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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. I am fairly sure it is part of the wading equipment, the frame being a support for the canvas cover, the lower part of which is still fitted.
  2. Hi Steve, you're very welcome! It was good to see you again.
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301079040491?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D301079040491%26_rdc%3D1 To make it easier!
  4. You didn't need to imobilise them, just drive them for about 35km and the pinion would strip its teeth..... They used straight cut gears with a double reduction, that puts a huge load on a single tooth.
  5. I have now had full contact, Gerald e-mailing me a couple of days ago and Martin sending me the forms this morning with a profuse apology! He has been snowed under with paperwork but I had indeed been missed off somehow. However, all back on track now.
  6. Is the No8 base going on ebay or is it available now?
  7. Oi! I'll have you know, she has just completed 100 miles over 4 months without missing a beat. Unlike other Shermans I could mention......
  8. Does your friend have any pictures of these wheels?
  9. I suspect it's actually stamped T1A with the A being slightly on the huh.
  10. Probably a slip up in coms but it does seem strange having received every e mail up to that point and nothing since....
  11. It does seem to be just me...... Rather odd to not get any replies to my e mails too. Oh well, one less Sherman for the convoy I suppose!
  12. Has anybody heard anything lately? I received the latest e mail at the beginning of December announcing the imminent arrival of the registration form but nothing since and I get no reply to any e mails to the project70hq address. Is it me?
  13. This is my spare. NOS but with slight corrosion to the cover screw heads. Otherwise excellent.
  14. I don't think so Rick, the BESA in tanks used a larger sight that was also marked up on the graticule for the main gun, thus allowing its use in the turret too if needed. The sight holder would not allow the use of such a small sight.
  15. I may have a spare one, I'll check and let you know.
  16. Hanno, it was at £970 with about 12 bids earlier.......
  17. I would guess Cent on left and Chietain on right. The left hand, if 1 1/4" dia. pins would fit most British cruiser tanks up to and including Centurion.
  18. Rick, yes, I am, depending on price .......... PM me if easier.
  19. Do the shell cases come in with the scope for the £70?
  20. The 'standard' hollebone comes in two lengths. Both are steel and lift-able by one person though they are heavy!
  21. It very definately is a Centurion booster coil which buzzes when in use. It's not for coil ignition systems and is only activated when the starter button is pushed in and gives a boost to one of the magnetos.
  22. The edge to the engine decks on Cavalier is similar to Crusader with a bevel plate all round unlike A27. There are many differences though not all are very visible.
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