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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Good luck with this project Andy. I have always liked the FV433.
  2. Just as an after thought - Do forum members realise that even having Battenburg markings on a non-emergency vehicle is ilegal? I sympathise with you scammellmark - but the law is very clear on what is allowed and what is not allowed. I'm dumb-founded when I see ex-military vehicles with Military Police signs / blue beacons being driven on a public road - it's asking for trouble. I used to blood run too and looked into the possibility of obtaining a bike with reflective markings and emergency equipment to advertise the service. Good PR. Unfortunately I was advised by a good friend of mine that this would be breaking the law - and it boils down to the fact the motorcycle could not be classed as an official emergency vehicle as it would be registered in my name and not the name of the charity. It really is a bag of bolts when you have a vehicle that impersonates an emergency vehicle. I know people do it (Military Police, fire engines, MP bikes, etc), and it's not for me to tell people what to do - but if people are going to do it - then expect to be pulled and have the Police get the hump. Oh by the way scammellmark - I fully appreciate you had taken all the precautions you felt were appropriate and it would appear you have encountered some over - zealous Police Officers so I'm not having a dig at you - just the clowns who totally ignore the law, take the p--s, and ruin it for the people who do try to play the game. Markheliops
  3. Nice to see things moving along chaps. Did you opt for the Cummins conversion in the end?
  4. Crikey Phil - That's the first time I have ever seen a SMURF drive an FV432!
  5. Hi Phil. Looks in good condition. If you are interested - I may have an event you can take the 436 too. In short it is a road run linking all the fire stations in Kent. It's for charity. Let me know if you are interested. Mark
  6. Does that mean my Ward La France isn't wanted. Can't see why a Ward La France can't get in when a dingo can! Despite what you've been told - size IS everything.
  7. Hi Phil. Long time no speak - welcome back. Is that the 432 I saw you bidding on from Withams - Looks in a good state if it is. By the way, do you still have the Green Goddess in your barn? Regards Mark PS - I have a truck that can carry FV432's now. wink wink.
  8. Happy Birthday Andy - see you in the coming year. Mark
  9. Good idea Mark - maybe with period weapons and documents, FMT600 etc. Or stood by a bar - as they all seem legless!!! (sorry - couldn't resist!!!
  10. Happy Birthday Mark - have a good'un. Markheliops
  11. There has been a big hoo ha over this in the marine world. At one time the industry thought they were going to be forced to use bio-diesel by new goverment legislation and this would have meant bad news for us boat owners. Apparently, it's not very clever to use the stuff in marine engines. Not sure why but it's what I have read. I think from the latest news the goverment has relented on the use of bio-fuel in the marine industry. Do you know anything about this Andy as my knowledge on this subject is a bit sketchy and you would seem to be the man who knows? Markheliops
  12. Happy Birthday Vince - have a cracking day.
  13. He has loads on the side - and life is about to get a "tiny" bit more interesting. Love to Mrs Knees tall one.
  14. It was in David Crouches yard about 6 months ago. I was looking for a different vehicle and David offered it to me for a tidy sum. It is a lovely vehicle though.
  15. Hi all. Just wanted to wish everyone on here and your families a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year. I'm on duty so I will be logging on Xmas Day - from work. Thoughts are with all those people who can't be home whether it be work or travel issues. It's a good time to think of those who are serving in the forces to ensure we can all enjoy this time of year. Have a cracking time - whatever you are up to. Markheliops
  16. Markheliops


    Nice Paul - always fancied one myself being a biker. Look forward to seeing it at the shows. Markheliops
  17. I don't think you will get much joy with bar grips on the ice - may as well use slicks.
  18. Yes - exactly Chris. Happy Birthday mate - have a cracking night. I'm sure Mrs Knees will ponder to your every desire -
  19. Happy Birthday Olaf - See you in 2011. Markheliops
  20. Looking good Mike. I will look forward to seeing the project as it developes.
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