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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. 6 pdr needs nothing, though will benefit from a spruce up, Bofors needs full restoration. I'm now hunting for parts! I could do with a spare wheel for the Bofors, as one is missing.
  2. I collected these today, a couple of nice additions to the collection!
  3. You know you're getting old when the historic vehicles are younger than you......
  4. Only the first 50 Meteors were built directly from Merlins. Odd Merlin parts continued to feature in rebuilds of Meteors up to and including IVB but you couldn't call them rebuilt Merlins.
  5. They were a trifle antisocial, I have to say......
  6. Another cracker Rob, well done! So that's 25mm, 37mm, 6pdr, 17pdr..... just need to fill that gap in the Middle!
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181328964967?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D181328964967%26_rdc%3D1 To make it easier.
  8. The F type hatch does require a certain technique but once mastered is easy enough. I should say was easy enough as when I was driving them a lot about 25 years ago, it was a doddle. I'm not as bendy now though.... The problem with the D type hull hatch is getting your legs to bend forwards to go under the glacis plate. Both types favour the smaller driver, at 6' 2", it is never going to be as for me easy as Sherman!
  9. D type hulls were used too, as mine. They had a different drivers hatch arrangement as the original D type hatches were not usable in Charioteer, they were barely usable in Cromwell.... The D hull conversions had a side opening single piece hatch hinged on its outer edge, similar but not the same as the welded hull Cromwell and A30 Challenger.
  10. The thing is a Conqueror weighs 65 tons and does 9 gallons to the mile...... That does lower it's desirability to many!
  11. I understand Marianne bought it as a present for Joop!
  12. John's Dozer was sold outside of the auction.
  13. Rick, the box holds five propelling charges for the 5.5" gun. Being a BL (breech loading) it uses incremental bag charges, this being for second charges. The cartridge is a 20mm cannon, British, the RG stands for Radway Green.
  14. There were instances of British Shermans taken over by US units, notably Crab mine flails. I wonder if the original USA numbers were repainted or if the T numbers were left on. I suspect the latter.
  15. They are Methyl Bromide extinguishers, only for external use as the fumes are poisonous. They came in at least two sizes, the larger, as used on vehicles, at 4 1/2" diameter and a smaller aircraft type at 2 1/2" dia.
  16. I think the cradle you describe is just canvas. There is no reason to have any form of steel cradle in that position.
  17. That's even funnier the second time of hearing it!:-D
  18. Graham, post the pics here! I would like to see them having had to listen to David reminiscing about his Champ for the last 28 years...
  19. I agree with Richard, usually a wise move as he's always right! The Cadillac piston specs are 3.4966 to 3.4986 for standards, height of 4.125. The bevelled crown and the thin slot above the top ring are all distinctive.
  20. No, not at all but there is a long way from thinking it was stupid and demanding someone is thrown in jail. You seem unable to differentiate.
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