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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Lance, the gauges are not the same. Cromwell is an 87PG/240 where the tube is 240" long Humber Scout is a 97PG/192 where the tube is.......192" long. The 87PG gauge is 0-160 PSI and the 97PG is 0-100 PSI but some illustrations show both and frankly, either would work fine. Out of interest, Centurion ARV uses a 87PG/312 and is a potential source. Obviously, the longer tube will work in all installations.
  2. Ok, that's not the right gauge then! Originally, it used a diaphragm sender with a sealed tube to the gauge. This avoids having engine oil under pressure routing through to the panel with the potential for leaks.
  3. Lance, the No 20 mount is the original type aimed through a periscope. It is a more rounded shape on the front with no visible bolts. It was replaced with the No 21.
  4. Are you sure? A number 21 would be more appropriate.
  5. With the 20' tube and diaphragm banjo fitting?
  6. It was indeed the left over scrap from the post war clearance of many airfields in East Anglia. It was all Inconel and Stainless, mainly exhaust sections, flexible ammo tracking and oxygen cylinders. These were valueless after the war as ss was not being recycled and so was buried to get rid of it. All the valuable aluminium was long gone.
  7. Aircraft wing guns have to be loaded and cocked manually before flight. The bolt stud is there but a cocking handle of some sort would be needed. A retracting slide from the manually fired guns could be fitted if they had access to one.
  8. There are several pictures of these fitted in Normandy, probably a quite desirable mod at the time!
  9. The aircraft guns are fired electrically but that only uses a solenoid clamped around the buffer tube on the back plate. The solenoid works against the trigger, albeit a different trigger to a ground mount gun. It wouldn't be hard for an armourer to convert from one to the other.
  10. I seem to remember British parachute troops, unlike the US, had no reserve.
  11. I have another one for your list Singe, a friend has just bought one that has been in hiding for 30 years. I'll e mail you details tomorrow.
  12. Two plugs per cylinder was originally for redundancy as it is a Merlin derivative, each mag running one plug per cylinder but running on one plug gives less power, not a lot less but there is a noticeable rev drop on one plug. The magnetos are perfectly reliable if the coils are in good condition and you keep them dry(ish).
  13. Yes, you are mistaken! Only LeTourneau used a cable blade, Cat D7 was usually fitted with it. Cat also used LaPlante Choate systems, International used Bucyrus Erie and Allis Chalmers used Baker, all hydraulic.
  14. I would agree, they look like artillery parts. The arc is probably from the breech ring and takes the roller from an interrupted screw mechanism. The lever looks like a trail clamp lever from a 5.5".
  15. Alex is right, in fact both of those pics are in the book. I think it was more common to see US track on Sextons but clearly, CDP was in front line use in Sept 44.
  16. Nice one Jim! When you say runs and drives as it should, does it start on petrol and switch over as original?
  17. There is a nice pic of a Sexton on CDP in the book Market Garden Then and Now.
  18. Well, what I meant is, it would be nice if my tank was worth the same as a Spitfire V is now!
  19. Somewhere I have a list of prices paid by the US government for the various medium tanks, the only one that sticks in my memory was $69,000 for the M4A4. This was equivalent to £17,000, roughly the same as a Mk V Spitfire in 1942, it would be nice if the current values were the same!
  20. The war finish plate is probably off a machine tool, I've had a few with similar plates over the years.
  21. It's a mop cover, presumably for 155mm.
  22. Regimental naming generally followed rules, albeit sometimes very loosely! There were some regiments that used US place names and only a few that were equipped with DD tanks. I'll see what I can come up with.
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