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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. I've actually been to see Chieftains in worse condition for sale. Bl--dy marvelous it has been saved. Well done to who ever spotted it. Markheliops
  2. Not sure mate - will have a better look when i go back.
  3. Hi Andy. I don't think it's a normal FV432 - It has a map boards and table on the left side and a generator switch board on the right hand side next to the air filtration system. I was thinking it may be a FV436 command unit fitted out for the bowman radio system but not having come across this radio system before I'm not sure. The framing on the top is also unfamiliar to me. It looks like it housed two generators or power packs. The rear upper hatch has been replaced by a welded one piece circular armoured plate. I think the engine turns over but will not start but I didn't try to fiddle so I expect I may be able to get it going when I go back. Markheliops
  4. Hi all. Can someone please identify this variant of FV432 please. It was fitted out for bowman but these fittings have been removed. I'm not really sure if this is a FV436 or other type of variant. I'm sure someone on here will be able to identify some of the fittings. Also - the vehicle was VOR OOU. I know VOR is vehicle of road - but not sure about OOU? The FV43? has come from Withams and shows 36 miles on the clock. It looks like it has just come out of the overhaul programme and everything is brand new. The power pack and steering box are both present and new. The vehicle does not start. Any info appreciated chaps please. Markheliops
  5. I would never suggest the shortcut of modifying the rear bulk head to enable the oil filters to be changed with out removing the pack. Pack removal is a vital part of the servicing and maintanence programme. It's only when the pack is removed can you check all the clips, hoses and feed lines. The first you would notice something is wrong is when something breaks or over heats. Pack removal isn't hard as long as you have the right lifting frame. I'm speaking through personal experience as we removed my pack at War and Peace after suffering oil loss on a massive scale. If I had practiced what I am now preaching - I could have spotted the issue long before it bacame an issue. Armoured vehicles need their packs lifted and any shortcuts taken on this issue will lead to certain failure at some point. If you can get one, a spare pack makes a lot of sense. This enables you to change the pack over and then you can service the removed pack without losing the use of the vehicle. Markheliops
  6. Get a road registered 432 and drive it to the local shows. The question of whether DVLA will register a 432 or not is still not very clear. It would seem to depend on where you live and what you put down on the register forms. I drove mine to a show completing a 100 mile round trip. If you look after them mechanically - they tend to be very reliable.
  7. Happy Birthday Mark - have a cracking day.
  8. i wouldn't be surprised if a scrap dealer has brought the lot.
  9. Thanks for the infor gents - I suspect my mate has purchased a civilian CJ5. Still a good buy though - £650 and everything is there - it has sat in a barn for 25 years. It looks a good project. Many thanks. Markheliops
  10. Hi gents. A bit of advice please. A friend of mine has purchased a Jeep and we are not too sure if it is a Military M38A1 or a Civillian CJ5 - This is the data plate from the vehicle. Any thought please. Ta Markheliops
  11. Congratulations to you both - great news. There's a lot of this going on at the moment - I'm staying in doors. Best wishes to you all. Markheliops
  12. Happy Birthday Clive - have a cracking day. Markheliops
  13. I'm very surprised this chap has managed to keep hold of his licence. If you can afford to own this type of machinary - the fine is pathetic. It's similar to Fergie when he recieves a touch line ban and £10k fine for bad mouthing referees. At least he admitted his stupidity and I doubt he will be so foolish again. I would have thought the CAA would have least made him re-sit the Aviation Law exam as he obviously doesn't fully understand the basic principles. Markheliops
  14. Oh they were the days - messing about with an R22 Continental. Looking good so keep the updates coming please. Markheliops
  15. I think she was saying something about CRUMPET - but I'm not sure to what she was referrinig.
  16. Ahh Bless - I can see Carolines nose. Welcome Toolittlejohn.
  17. Happy Birthday Richard - Have a cracking day - Im SURE Rosie will have a few things planned for you - but we won't go there. Markheliops
  18. As I recall Mike - the front winch on your Ward is redundant - just about the right size for a baby seat - but don't tell Mrs Knees I suggested it.
  19. Hi all. I am very happy - and over the moon - to announce: The birth of a baby Son to Mr and Mrs Knees - aka - Tootallmike and Caroline. John Leonard Gillman was born on the 25th March 2011 at 0344hrs. Mother doing well. Three weeks early but healthy and well. I presume young John wanted to attend War and Peace so was not prepared to wait. Best news I've had all year. Markheliops
  20. That is a kind of cool picture - pity I didn't mean to do it.
  21. Hi John. I did think of putting the Ward on backwards and I shall try it at some point. The problem is the room for error is small so putting it on backwards may prove a bit of a challenge. The boom over-hang is not really an issue as the Brockhouse trailer will be behind the Foden so it won't effect anyone behind me. The plus side to putting the ward on in reverse is it will be a damn sight easier getting it off again. I shall let you know when I try it. Markheliops
  22. Hi folks. Have been wanting to have a go at loading the Ward Lafrance on to the Foden since I got it last year. Took the opportunity today! I drove the Ward on to the bed so the front wheels were up and continued with the winch. It would take a very brave man to attempt to drive it all the way on as you can't see where the rear wheels are and the room for error is very small. It's not just the Scammells that can make their axles do silly things you know! I have another 2 ft at the headboard so it should be a more even load. The height is 15ft 6 so a planned route will be the order of the day although if pushed I can drop the boom down. Its hard to get the Ward loaded bang in the middle but I need to otherwise it doesn't sit right. I shall have to practice but loading the Ward is definately a two man job. Markheliops
  23. Guys and Gal. Many thanks for the Birthday wishes - over for another year now. Jack - you still owe me a beer and I'm coming to collect soon. Thanks once again. Markheliops
  24. I'll be there - with the Ward Lafrance M1A1 and love trailer. I shall probably bring the Ward up on the Foden. This way I can have a full lift capability as well in case someting can not be towed back - if the worse happens. Markheliops
  25. Ahh thanks Jack - had a lovely day with the family and now have yet more Union Jack stuff for the love trailer. Haven't the heart to tell my nearest and dearest The Ward La France is American - not British. See you next month - will orgainise a trip down - I'm calling it: BOYS IN TOWN 2011.
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