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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. I will if requested but not through choice normally. If only because I don't look like a soldier........
  2. Jack, :thumbsup: In the past, I think there was a degree of fun poked at the reenactors by the 'old school' mv owners, generally seeing them as 'playing at soldiers'. However, you don't find that view expressed here, a Military Vehicle forum. The other side of that coin, some reenactors dismissing 'normal' MV owners as MVT in combats does frequently rear its head on the reenacting forums. At the end of the day, the freedom to express our views and to enjoy our hobbies as we see fit was hard won. To belittle others by claiming the moral high ground is a little insulting to those that won that very freedom.
  3. I think it's a recoil cylinder from a 6 pr AT gun and was presumeably used as a sprung recovery point but that's just a guess!
  4. They were one of the scrap dealers, though to be fair, they were in it in a big way with warship dealing included. There were many firms dealing in WD surplus vehicles, few survived as long as Pounds though!
  5. Sherman BARV? Israel had Centurion BARV.....
  6. I've bought from David in the past, very helpful and highly recommended.
  7. Nope, Stugs on 432 chassis and a Jagdpanther on a T55. The British tanks were the real thing!
  8. Richard is correct, (as usual!) one Centaur, one Cromwell (Charioteer convert) and the rest of the allied armour were Grizzlies.
  9. It was an experience and I first saw it some time after most of the best stuff had gone. The prices seem peanuts now though at the time it still felt like a lot of money!
  10. You're getting on with yours as time and parts allow, not dreaming! I didn't think you meant me...... my point still stands, we all owe the inveterate hoarders, as long as they are prepared to part with things! Even when they're not, without them, the parts would no longer exist.
  11. Don't forget those Otterburn sheep..........
  12. Space can be found, Cromwell parts are not so easy!
  13. It's a good job those 'dreamers' do collect the parts over the years otherwise it would be impossible to restore things now. It's also very fortunate if those parts are available.
  14. Hi Mike, good to see you here, not sure about your screen name though.....!
  15. John, no problem. Let me know how many and the external dimensions of the nut and I'll sort it out. No first born required, you may have something I need!
  16. SCC15 is British olive drab, not in use until April 1944 so not correct for Dieppe. Most likely SCC2 is the one you want, khaki brown. http://patrickbaty.co.uk/2011/10/05/wartime-camouflage-colours/
  17. I just make them as needed. Sherman ammo stowage is all fixed with these, mainly 3/8" but I can do any size including the nuts.
  18. The M3 did not have a turret basket, the M3A1 did. Removal of the basket is a job beyond the ability of the crew.
  19. I would disagree, those carry through spars are quite distinctive.
  20. Halftracks came with a horn, a pair in fact! A siren would have been an added fitment. Probably for the same reason so many Jeeps have them today.......
  21. Nice one Ian, just don't expect over run brakes to slow the towing vehicle!
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