've had them on loads of LRs and never had a moments trouble with any of them.. ...in fact .... ....got hubs and an overdrive on my old Series 2 now and they're 100%.. great bits of kit :-D
  24. well mate should you ever go after them I'd be more than happy to put my 30 odd years of heavy plant operation (amongst many other useful skills all learnt at the school of demolition / dismantling / scrap cutting etc !) at your disposal.... ......I'd be happy to consider a month or so over there rescuing them as a crackin holiday mate ...certainly no payment needed ! (well.........apart from having a small share in the recovered assets ! hahah!)
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