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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. I stand corrected Richard - I had it on good authority from the tech boffins at Comma Oil SAE30 is a very acceptable substitute for OMD80. I did use it on my FV432 without any issues but cheap it is not.
  2. Hi all. Just wondered if anyone on here has organised any collections for the poppy appeal - and if so - do they need any military vehicles to attend and help with the collection. If anyone has organised something in the South East / Kent / Essex area - let me know. Ta Markheliops
  3. Happy Birthday Chris - have a cracking day. Markheliops
  4. Equivalent civi spec oil to OMD 80 is a straight SAE30. Comma Classic SAE30 is bang on. Markheliops
  5. I presume you parked the OT in the hanger yourself Lee!!!!
  6. Ah I thought it was strange when I heard Mrs Knees shout out: "blow it yourself" Glad the confusion has been cleared up. Heliops
  7. I suggest you move out of the LEZ mark - Better in the long run. Markheliops
  8. The only previous history I have is as follows: Military registration 24 GJ 60 Date into service 01/12/79 Unit issue 23/12/79 - 09/12/80 = Ashchurch 09/12/80 - 17/02/86 = 3 Field Squadron 17/02/86 - 09/10/86 = Ashchurch 09/10/86 - 18/12/89 = 8 Squadron RCT 18/12/89 - 26/05/94 = 60 Squadron RCT 26/05/94 - MOD Aston Down 26/07/94 - Sold to Mr S Firth of Norwich (1st civ owner) 18/08/96 - Sold to Mr B Dragovic of Bedfordshire (2nd civ owner) Sold to me on the 2nd October 2010. Markheliops
  9. Hi all. Thought I would add this to the Foden thread - I have just purchased this from a chap on here - (Bran) a thoroughly nice chap. A very impressive vehicle both in looks and what it can carry - 20 tonnes plus pulling a 6 ton trailer. The beavertail conversion has been done to a very high standard as has the fitting of a Fuller 9 speed gearbox. Other than that it is standard. Bran has carried an FV432 and a Ward La France on the back. I am attempted a trail loading of the Ward tomorrow (Tuesday) at the farm and shall get some pictures. Markheliops
  10. Ah - happy memories. Cheers for putting up Lee. We used a Militant in the end due to it having the ability to boom in and out. We measured up the Ward crane and it would have reached but as it doesn't possess the ability to boon in and out - so we decided against it. I would suggest any crane is only as good as the operator and ours was pretty good. I think his name was Steve - but it was 18 months ago. Markheliops
  11. Happy Birthday Paul - have a cracking good day - Heliops
  12. Yep - minding my own business when a crazy dutchman jumps on me. Good to see you again Olaf - on your side of the water. I shall be writing a report on the show and other aspects of my European trip as soon as I can write it up - including some pictures. If you want to see what the inside of a King Tiger tank looks like - watch out for the coming thread. Markheliops
  13. Hi all. I think the main point is being missed - Regardless if the aircraft had a malfunction or not - It was a very stupid and irresponsible thing to attempt any type of manoeuvre with an aircraft in such close proximately to people and structures. It does clearly state in aviation law - a landing and take off area must be fit for purpose unless an aircraft is forced into an emergency landing. I suspect the pilot - who is probably quite experienced - wishes he had not been so foolish and will ultimately pay a heavy price for his actions. When you are a pilot in charge of an aircraft - you have full responsibility of the aircraft and anything it may come into contact with. Markheliops
  14. It's great to drive and frightens the hell out of everyone else on the road. I would say fuel consumption is better on the motorway - obviously. Probably about 20-25 per gallon. Around town - not great - but then I never brought it to be economical. Markheliops
  15. Looking good Sharky - Keep em coming. Markheliops
  16. Believe it or not - Mine stated: Make - GKN Sankey Body type - Light 4 x 4 Utility Taxation Class - Historic Type of Fuel - Heavy Oil Number of seats inc driver - 12 Wheel plan - Non Standard Type Approval Number - Exempt Colur - Green and Black No idea how the body type was listed as Light 4 x 4 Utility - but it was as I have just checked a scan of the V5. Markheliops
  17. Hi Norman. Presumably you know of the Cent ARV I'm referring to. I have no problem in the fact the chap is selling the vehicle for below scrap value but two things should be duly considered. Scrap dealers do not want to touch large armour as it is over-sized and not many have the equipment or the inclination to cut the things up - so scrap value doesn't really apply as size doesn't equal value. Secondly. The advert stated the Cent ARV was an excellent runner - which was clearly a miss-leading statement considering the thing hadn't run for a good many years. Markheliops
  18. Hi Iain - Good question well presented. Can of worms mate but I shall give you my opinion. The trouble with corporate firms is when one of their MV's becomes more trouble than it's worth - they give them a spray job and sell them as excellent runners etc - only for the new owner to find themselves with a pile of junk for which they paid above the going rate. My own experience is I went to see a Cent ARV which was advertised as a good runner with rubber tracks. When I spoke to the chap who shall remain nameless - he assured me I just needed to add two new batteries and some fuel and the tank would be up and running. I drove a considerable distance only to stand in front of a rusty pile of scrap metal which clearly had not moved for many years. Some time after, I managed to speak to some other Cent owners at W&P who informed me they had visited the same Cent ARV eight years prior to my visit, in the same place and in the same condition. Well Iain - that was four years ago since I visited the Cent ARV from a well known corporate user - Would you be surprised to hear the same Cent is still for sale now (I just checked) describing the same condition as when I went to see it. This is the advert Centurion ARV Rubber boot tracks. Smoke dischargers excellent runner I know not all corporate users are responsible for the above - but until corporate users change their attitude towards selling the vehicles which are no longer profitable - I can't see them getting a respectful image. Markheliops
  19. Hi all. A certain wheeled armoured vehicle caught fire on the M20 yesterday whilst I presume on route to or from a show. It happened near to junction 4. I am happy to report there were no injuries to the owner and damage was minor and confined to the engine compartment. A timely reminder to ensure you have a working fire extinguisher with you when travelling in your pride and joy - either that or wear your running shoes!!! Sorry - I am unable to give out any further details. Regards Markheliops
  20. I'm on duty Saturday and Sunday night and can't get cover. I am going to try and pop down during Saturday / Sunday in the Chevy. Maybe a chance for someone to make me tea for a change. Heliops
  21. That will be me then - just before I fell off the truck whilst trying to shoot video of the Spitfire. Joking aside - I have some serious bruises down my left arm where I rather stupidly tried to arrest my decent by grabbing hold of something on the way down. Why do we do that - should have just let myself free fall.
  22. Congrats to you both. Hope you have a lovely evening together - if ya know what I mean!!! If you don't know what I mean - think back to when you met each other. There is a book with instructions somewhere - probably hidden in the club house amounst the history section. Heliops
  23. He was on route to us lot at Combined Ops Dave.
  24. Comments like that don't help the hobby at all, I always take time to speak to anyone who asks, even give out a leaflet about our group etc Gary Hi all. Was speaking to the group concerned in the above comments - To put the record straight these chaps and vehicles were off to do something of which they were sworn to secrecy and not allowed to discuss - with anyone. It wasn't a case of being rude - just not allowed to talk about what they were doing. They were probably caught off guard and wasn't expecting to be questioned as to what they were doing. Markheliops
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