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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Iain - Is the Constructor the one from David Crouch - If so sorry - I gave you the wrong info in respect of the engine type - but it's still a nice motor. Markheliops
  2. Excellent - I will have a beer waiting - or is it a Pimms for you tankies? Whatever - it will be on ice.
  3. Hi all. I'm leaving tonight (Tuesday) around 2000hrs - Looking forward to seeing everyone. If you're going - I'll see you there. If you're not going - I won't. Markheliops
  4. Me with the Rugged Boys - Me and the Naughty Nurse (Debs) Markheliops
  5. Jack. Can you do me a photocopy - I won't be at my computer again until after A&E. Thanks mate. Mark
  6. Just a thought peeps! I shall be on site from Wednesday morning and Mike/Vince/Mrs Knees shall be on site from Early Friday morning if not before. If anyone gets a problem on route that leaves them in a pickle - you can call me on my mobile or call Jack to get hold of me. Personally I think Jack will be too busy to answer any phone calls so maybe a call straight to me instead. Mobile number is on my personal page if you feel inclined to make a note of it. Scrap the above as there is no where to put my number: 07972 451678 - (no heavy breathers thanx) Regards Markheliops
  7. Seen on the M25 Dartford toll booths - heading into the tunnel on Bank Holiday (31st May). Anyone know anything about it? Markheliops
  8. Last time I was there he had a nice Constructor fitted with a Scania diesel engine.
  9. As long as there is no chilli, hot spices or anything else that blows my head off - I'm easy going Dave. Menu looks okay to me.
  10. Probably got that wrong Adrian - They are coming to view the vehciles at some point - not 100% sure where!!!
  11. I have two weapons for the static display side of things - M1 Carbine and a Colt 1911. I wasn't planning on bringing the Colt but I was going to have the Carbine chained in it's holder in the cab of the Ward. Would this count as being vehicle mounted? I know technically - no - but it doesn't come out of it's holder and it remains attached to the cab, in it's correct holder and chained for security. It's not a massive issue if it doesn't come with me but it looks rather smart in the place it was designed to be in. If not wanted in the carnival - what about when the public come to the camping area on Sunday to look at the vehicles? Just want clarification on this one so not to pee off the organisers. Markheliops
  12. The minimum speed for propelled vehicles on a motorway is 30mph. As far as I am aware - there is no such restriction on other types of roads. I would guess individual trucks with different engines will determne what speed you can reach. My diesel powered Ward La France can now travel at 50mph on motorways and 40mph on urban roads. It can quite happily pull the 4 tonne Brockhouse on a motorway at 50mph but I prefer to bimble along at 40-45mph. Not too shabby for a WWII recovery truck. Markheliops
  13. Hi Stuart. Have sent you a PM reference the middle axle. If your bearings have failed - Chrisg on here should be able to source some replacements without any issues as he managed to come up with 2 complete transfer box bearing sets for myself and Mike. I suggest you have an in depth investigation and see what has actually failed - then go from there. Markheliops
  14. Hi all. Adrian asked a question in relation to recovering tanks for the coming A&E trip which got me thinking in respect of recovery for all types of vehicles attending this event. Both Mike and I will be carrying straight bars and a holly bones. We both carry a comprehensive tool kit plus some other magical items. My idea in relation to breakdowns for this event is really very straight forward. If you breakdown, our first priority is to move you to a place of safety or out of the way if you are blocking the convoy. Easily done with a straight bar or chains etc. Once everyone is clear, then the problem can be assessed, a fix completed or plans to get you back safety to the campsite where proper investigations can be completed. Mike, Vince and I plan to be ready with a mobile workshop at the campsite in case the need arises. I have a pair of two way radios so Mike and I will be in constant touch with each other - (mobile phones are great but not much use if there is no service and I wouldn’t hear it in the Ward anyway). Saying that - my mobile phone will be on so if you want the number in case - feel free to come and ask for it. A couple of things vehicle owners can do to make recovery an easier process if required: First thing, breaking down is not something to be ashamed of. I’ve lost count of the times I have offered a stranded MV owner a hand but been refused as - “there’s no problem mate” only to pass the same MV owner at the side of the road a couple of hours later. Both Mike and I will be on call to assist should anyone need a hand, a bit of advice or general pee-taking! Can I suggest if you don’t already know it, then gel up on specific do’s and don’ts for recovery of your own vehicle and carry your vehicle repair manuals with you. A small but highly motivated base repair section will be operating at the campsite (when not engaged in tea drinking) so anyone who has any issues with their vehicles feel free to come and see us. All at very reasonable hourly rates!!! As Adrian pointed out in a previous post - if you have any specific items of equipment required for the recovery of your vehicle, please bring it with you. Adapters, chains, etc. Also other items such as correctly sized wheel nut sockets for your type of vehicle. Both Wards carry toolkits but I can guarantee you may well be the one with the odd wheel nut size of which we don’t carry or have to hand. Most owners carry some sort of spares pack, points, condenser, plugs and leads, etc. Easy to throw in the back of the wagon. Could save you a lot of hassle in the long run. Last thing I can think of - recovery in WWII was a very simple affair. The recovery mechanics didn’t much care if they damaged the bodywork or bent the bumper of the vehicle they were recovering. As we are a bit more conscious of your pride and joy, WWII recovery techniques are not fully appropriate for your toys. I intend to carry some planking so if your vehicle needs a suspended tow, we can lift it without damaging the bodywork. Can I suggest if you have time, a piece of substantial wood, cut to around the length of your bumper be carried if you have the space? I hoping no one has the unfortunate problem of grinding to a halt but I, more than anyone know how unpredictable these old vehicles can be so a bit of pre-planning goes a long way. I have been stranded on more than a few occasions and have learnt by my past experiences. If anyone can think of anything else feel free to add to this thread. Last thing, no laughing at me if I break down - you never know if it will come back and haunt you!!! Here’s hoping for a breakdown free A&E - see you there. Markheliops
  15. I'll be there from Wednesday morning - early I hope so I'm game for a laugh - as you know. I'm travelling through the night leaving Tuesday around 8pm - As long as it's legal, I'll try anything once but reserve the right not to do it again if it makes me scream. Markheliops
  16. Dave. I am hoping to be on site by Wednesday - so I can lend you a hand - as long as you've had a shave!!
  17. Someone has just purchased a Stallion on this very forum. I'm not saying who - don't want to steal his thunder but I'm sure he will reveal all in the not too distant future. Markheliops
  18. Happy Birthday Mark - No dancing for you then. Mark
  19. £16 - £20K for a decent one. Anything less and I would be aware. Cents are a bit cheaper but you get what you pay for - as the saying goes. Decent Centurian should be around the £15K mark. Oddly enough - a more useful thing like a REME or engineer variant can sometimes fetch less that an MBT with a large gun on it. Is it an image thing?
  20. Terry Brooks offered me a Challanger 1 last year. I believe it is the only Challanger in private hands. Bit of a mystery how the lucky git ended up with it - but we won't go there.
  21. Don't worry about it Ollie. You aren't the first person to ignore him and I can assure you - you won't be the last.
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