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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. There is only a few specific modifications that need to be carried out on the gun for it to comply, with ref to the UK spec from Birmingham Proof house. These modifications have not been interfered with and the cutting up of the carriage and subsequent repair of the carriage does not effect the De activation of the gun, the gun is still unable to chamber a round and there is no ability to fit a firing pin.
  2. Interesting point on getting a section cast, will look in to that. Yes as most of the bits on these guns are thick they take well to a good bit of welding and some fettling with a grinder, all the really nasty bits have welded up a treat and as you say the unknowing would not know any different, the problems arise with delicate pieces such as the gun sight holders which have knobs for adjusting levels ect and these have been sledge hammered off this will be the next long term job to get the parts replaced and sorted out.
  3. I have been looking at the crescents on my gun and I only need about 3 to 4 teeth each side so what I have thought of is, that there is about 4 teeth on each crescent right at the bottom of them, this is for depressing the barrel right down, for shooting down hill maybe :nut: I cant see me ever needing to depress the barrel that much, so if I cut those bits off tidy them up and weld them in to the damaged gas axe area I will be on to a winner, only thing is I am doing more damage but in a different place :-( We shall see what happens.
  4. I have heard they were for crowd control
  5. Congrats Joris well done, you going to have to get some more Jeeps of Dodge WC !!
  6. Mmmm nice double helical gears there :shocked: does it use standard roller bearings or are they taper ? That transfer box does not look much bigger than my GMC one, but I should think it is, pictures can be sooo deceiving :wow: Will the graunching on the low range gear have any effect suppose that is due to engaging on the move ? Lets see some more oily stuff ...
  7. Here is part two if interested This next one shows some 105's firing, watch the kick and how it shakes the whole gun :wow:
  8. Good demo, nice compact unit. Would look well cool set up with a Dodge at shows.
  9. In my restoration of the cab I have come across two inspection panels on the cab floor under the seats. This cab is on a 352 and has split axles. The long narrow hole on the left is to gain access to some of the fixing bolts for the transfer box but do not know what the other one on the right would be for as it is on the chassis cross member and exposes just plain metal. Would it serve some purpose on a banjo axle truck ?
  10. Well here is the the next step of the on going job. This is the cab main floor panel, common problem areas on open cabs are both sides of the floor which bolt to the cab sides and the front sections which have a bracing panel under it to add stiffness. Here is the right side of the floor you can see where the rot is and the row bolt holes which bolt the side to the floor. This is the front edge of the same side, where all the rot is is where there is a bracing panel under the floor panel, this is spot welded in several places. This is a part of the floor cut out This is the front part cut out, in this pic you can see the thicker stiffening panel through the rust holes. Here I have cut off the edge and replaced it with a new section. Here is another view with the cut off front section on top. this is the bigger part up to the front edge, just need some tiding up. An under view of the panel
  11. Cool, just need the rest of the the tank to go with it :wow:
  12. Having a bit of a sort out and came across this any ideas: On it is this wording: Telescope M70 F No 50509 H.M.R. W.E.M. Co C132086 date 1943
  13. Had some good days, got on and finished the bonnet sorted out the stiffening panel across the front of the bonnet, and sorted out the hinge holes at the other end. So another bit finished. Made a start on the main cab floor quite simple as it is just flat but need to know where the side edges will be once I cut all the old rot off, so spent some time tonight marking and measuring so hopefully get the new bit in the right place.
  14. All very interesting, would you have any pics of these scopes such as the M16 and the M4 range.
  15. Lots of numbers in this post.. In reading the manual I have, it says: That the M3 mount with M2A1 Howitzer is mounted in motor carriage T19. Where the M4 mount with M2A1 Howitzer is mounted in motor carriage M7 and M7B1. It goes on to say the sighting and fire controls are different on the M3 and M4 as compared to carriage M2A1 and M2A2.
  16. Well there you go Jack, that's put you in your place, see what happens when you don't have a man's truck you just loose the plot... Thanks for the suggestions yep the M3 is a totally different Howitzer.
  17. Right do you know how different your TM9-325 is to the TM9-1325 as I have this one dated Sept 1944 covers the same except says vehicle mount M3 and M4 , what would be the difference between the two ?
  18. Do you have one of them ? In having a bit of a dig around on the net I have found another TM manual I think but not too sure if it what I am after, TM9-1551 do you know this one ?
  19. The cutting up of the guns was a quick rough job to render them unusable in the eyes of the Greek army, so I presume they could then be sold as scrap. Each country have their own ways for the guns to comply. The UK have very specific ways that larger guns are to be deactivated and have to be inspected and stamped then a certificate can be issued for it to prove it is deactivated to a UK spec.
  20. Yes quite agree, but I dont know what Robin was referring to !
  21. Which bits are you referring to, just to the general appearance of the gun or with ref to the elevating gears ?
  22. To start with in artillery circles there is the term mils what does this refer to ? My M2-A1 105 Howitzer has an M12-A2 panoramic telescope and through it I can see a grid with numbers across and up and down, below is a pic of what you can see through it. What is the purpose of this panoramic telescope how is it used ? On the other side is an elbow telescope M16 what is this one for ? also by this there is a range quadrant M4 what does this do ?
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